I found a scroll with this at the pawnshop, went up to pinefar to test it out on the swarms there. I have to say that overall I wasn't impressed. I only flared about once a minute and only flared on fire-weak things for around 15ish points of damage. It honestly wouldn't be worth the bother of invoking a scroll to use.
If the frequency I noticed wasn't a fluke I'd like to see the duration increased 10-30 minutes so that it's at least worth the time it takes to invoke the scroll. If it stays at 4 minutes then the frequency or damage should be significantly increased.
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
03/31/2011 11:35 PM CDT
If I recall, the spell works as you saw it. It should flare with a chance to strike every 30 (or maybe was 60) seconds.
It does seem kind of weak that it only lasts 4 minutes, would be nice if the duration was at least doubled or set to 10 minutes. The spell is working as intended from what I read up on it from earlier posts.
I think the idea of the spell was more so meant to help at lower levels and being kind of a weak benefit spell upon older levels. Though that's just a guess on my part, I'm not sure what the actual designer and QC team's reason(s) was.
It does seem kind of weak that it only lasts 4 minutes, would be nice if the duration was at least doubled or set to 10 minutes. The spell is working as intended from what I read up on it from earlier posts.
I think the idea of the spell was more so meant to help at lower levels and being kind of a weak benefit spell upon older levels. Though that's just a guess on my part, I'm not sure what the actual designer and QC team's reason(s) was.
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
03/31/2011 11:58 PM CDT
One thing I can tell you, is that it can deal a nasty crit and stun to a PC.
Dave, Brandain's Bard
Dave, Brandain's Bard
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
04/01/2011 06:59 AM CDT
>One thing I can tell you, is that it can deal a nasty crit and stun to a PC.
Oops . . .
- Greminty
Oops . . .
- Greminty
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
04/01/2011 10:20 AM CDT
Yeah; it's not player friendly, so invoking it in town is a bad idea. In fact, invoking it in a busy hunting area will not win you any friends either. It's a poorly implemented spell, and hardly worth using.
"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"
"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville; we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"
"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville; we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
04/01/2011 10:31 AM CDT
I believe a change to the spell since its reintroduction is that it deactivates when in town.
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
04/01/2011 12:49 PM CDT
>Oops . . . - Greminty
At least we were in a safe place. My worst misadventure with 1706 was actually inside the Rift. Sot and Rahsh were hunting on plane one, and I had cast Aura for some reason without thinking of the group hide mechanics. He hides and stalks me, we move one room forward, he ambushes a Vvrael witch and legs it. The acid spray from the limb crit severs Rahsh's leg, and because we're now un-grouped my flaming aura flares and severs his leg.
Leaving all three of us stunned, legged, dazed from the screen-scroll and wondering what the heck just happened...
Dave, Brandain's Bard
At least we were in a safe place. My worst misadventure with 1706 was actually inside the Rift. Sot and Rahsh were hunting on plane one, and I had cast Aura for some reason without thinking of the group hide mechanics. He hides and stalks me, we move one room forward, he ambushes a Vvrael witch and legs it. The acid spray from the limb crit severs Rahsh's leg, and because we're now un-grouped my flaming aura flares and severs his leg.
Leaving all three of us stunned, legged, dazed from the screen-scroll and wondering what the heck just happened...
Dave, Brandain's Bard
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
04/01/2011 10:30 PM CDT
<<Leaving all three of us stunned, legged, dazed>>
Hehe, now that is a good story.
Caden \ adam
Hehe, now that is a good story.
Caden \ adam
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
04/01/2011 11:05 PM CDT
>Hehe, now that is a good story. - Adam
Any story that results in you lying down in a daze and wondering how you got there... Probably a good story.
Dave, Brandain's Bard
Any story that results in you lying down in a daze and wondering how you got there... Probably a good story.
Dave, Brandain's Bard
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
04/02/2011 07:41 AM CDT
It is not a poorly implemented new spell, it's a reimplemented old spell (that was deactivated due to player unfriendliness, most likely).
It used to be contained in bronze squares (or another object like red crystals which were discontinued because of player unfriendliness, most likely.)
I still have a bronze square but I doubt it would do anything if I rubbed it.
It used to be contained in bronze squares (or another object like red crystals which were discontinued because of player unfriendliness, most likely.)
I still have a bronze square but I doubt it would do anything if I rubbed it.
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
04/05/2011 12:35 PM CDT
Not the bronze squares, that was a different spell.
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
05/11/2011 01:19 PM CDT
Bronze square became V'tull's Fury: it was originally
- one swing at +30OB against every target in the room (including other characters)
- it worked with the weapon in your right hand regardless (including 2Hand weapons when the bronze square in your left didn't crumble because it still had charges).
Since Guidance/117 used to last for ten seconds (rather than one swing), you would use the Council's Sign of Madness [+50], throw up Guidance [+75], and then rub your square [+30 more] == +155 swing over what you normally had in offensive, with a claidhmore, at everything in the room.
It was usually highly effective, and the 20s RT you would just wait out (in the now-unthreatening room) and then search all the dead beasties.
- one swing at +30OB against every target in the room (including other characters)
- it worked with the weapon in your right hand regardless (including 2Hand weapons when the bronze square in your left didn't crumble because it still had charges).
Since Guidance/117 used to last for ten seconds (rather than one swing), you would use the Council's Sign of Madness [+50], throw up Guidance [+75], and then rub your square [+30 more] == +155 swing over what you normally had in offensive, with a claidhmore, at everything in the room.
It was usually highly effective, and the 20s RT you would just wait out (in the now-unthreatening room) and then search all the dead beasties.
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
05/11/2011 01:26 PM CDT
Oh, what I meant to comment on was that I think the red/blue flaming aura showed up in rubbable triangles.
And they were never PC-friendly.
And they had an incredibly long wait-time.
And they frequently struck at already-dead creatures.
All of which made them essentially useless.
And they were never PC-friendly.
And they had an incredibly long wait-time.
And they frequently struck at already-dead creatures.
All of which made them essentially useless.
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
05/11/2011 03:01 PM CDT
i still have one of the old bronze squares in a locker somewhere...i should get it out and have it sung...
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
05/14/2011 08:37 PM CDT
I've been playing around with this spell a lot recently... I kind of like it. I've one hit killed seekers with it, and often stuned things that put me into roundtime.
Also, it does not seem to attack players where justice is active. I can leave it on all day in the town center of icemule, and no burnt empaths! I did get a few shocked looks the first time I lit myself on fire, though.
-Player of Airend
Also, it does not seem to attack players where justice is active. I can leave it on all day in the town center of icemule, and no burnt empaths! I did get a few shocked looks the first time I lit myself on fire, though.
-Player of Airend
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
07/17/2011 02:45 PM CDT
>>i still have one of the old bronze squares in a locker somewhere...i should get it out and have it sung...
Hmm I always forget to loresing random items..I know I have a red crystal and either a triangle or a square in my locker I should dig out as well.
Care to post your loresong Rolfard if you get to your locker before I get around to visiting Teras for mine?
Hmm I always forget to loresing random items..I know I have a red crystal and either a triangle or a square in my locker I should dig out as well.
Care to post your loresong Rolfard if you get to your locker before I get around to visiting Teras for mine?
Re: 1706 - Flaming Aura
07/17/2011 06:26 PM CDT
a bronze square
As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the bronze square in your hand, and you learn something about it...
This is a small item, under a pound. In your best estimation, it's worth about 3,400 silvers.
As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the bronze square in your hand, and you learn something about it...
From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the square is to cast a spell or perform some magical purpose.
As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the bronze square in your hand...
This is a magical item, which casts spells of some type, though you are not sure of the sphere. It has 4 charges.
As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the bronze square in your hand...
You sense that the bronze square will disintegrate after its last magical charge has been expended.
As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the bronze square in your hand, and you learn something about it...
This is a small item, under a pound. In your best estimation, it's worth about 3,400 silvers.
As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the bronze square in your hand, and you learn something about it...
From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the square is to cast a spell or perform some magical purpose.
As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the bronze square in your hand...
This is a magical item, which casts spells of some type, though you are not sure of the sphere. It has 4 charges.
As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the bronze square in your hand...
You sense that the bronze square will disintegrate after its last magical charge has been expended.