If I remember correctly, 1706 is not supposed to work inside of towns. This is not the case with the Pinefar trading post. I am hoping that this is not by design and can be fixed.
Re: 1706 in Pinefar
05/12/2016 09:56 AM CDT
If I remember correctly, 1706 is not supposed to work inside of towns. This is not the case with the Pinefar trading post. I am hoping that this is not by design and can be fixed. |
Flaming Aura (1706) has been updated so that when it is cast by a player, it will only flare against creatures (and vice versa for creatures).
GameMaster Estild
Re: 1706 in Pinefar
05/12/2016 09:59 AM CDT
>Flaming Aura (1706) has been updated so that when it is cast by a player, it will only flare against creatures (and vice versa for creatures).
Nice update, usable spell now
Re: 1706 in Pinefar
05/12/2016 01:35 PM CDT
>Flaming Aura (1706) has been updated so that when it is cast by a player, it will only flare against creatures (and vice versa for creatures).
Taking a CvC / PvP element out of a CvE game? The brash nerve of it! If you keep this up, I won't be able to play innocent when my AoE spells 'accidentally' tag other players resulting in their deaths. Do you really want us to stop maiming each other my mistake?
Nice change. Can we get more of this for other spells, and toss the player-unfriendly aspects into an EVOKE or something?
Taking a CvC / PvP element out of a CvE game? The brash nerve of it! If you keep this up, I won't be able to play innocent when my AoE spells 'accidentally' tag other players resulting in their deaths. Do you really want us to stop maiming each other my mistake?
Nice change. Can we get more of this for other spells, and toss the player-unfriendly aspects into an EVOKE or something?
Re: 1706 in Pinefar
05/12/2016 02:36 PM CDT
Nice change. Can we get more of this for other spells, and toss the player-unfriendly aspects into an EVOKE or something? |
Negative. I'm usually in favor of spells that are group friendly only (and thus affect/hurt non-group members). They require the player to consider whether it's acceptable to use the spell on each cast, add more risk, and promote interaction between players (I've made a number of friends by accidentally killing them).
Flaming Aura was changed because the caster has no control over when it will flare. With other mass attack spells and abilities, it's usually a matter of entering the game command (and thus considering your options then) and immediately seeing the result. The latter is much more manageable.
GameMaster Estild
Re: 1706 in Pinefar
05/13/2016 02:29 PM CDT
Estilid was it your PC I accidentally maimed in duskruin? :)
Now I can't super saiyan and hurt innocent people anymore:)
Re: 1706 in Pinefar
05/29/2016 08:26 PM CDT
>usable spell now
I take that back :) Trying to cast off a scroll and 1720 is blocking it.