Cease RT Necessary? 02/27/2015 09:46 AM CST
I'm curious about why the ranger gets RT when telling their companion to cease. It seems completely unnecessary given that companions (in their own internal mechanics) have built in response times to player command.

For example, I can tell my companion to do any number of things at once, incur no RT, and the companion will only do the last thing I told it to do because each action takes a certain amount of time for the companion to complete.

Even attack and guard don't just revert back to inactive following immediately upon telling the companion to cease. The companion must complete its current "round" before moving on to a different state.

Removing cease RT would make it much easier to stop the still incessant companion mood scripts, too.

I'd also like to question the necessity of RT for the fly and land (or equiv) commands. Neither flying nor standing provide any mechanical advantage. I don't think players would abuse the commands to create screen scroll (which is against POLICY already anyway) -- I don't see wizard familiars creating any problems.

~Brian, Sepher's player