Animal companion-demeanor
01/12/2016 08:27 AM CST
I would like to ask if the demeanor on companions can be looked at. It currently follows the player rangers demeanor. However, it can be bypassed. The Pet verb for example ignores the rangers demeanor. I would ask that our companion's demeanor to be adjusted if possible to allow the ranger and companion to each have their own demeanor. Also that the various interaction verbs be checked so they are not be able to be bypassed.
Having someone join your group at this time also bypasses demeanor and allows people to do anything they like to the companion.
Re: Animal companion-demeanor
01/12/2016 09:04 AM CST
I agree and also like to see different messaging based on demeanor. This was discussed in this folder i think a year ago and would still like an over haul of the companion messaging.
pup's player
Re: Animal companion-demeanor
04/15/2016 06:15 AM CDT
Bump Again
Bump bump bump
Demeanor, 'pet verb' Bump bump bump:) it ignores demeanor. Please have it follow the rangers demeanor, like rub and other verbs.
Re: Animal companion-demeanor
04/15/2016 03:00 PM CDT
This is a player attempting to interact with my companion.
Aurach Cold Demeanor.
Other player actions and view:
>pet curhound
You give the curhound a brief pet.
>rub curh
You begin to approach the dusky curhound, but think better of your actions.
>hug curh
You approach the dusky curhound with arms open, but a low growl and bared teeth stops you from getting any closer.
>lean curh
You reach over and attempt to lean a hand on the dusky curhound, who casts an appraising glance in your direction and moves out of reach.
>pull curh
You reach over toward the dusky curhound. As your hand nears, he lowers his head and crouches slightly in a clear warning, and you pull your hand away.
Aurach Warm demeanor.
>pet curhound
You pet the curhound.
>rub curh
You gently rub the dusky curhound on the top of his head.
>lean curh
You reach over and lean a hand on the dusky curhound, who glances briefly in your direction in acknowledgement.
>hug curh
You give the dusky curhound a gentle hug.
>lean curh
You reach over and lean a hand on the dusky curhound, who glances briefly in your direction in acknowledgement.
Aurach Reserved Demeanor.
>pet curhound
You timidly pet the curhound.
>lean curh
You reach over and attempt to lean a hand on the dusky curhound, who casts an appraising glance in your direction and moves out of reach.
>hug curh
You approach the dusky curhound with arms open, but a low growl and bared teeth stops you from getting any closer.
>rub curh
You begin to approach the dusky curhound, but think better of your actions.
Please adjust the Pet verb in stances Cold and Reserved to 'have the companions' either growl or avoid the touch of strangers.
Thank you.