On Niiman, the 31st day of Lormesta, in the year 5113, 3 bells before the hour of Ronan, the Northern Fury will host an auction at the Northern Fortress in Icemule Trace. Proceeds will pay for annual upkeep and preventive maintenance to the fortress and to replenish depleted stocks of arms, armaments and supplies.
You will find a tentative list of items below. Some items will be sold as a set and others individually. Items listed are subject to change. We want all items to be sold so minimum bids will be low and there are no reserves.
The Northern Fortress is located outside of the west gate, 2 blocks north. If you have any questions contact Bryft.
a viper crested tower shield………………………………7x
a wolf-marked vultite greatshield………4x 2 slot fusion shield
a thick rolaren shield…………………..4x med shield
a tall hammered silver shield…………………4x medium shield
hammered rolaren buckler…………………..4x medium shield
some clawed-up golden leathers……….4x – change appearance
a suit of krolvin raiding armor………….4x brig
shadowy black steel breastplate…………………..4x torso and arms
some deep green brigandine armor………………..4x
a shadowy black steel breastplate…………………….4x torso and arms
a blood red vultite armor………………4x full plate
set of buffed coppery mithril platemail…………………..5x full plate – fusion 2 spots
a tailored thick leather waistcoat………………….4x torso only
heavy eonake arm and leg guards
Dwarven eonake arm and leg guards
a thin-bladed dark glaes longsword…………8x infused with a disrupting substance
Forged from a piece of lusterless, shadowy glaes, the sword has no shine or gleam. A long hilt of dark mithril is wrapped in black leather, and a simple black deathstone adorns the pommel. The blade tapers to a wickedly sharp point at the tip, with razor-like edges along either size of its length. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
Etched Vultite Dagger in the hilt…..4x
Tiny twisted amber walking staff…….+22 vultite alloy quarter staff altered
an elven vultite cutlass………….4x HCW
an elven forged vultite boar spear…………4x DW
a black ora dart……………………..2x
As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the black ora dart in your hand...
The dart resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Stamina Recovery.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 9 times.
It provides a bonus of 9 to Wisdom.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 45 times.
The dart looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
You sense that the black ora dart will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
a gold-tipped golvern lance………………5x +1 MOC ranks
a crystal-hafted void black warlance…………5x infused with a dark substance
a superior ebony spear………5x superior forging
a full-crescent ora battle axe………5x
UAC combat gear fire(set)
a drakar-runed fiery red spike-fist…………..4x fire flaring
some fiery red drakar-studded gauntlets…..4x fire flaring
some pebbled eahnor leather boots with a trio of drakar buckles……4x fire flaring
UAC combat gear (set)
gornar-runed dark umber spike-fist…………4x earth
some dark umber gornar-studded gauntlets……..4x earth
some pebbled eahnor leather boots with a trio of drakar buckles…….4x fire flares
UAC combat gear (set)
a zorchar-runed argent spike-fist…………….4x lighting flaring uac
some leather footwraps…………….4x
some shadowy vultite-studded gauntlets……..4x
UAC combat gear Ice (set)
a stylized vultite yierka-spur………………….4x ice
see some pale blue rhimar-studded gauntlets…………….4x ice
some slouched oyster leather boots with a rhimar-buckled vamp……..4x ice flare
UAC combat gear (set)
a pair of black onyx-toed boots………4x damage
a pair of black onyx-studded gauntlets……………………..4x damage
a zorchar-edged argent slash-fist……….4x light
Bow Set:
an ivory-nocked ruic longbow carved with a sinuous crimson blazestar-eyed wyvern along the limb…………………..4x
a crudely whittled bow……….5x
a dull ipantor long bow……..+17 somewhat sighted
Dagger Set:
serrated rolaren hunting knife………………….4x
a sharpened mithril spike…………….4x
a well-honed vultite knife……………..4x
a serrated vultite butcher knife………..4x
a 0 flecked dagger…………………0x, I think but has poison flares, was a pennant chase win
a vultite seaman's dirk……………….4x
a narrow-bladed cutthroat dagger……………4x (spiked)
The dagger is a slender blade, thinned so that it might easily slide through the crack of a windowsill, a doorframe, or a ribcage with relative ease. Tapered to a very fine point that's little more than a spike, it flares quickly out, engraved with a variety of vicious thorn covered roses that seem to match the appropriate blue black of the vultite. The guard and pommel is made of a set of the same twisting vines, folded in on each other, with very specific spaces set for fingers and hand. Two thin metal spikes are attached to the handle of the dagger. They are angled so that they lie parallel to one another, against the length of the weapon. Tightly coiled steel springs are clearly visible beneath the spikes. The springs appear to be in absolutely perfect condition. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.
a twisted black steel chain…..20 gold rings on it
a silverback orc hide tunic………….medium amount wear anywhere
a silver knight helm…..fluffy hat (illegal alter?)
a gold-inlaid leather satchel…….large amount – belt worn
rat skull satchel – belt worn large amount
Silver starred wizard hat - on your head silly
a triangular silvery mithril amulet set with a small faceted blue crystal (crystal holder)-neck
a vaalin-framed glass jeweler's loupe
Pearly black vaalin forms three teardrop-shaped arms, each protecting a differently sized glass lens. Each frame curves sharply in the same direction, allowing the encased lenses to swing out of their homes without impediment. A long vaalin cable chain extends from the center of the loupe.
You sense a faint aura of magic around the glass jeweler's loupe. You also feel a faint drawing sensation from it, as though when its charge is depleted, it may be refilled.
From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the loupe is to cast a spell or perform some magical purpose.
The glass jeweler's loupe contains the spell Presence, from the Minor Elemental circle.
You sense that the glass jeweler's loupe will persist after its last magical charge has been expended.
Ornate poison ring
Armor Concealing (sold as set):
You remove a hooded greatcloak fashioned from the full hide of a grizzly bear… all armors covers all
a long wool overcoat with a pleat down the back….. covers all armors but no head
a war griffin-crested midnight blue tabard….holds small amount covers all armors, head and arms
some deep black robes accented with silver lightning bolts…..soft leather all but head
a wire-braced strung bone harness…………med amount
Thick wires of matte white invar interlink to form a mesh network that shapes the structure of this harness. Beads of bone in varying sizes, shapes, and ivory hues are strung through the wires in a tight enough pattern to obscure the contents of the harness. Just enough of the invar wiring shows through the closely strung bits of bone to afford the harness a blood-speckled look provided by the red flecks inherent to the metal.
a black leather sylvan-crafted sack
Made from soft black leather dyed a deep midnight hue, this bag appears roomy enough to stash copious amounts of loot. Stitched onto the surface of the bag is the image of a resplendent tree at nighttime. Twining branches and softly layered leaves have been rendered in tone-on-tone lengths of silver thread, interspersed sparingly with glimmering onyx thread to give depth to the piece.
a moonlit silver gem pouch buttoned with vaalin veined heart-shaped soulstones
You reach down and carefully untie your silver gem pouch from your belt. You hear the tinkling sound of several gems bouncing around inside.
You pull the drawstrings of your silver gem pouch until they are tight, then carefully tie them together.
The interior of this silver gem pouch is divided into tiny velvet-lined compartments, each approximately the size of a small gem. The pouch is currently tied tightly shut
a perfect black mithril forging-hammer inlaid with jet and bone
white pearl-inlaid bracer (COL bracers)
armor and weapon scribe
a hammered golvern keyring (holds picks)
In the Common language, it reads:
Masters of the Sea
Pirate outfit (sold as set):
an unbuttoned white silk shirt with partially rolled-up sleeves….holds 2 small weapons
You slip into your white silk shirt, subtly checking the straps inside the sleeves to make sure they lie flat and undetectable.
You reach into the sleeve of your white silk shirt and release the strap holding your dagger in place. The cutthroat dagger slides into your waiting hand.
black pirate's eyepatch
a weathered black captain's hat
Made of faded and cracked black leather, this captain's has stood the test of time. Frayed gold braid runs along the high arc of the hat, reaching all the way across its wide brim. Pinned to the brim is a square-cut emerald bearing an Ashrim crest. Stitched inside the edge of the hat in fancy elvish script are the words -- T.A. Captain of the Matriarch Ship Batholith.
a rusted iron hook with a leather handguard
when worn in your description it shows this as your hand. Not in inventory
Cloth parrott
When worn in description shows wear this on shoulder. Not in inventory
a leathery grey squid tentacle belt with a gold beak buckle
some sun-faded eel skin pants fastened with rusty fishhooks
of some knee-high buccaneer's boots
a notched and faded russet leather swordbelt
A darkened elongated mahogany scabbard studded with turquoise rounds about the lip and a squat leather scabbard braced by mahogany slats hang from the russet leather swordbelt. Notches have been punched at evenly spaced intervals around the length of the swordbelt. Surrounding each circular notch, the dark color has faded, taking on a more golden tinge than the surrounding leather.
a variegated crimson marble reliquary
A multitude of carmine hues bleed together in a haze of color, the deeper tones shadowing the lighter to produce a mottled effect across the reliquary's flawless surface. Edging the lid are a number of curved onyx spikes, forming a razored border of tiny cat's claws. Atop the lid is a piece of jagged obsidian formed into a rough disc, its gleaming surface wrought with a design of a black cat's head, the feline eyes regarding the world with a calm, apathetic gaze.
Bag of Magical Trinkets (sold as a set):
a bronze and amber stickpin
From the rapid vibrations of the amber stickpin, you determine it has no spell within it now, but could be imbedded with one, in the proper hands. You estimate that it can contain a moderate amount of mana. You sense that the amber stickpin will persist after its last magical charge has been expended.
a silver glass whorl stickpin
This is a magical item, which casts spells from the Spirit sphere. It has 4 charges.
You sense a faint aura of magic around the whorl stickpin. You also feel a faint drawing sensation from it, as though when its charge is depleted, it may be refilled. You sense that this is some type of holy item. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the stickpin is to cast a spell or perform some magical purpose.
moonstone inset silver pin
From the rapid vibrations of the inset silver pin, you determine it has no spell within it now, but could be imbedded with one, in the proper hands. You estimate that it can contain an average amount of mana.
an ivory and pink dreamstone barrette
You sense a faint aura of magic around the pink dreamstone barrette. You also feel a faint drawing sensation from it, as though it may be able to hold more power. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the barrette is to cast a spell or perform some magical purpose. Also, it seems to have some sort of enhancive properties.
From the rapid vibrations of the pink dreamstone barrette, you determine it has no spell within it now, but could be imbedded with one, in the proper hands. You estimate that it can contain an average amount of mana. The magical strength of this item is strong. It could probably handle the imbedding of an entirely new spell, if handled with care.
The barrette resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 2 to First Aid Ranks.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 7 times.
It provides a bonus of 1 to Mana Recovery.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 4 times.
The barrette looks to have several charges remaining.
You sense that the pink dreamstone barrette will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
You sense that the pink dreamstone barrette will persist after its last magical charge has been expended.
a hammered pewter torc
The pewter torc contains the spell Arcane Decoy, from the Arcane circle. It has a few charges.
You sense that the pewter torc will persist after its last magical charge has been expended.
a fine star ruby pendant
You sense a faint aura of magic around the star ruby pendant. You also feel a faint drawing sensation from it, as though it may be able to hold more power. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the pendant is to cast a spell or perform some magical purpose. Also, it seems to have some sort of enhancive property
From the rapid vibrations of the star ruby pendant, you determine it has no spell within it now, but could be imbedded with one, in the proper hands. You estimate that it can contain an average amount of man.
The magical strength of this item is strong. It could probably handle the imbedding of an entirely new spell, if handled with care.
The pendant resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 4 to Edged Weapons Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 10 times.
The pendant looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.
You sense that the star ruby pendant will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
You sense that the star ruby pendant will persist after its last magical charge has been expended.