Arkati Themed items 07/13/2012 09:24 AM CDT
Looking for Arkati specific item that a follower might like: clothing, weapon, armor, jewelry (pretty much anything) ideas.

feel free to mail me.

Ideas should be no more than 60 characters long and follow all alteration rules. Also let me know what Arkati.

~ Valyrka ~
Dark Elves
Forest Gnomes
Re: Arkati Themed items 07/13/2012 12:40 PM CDT
Would love to see tabards with Arkati themes. These would be layered items that can be worn over your armor.

For example:

A dark green silk tabard emblazoned with a white lily on the chest.

A deep crimson wool tabard with a silver clenched fist on the chest.

These need to be functional also. The following are the specs from my current tabard.

You carefully inspect your crushed silk tabard.

You estimate that a light brown crushed silk tabard can store a medium-sized amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the tabard over your front. The tabard appears to serve some purpose.

You carefully examine the crushed silk tabard and determine that the weight is about 3 pounds.
Re: Arkati Themed items 07/13/2012 09:52 PM CDT
I would personally love to see some Jaston-themed items.

Some random suggestions:

1) Arkati themed signet rings are always fun.

2) It's been a long time since I was able to shop for Arkati themed socks. These make great gifts for Thrakmas as well!
e.g. a pair of grey red-eyed jackal socks.

3) Arkati themed armor concealers:
>wear my robe
You carefully work your way into some long flowing golden silk robes embroidered with the visage of a black jackal, layering it to conceal your imflass full plate.

4) It would be amusing to be able to buy a a stack of Arkati themed pamphlets that could be carried from tent to tent and handed out to potential converts:

An annoying zealot offers you a smoke colored pamphlet.

You accept Annoyting zealots smoke colored pamphlet.

>Examine my pamphlet
Your smoke colored pamphlet bears the striking image of a beautiful woman with tentacles in the place of arms. There appears to be something written on the smoke colored pamphlet.

>Read my pamphlet
In the common language you read "Ivas loves you."

5) Instead of weapons how about arkati themed weapon wraps for weapons (materials that would wrap around the handle of the blade and add an arkati distinctive touch to an existing weapon.

You glance down to see a mithril longsword in your right hand and an ivas wrap in your left hand.
>Put wrap on my longsword
You wrap the hilt of your mithril longsword with your leather ivas wrap.
You glance down to see a mithril longsword with the striking image of a beautiful woman with tentacles emblazoned upon the leather bound hilt.

6) Having the ability to add Iasha weapon zests to an existing holy weapon would be pretty cool. Alternatively, having arkati themed wraps 9from 5 above) that add some basic arkati scripts to a weapon would be cool as well.

7) Arkati jewelry has been done fairly frequently. Maybe some arkati themed piercing jewelry and accompanying arkati themed piercing tools (needle, sharpening stone, piercing kit container).

-- Robert
Re: Arkati Themed items 07/17/2012 02:59 AM CDT
I've got a shop in the works for EG that will cater to this market demographic. Arkati only though, "lesser spirit followers" need not apply.

Silly lesser spirits!

GemStone IV will be up shortly!
Sorry guys, my bad :(
Re: Arkati Themed items 07/17/2012 10:29 AM CDT
Awesome ideas! Seems a few folks, like me have eg ideas!

~ Valyrka ~
Dark Elves
Forest Gnomes
Re: Arkati Themed items 08/03/2012 08:31 PM CDT
All good ideas. Somewhat close to the topic, I would also like to see deity conversions being offered as a merchant service somehow. I know I've run into difficulty myself finding a cleric of some of the less popular choices for that one time when IC events lead a character to want to walk a different path. It could made similar to the way Intercession works now, in that the cost (or the ability to even convert in the first place) depends on how many times a character has done so before. Make it a bit pricy - nothing too insane, but enough that only players who REALLY want it will actually go through with it.

Well, that's my two silvers.

~Teveriel, player of.
Re: Arkati Themed items 08/06/2012 09:01 AM CDT

Loving the ideas I'm seeing here. I've long desired to properly outfit my Paladin but am generally lazy and content to sit back and wait for someone else to do it.

The layered clothing ideas are lovely. I'd like to see some weapons that flare or have properties granted by followers of their deity. Something that only works in the hands of a patron. Blessing sheaths that give flaring blesses in the hands those aligned with the Patheon of Liabo, just blesses to all other alignments, etc.

I have always enjoyed Arkati based events/items because they provide depth to the game.