Re: 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift spell bug? 06/15/2011 07:17 AM CDT
<< Is it intended that 1016 - Song of Rage be available to someone using 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift? >>

Spells that are found on scrolls in the normal treasure system are available through spell 1750. Song of Rage (1016) is one of those spells. See the saved post at the bottom of this page on Krakiipedia for spells recently added to scrolls in the normal treasure system:

If you have a scroll with spell 1016 on it, you can test to see if it works when cast from a scroll. I do not see any scrolls with spell 1016 for sale in player shops, and I do not have any in my collection of scrolls, which makes me wonder if it really appears on scrolls in the treasure system.

If you don't get an answer here, you might try asking in the Bard folder. Somebody there should know if there is a prerequisite that a non-Bard is unlikely to possess.
1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift 11/03/2009 04:22 PM CST
Are there any plans to make a spell known via Fash'lo'nae's Gift usable for imbedding or for creating alchemical potions, trinkets, etc (using CHANT)?

-- Faulkil

>invoke 1750
1d100: 10 + Modifiers: 320 == 330

You raise the yellowed tome and gesture to invoke the Fash'lo'nae's Gift spell.
Sparks begin to fly between the yellowed tome and your fingers. With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into your hand and a charged feeling surrounds you.
You gesture.
Your mind's eye drifts to visions of vast, ancient libraries and you sense, with unnatural clarity, that you can clearly discern the arcane texts that once eluded you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prepare 602
Countless images of symbols and runes fill your mind as you begin to tap into the limitless resources of magical knowledge at your disposal. The workings of the Resist Elements spell are burnt into your memory.
You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Resist Elements spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
The air about you shimmers slightly.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Re: 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift 11/03/2009 04:37 PM CST
>>Are there any plans to make a spell known via Fash'lo'nae's Gift usable for imbedding or for creating alchemical potions, trinkets, etc (using CHANT)?


= - GM Oscuro - =

Rogue Team
Cleric/Empath Team
Re: 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift 11/03/2009 08:09 PM CST
Good heavens! It's the attack of the Oscurophion!

Ancient yellow tome - 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift 11/08/2009 11:46 PM CST
I haven't yet had much opportunity to play with this spell since I won the ancient yellow tome at the auction. My general excuses are that I have been:

1) Digging like mad in EG.
2) Catching up on a large number of forums.
3) Working on burning through the 'painful three' Alchemy Ranks (47-49) this weekend. No doubt there is more alchemical fun and excitement to come! (special thanks to Belnia for coming to the rescue with much violet goodness!!!)

I've started to put together some ideas of things that would be fun to try/test out and thought I would post here and see if there were any experiments anyone would like for me to try and post the results for.

So far I have used the tome twice:

- First attempt: I used it to cast 602 with unlimited casting for 10+ minutes and had fun spelling up myself and others in the area. I was getting about 20 minutes per cast on the spell which I believe is base for 602.
- Second attempt: I was planning to go 'Holy Bolt' hunting ...just because... but I made the mistake of invoking 1750 in town and waited to long before picking a spell. It seems that there is about a 30-60 second window in which you need to choose your spell after invoking 1750. Now noted for future casts! I'll likely give Holy Bolt hunting a try in another day or so and post the results vs. my normal hunting spells.

I love the tome as it really does fit my character from the perspective of not normally using scrolls or magic items but providing a situational/utility spell as needed! I plan on having a lot of fun trying to find strange and creative ways to use spells that I don't normally have access to.

As a side note, several bards have asked me about the loresong for the tome. I had the tome sung to and was surprised to find that it doesn't have a loresong! Maybe someday I'll win an EZScript auction and have a loresong added to it...

-- Faulkil
Re: Ancient yellow tome - 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift 11/09/2009 12:53 PM CST
>- First attempt: I used it to cast 602 with unlimited casting for 10+ minutes and had fun spelling up myself and others in the area. I was getting about 20 minutes per cast on the spell which I believe is base for 602.

There might be something wrong then, as I believe 1750 was changed to account for your AS training to affect duration when invoking and MIU when activating from a magic item. You might want to check on your next attempt using it for a buff spell with duration. You should have got a lot more than the 20 minute base duration for 602 per cast.
Re: Ancient yellow tome - 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift 11/09/2009 06:48 PM CST
I'll try 602 again tonight, cast it once, and see how long it takes to wear off.

-- Faulkil
1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift spell bug? 06/14/2011 11:35 PM CDT
I am in the process of compiling a comprehensive list of all spells that can be cast using 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift. Once I am done with my study, I will post the list somwhere that folks can access it.

One of the spells I tested this evening was 1016 - Song of Rage. I was able to prep the spell but not able to cast it at any target (tested on rolton, kobold, squirrel, a willing level 1 assistant, a willing level 51 assistant, and myself). The cast result was always the same:

You sing a melody, directing the sound of your voice at [willing assistant].
That does not seem to work.
Sing Roundtime 3 Seconds.

My thoughts for this spell (1016) are that a non-bard shouldn't be able to cast it using 1750. However, assuming it was intended to be cast then it should have an effect on something? So the questions I have are:

- Is it intended that 1016 - Song of Rage be available to someone using 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift?

- If this is intended, is the problem described a problem with how I am using the spell (1016), a problem with 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift, or a problem with 1016 - Song of Rage?

- If this is not intended, is this a problem with 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift, or a problem with 1016 - Song of Rage?

It definitely seems to me that it is a bug of some sort that the spell can be prepped but not effectively cast.

-- Robert aka Faulkil
Re: 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift spell bug? 03/05/2012 04:36 PM CST
I'm seeing the same issue with 1750 when trying to cast Purification Song (1004) with which is indeed commonly found on scrolls. So maybe this issue affects Bard songs generally. I get the same "That does not seem to work." response. In addition it prevents me from purifying the gem further even using a scroll after I try with that failed 1004 cast. I continue to get the "That does not seem to work." response even from the scroll cast at that point.
Re: 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift spell bug? 03/05/2012 05:06 PM CST
If 1750 is still active it may be interfering with your scroll (since that is the spell you chose to learn). Did you try using your scroll once 1750 ended?

-- Robert

Much to your horror, a devastating inferno of flaming rocks ignite the entire sky and smite the area!
Re: 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift spell bug? 03/05/2012 06:25 PM CST
Ok, you were right. During my tests I didn't let the 1750 wear off before I tested with a scroll. Once I let it wear off I was indeed able to purify the gem with a 1004 scroll. So, that's a plus... but there's still apparently a bug with 1004 (perhaps all spellsongs, I have only personally tested 1004) where it cannot be used with 1750. 1004 is commonly found on scrolls so it SHOULD be eligible for use.

On a side note, I during my latest test I rolled high enough to keep casting 1004 until my time ran out. I managed to dispel myself of 1750 successfully which I confirmed both by the messaging of the spell wearing off as well as my inability to prep 1004 anymore, however invoking 1004 off a scroll continued to fail on all gems. Thinking perhaps it may be buggy if dispelled, I waited a long time before trying to 1004 off the scroll again and eventually it did start working again.
Re: 1750 - Fash'lo'nae's Gift 05/25/2015 05:54 PM CDT
With the introduction of the Dauntless Hearts at EG, can I request a re-evaluation of the removal of 1606 and 1618 from 1750 /scroll lists?
