LOOT/SEARCH and Hiding 02/08/2011 06:38 AM CST
Does it make sense for anyone to give ways for hiders to loot their kills and atleast have a chance to remain in hiding? Many attempts of late were made to give hiders, specificially rogues, more reason to move towards a pure stealth build. Tie it into Armor Use, and have it so that you make an attempt to drag a body off in the shadows to loot it, or better yet, have it just decay as it would if you had searched it.

Hell, if you REALLY think it is overpowered, tie it into the Pickpocketing skill. You can steal from the dead while hidden, right? Well, just have Stalking & Hiding and Pickpocketing be a factor in success. This just seems like a given for the improvement to stealth based combat that would reduce tedium and support current mechanics goals.
Re: LOOT/SEARCH and Hiding 02/08/2011 08:29 AM CST
rg stealth loot would be a good way to do it (if it isn't already possible via one of the rg stealth commands)
Re: LOOT/SEARCH and Hiding 02/08/2011 08:32 AM CST
True, but that would limit it to just rogues. I see no reason why rangers and other stealthy types shouldn't be able to manage the feat. It would just be more difficult for them.
Re: LOOT/SEARCH and Hiding 02/15/2011 06:44 PM CST
-Does it make sense for anyone to give ways for hiders to loot their kills and atleast have a chance to remain in hiding? Many attempts of late were made to give hiders, specificially rogues, more reason to move towards a pure stealth build. Tie it into Armor Use, and have it so that you make an attempt to drag a body off in the shadows to loot it, or better yet, have it just decay as it would if you had searched it.-

I think to have to loot you would actually have to come out of hiding, it just wouldn't seem to natural if not, especially with other creatures around. I do though agree with the concept, and that someone that stealthy, should be able to search/loot and slip back into hiding either with little wasted time, and almost immediately, if not automatically.( that being Rogues/rangers/ any anyone else that has trained that hightly in those areas.

Slipping out of hiding to loot and rehide should at the very least take less time. I think even be perhaps a separate verb that lets you loot and hide on one step (or try too). If you get noticed in those few seconds, then you must fight, but if not you should be back in the shadows faster with little if any penalty at all. 608, I think is the spell, should offer that benefit also without recasting as the magic is meant to create a better blending in with your environment. (although, having to do a ward rool, roll with a reduced chance to succeed, or something to test rehiding without recasting would be expected)