Can this be added to the STOPable exemption list, like Minor Sanctuary?
Currently, a player can achieve a 10 minute duration with a high enough MIU skill + roll. This is great for some spells, but isn't practical if you want to use 1750 to stack one spell, and then use 1750 again to stack a different spell, since it may only take a few seconds of casting to hit 4 hours and not 10 minutes.
Re: Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) and STOP
12/06/2016 12:17 PM CST
Can this be added to the STOPable exemption list, like Minor Sanctuary? |
Currently, a player can achieve a 10 minute duration with a high enough MIU skill + roll. This is great for some spells, but isn't practical if you want to use 1750 to stack one spell, and then use 1750 again to stack a different spell, since it may only take a few seconds of casting to hit 4 hours and not 10 minutes. |
Thanks! |
You can now simply recast Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) while it's already active. It will just remove the previous effect.
GameMaster Estild