I was just wondering how tremendously hard would it be to implement a hat making system if you copy/paste the same materials for cobbling? I don't know how most people feel, but I kinda like my shoes and hat to match. I'm just curious since there's already alot of materials for cobbling, and it would be nice to use them in another system.
It would be amazing if the settings and materials would be able to be used for warrior made sheaths, but I'm pretty sure the sheath making system is older and probably doesn't play well with being updated.
Anyway it's just a thought, I know i wouldn't mind if you copy/paste the existing cobbling system and just do some cosmetic changes to make it for hats.
Re: Hat making
05/18/2017 09:59 PM CDT
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Re: Hat making
06/01/2017 08:12 AM CDT
This should be a rework of cobbling to include hats and gloves I mean seriously hands are really just elongated feet so it wouldn't be that much of a stretch...
See what I did there?
Re: Hat making
06/01/2017 08:35 AM CDT
My glover and hatter would be mad (heh) at you saying that! Let the cobbler stick to his last.
Re: Hat making
06/02/2017 06:36 AM CDT
Hats? Did someone say hats? You can't make it, but I've got a neat hat for you. Stay tuned...
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events
Omrii: Okay, thanks Haliste. You're way better than Wyrom.
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events
Omrii: Okay, thanks Haliste. You're way better than Wyrom.
Re: Hat making
06/04/2017 09:37 PM CDT
So happy to hear this! Between you and Mikos I'm frothing at the mouth to see what you come up with! Any clue on when you're magnificent hats will make an appearance? EG or do you have plans for sooner?
Re: Hat making
06/05/2017 06:13 AM CDT
Soon. Er...
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events
Omrii: Okay, thanks Haliste. You're way better than Wyrom.
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events
Omrii: Okay, thanks Haliste. You're way better than Wyrom.