Is it a bug, feature, or working as intended that green coral wands (1707, Minor steam), are detected as out of circle by a capped mage, and difficult to charge?
The spell description says it's native to the Wizard circle, so I expected it to be no harder than a gold or metal wand. I thought blue wands/crystal wands are chargeable as normal wizard (but didn't test any last night).
1707 ยท Minor Steam [minorsteam]
Duration: Immediate
Type: Attack
A seething blast of steam is shot from the palm of the caster. This is an elemental attack spell and uses the Aimed Spells skill.
This spell is native to the Wizard circle.
This spell can commonly be found in green coral wands.
Re: Charging green coral wands: Minor Steam
08/03/2011 07:17 PM CDT
Speaking anecdotally...
My own experience has been that they are really not that much more difficult to charge than gold wands. The mana cost is a bit higher on a per-charge basis, but I didn't really notice too much in that regard either.
I don't keep a lot of detailed records when I do any recharging with 517, and, I also haven't charged many coral wands - however, I've had no difficulty with the ones I did charge.
Perhaps you just got unlucky.
My own experience has been that they are really not that much more difficult to charge than gold wands. The mana cost is a bit higher on a per-charge basis, but I didn't really notice too much in that regard either.
I don't keep a lot of detailed records when I do any recharging with 517, and, I also haven't charged many coral wands - however, I've had no difficulty with the ones I did charge.
Perhaps you just got unlucky.
Re: Charging green coral wands: Minor Steam
08/04/2011 10:33 PM CDT
>Is it a bug, feature, or working as intended that green coral wands (1707, Minor steam), are detected as out of circle by a capped mage, and difficult to charge?
>The spell description says it's native to the Wizard circle, so I expected it to be no harder than a gold or metal wand. I thought blue wands/crystal wands are chargeable as normal wizard (but didn't test any last night).
I guess it depends on what you mean by "detected out of circle". Obviously your not going to be able to detect it as minor steam with 405 since 405 doesn't detect anything not in the casters circles. So, all we have to go on is that when you try and charge them they don't require double or triple base mana per charge. Which they don't I'm pretty sure so they are considered as an elemental spell when recharging which is more or less what "Native to the Wizard Circle" means in this case. Should they be as easy as a gold or mental wand? Probably not quite as easy but as LordKrip already said they aren't that much harder. With a capped mage it wasn't any harder really than putting 40 charges in a gold wand that I re-call.
>The spell description says it's native to the Wizard circle, so I expected it to be no harder than a gold or metal wand. I thought blue wands/crystal wands are chargeable as normal wizard (but didn't test any last night).
I guess it depends on what you mean by "detected out of circle". Obviously your not going to be able to detect it as minor steam with 405 since 405 doesn't detect anything not in the casters circles. So, all we have to go on is that when you try and charge them they don't require double or triple base mana per charge. Which they don't I'm pretty sure so they are considered as an elemental spell when recharging which is more or less what "Native to the Wizard Circle" means in this case. Should they be as easy as a gold or mental wand? Probably not quite as easy but as LordKrip already said they aren't that much harder. With a capped mage it wasn't any harder really than putting 40 charges in a gold wand that I re-call.
Re: Charging green coral wands: Minor Steam
08/05/2011 12:56 PM CDT
I'll watch them more closely on my next charging session. I can fill an empty gold wand in one rub, but the green coral was taking multiple, and should be only 1 more mana point than gold.
I was also encumbered, not sure if that's a factor. Wizard wands were too easy, so if encumberence is a factor, I may have been right at the edge.
I was also encumbered, not sure if that's a factor. Wizard wands were too easy, so if encumberence is a factor, I may have been right at the edge.