CLIMBing 01/20/2012 04:29 PM CST
[Vornavian Coast, Pine Forest]
You notice a rockslide leading down into a foggy valley.
Obvious paths: north, west
>stop 1012
Your sonic warlance dissipates.
You stop singing Sonic Weapon Song.
>climb rockslide

You skillfully move down the rockslide. Before you have even begun to pant, your climb comes to an end at the bottom.

[Vornavian Coast, Foggy Valley]
You notice a rockslide leading up into a pine forest.
Obvious paths: north

Please fix CLIMBing in general.

As a bard, you have to drop your sonic weapon in order to make most climbs. This is mana intensive and annoying.

You should also be able to drag a body up and down any climb in the game so a corpse doesn't get stuck somewhere.
Re: CLIMBing 01/20/2012 04:57 PM CST
<<You should also be able to drag a body up and down any climb in the game so a corpse doesn't get stuck somewhere.

There are many other options to getting corpses out of that area beyond just dragging.

Re: CLIMBing 01/20/2012 05:08 PM CST
If that's the rockslide I'm thinking of, you have to have both hands free to climb it. If you really think about it, climbing often includes using your hands, which is hard to do if you're holding something. Yes, for bards it is annoying because of the mana factor.. but it's one of the prices that is paid for using sonic weapons. Which, by the way, have no silver cost, cannot be disarmed, are never lost to the janitor, the enchant goes up with your training, and you get flares.

As for dragging corpses, some climbing areas just use different syntax to drag someone over it. Some areas cannot be dragged over (ice patches) but fogging works. Just because something is climbable doesn't mean you should necessarily be able to drag a corpse along with you. Nightmare Gorge, for example.. you can get a corpse into the gorge on the Pinefar side, but it makes sense that you wouldn't be able to drag a body up the other side.

Just my thoughts.
Re: CLIMBing 01/20/2012 05:41 PM CST

If by many other options you mean a method of teleportation, then sure. But if you're someone that can't do that, then you're adrift on the proverbial tributary while lacking a suitable means of locomotion.

And there's a lot of people, especially those hunting in that particular area, that won't have that ability yet. And if there's nobody around that can, I'd call that a pretty fair gripe. There's no other way.
Re: CLIMBing 01/20/2012 05:59 PM CST

<<There are many other options to getting corpses out of that area beyond just dragging. -Aulis>>

I don't care.

This wasn't really put up for options, or alternatives or to discuss the benefit of bard weapons.

CLIMBing is annoying, broken and horribly coded.

I don't care if you can teleport, I don't care if bard spells are awesome.

I care that I have to drop my weapon as a bard to make a climb, and I care that corpses get stuck in various parts of the game because mechanics are crap.
Re: CLIMBing 01/20/2012 06:37 PM CST
Just by posting it you are leaving it open to discussion for possible options and alternatives.

Re: CLIMBing 01/20/2012 06:44 PM CST

The options and alternatives are just as annoying as the people posting to tell me about the options and alternatives. I'm well aware of the options and alternatives. I'm complaining about the way it actually works.

So lets ignore all the crap that people post in response and deal with the actual complaint.

I don't need distractions about sonic armor and teleportation and the price of tea in china.

Climbing mechanics are annoying. I could go on and on and on, but it's dumb.

Climbing is broken. (Explains the problem 100%)

Do something about it!

Allow corpses to be dragged anywhere, even over climbs.

Allow me to climb over something with my sonic weapon, even if its more difficult.

Remove annoying mechanics so people enjoy the game instead of getting frustrated by poor coding.
Re: CLIMBing 01/20/2012 06:57 PM CST
The fact of the matter is if there are already other alternatives to the problematic situation then there likely is little need for a change to be made. If certain areas are specifically built to be challenging to get in and out of then there's most likely a reason behind it. If someone wants to ignore the possible choices then that's their decision, but things shouldn't be changed because someone wants to ignore other possibilities. That's akin to saying plane ticket prices should be lowered because someone doesn't have the money to buy one, but they also want to ignore the fact they can drive to the location instead.

I'm not on the DEV side, but I'm just giving possible reasons why things may or may not change. It's my personal opinion.

Re: CLIMBing 01/20/2012 07:05 PM CST
With that posting style, good luck getting anything changed. I wouldn't do it out of spite.

Re: CLIMBing 01/21/2012 07:04 AM CST
So lets ignore all the crap that people post in response and deal with the actual complaint.

'How To Win Friends and Influence People'

-Taakhooshi, and Me

For the Story of Taakhooshi:
Re: CLIMBing 01/21/2012 08:56 AM CST
>>Climbing is broken. (Explains the problem 100%)
-- Posted by IFEROUS

Okay, just for the sake of argument...

Explain why you feel it's BROKEN?

You've explained why you find it annoying (You have to stop singing your weapon). That's fine. But explain how it's broken?

Re: CLIMBing 01/23/2012 02:39 PM CST
Again, this gets back to having a believable world. It is difficult to drag a couple of hundred pounds of dead (heh) weight. It is difficult to climb a cliff, either direction. Trying to do both of those--without winding up with undifferentiated hamburger at the bottom--is not just difficult(a) + difficult(b), but difficult(a) * [TIMES] difficult(b).

I fairly routinely backpack (multiple-overnight trips involving hiking from campsite to campsite; as compared to 'car camping'--even for multiple nights--where you're still in the same campsite all the time) carrying a 35-50 pound pack. (Preferably on the low end...) Just ducking under a low-hanging tree branch is hard. Doing a rock scramble is hard. Continuing to keep walking is hard.

Yes, adventurers are sturdy folk, salt of the earth, et cetera and so on.

But if you want to have a believable world--orcs, elves, magic, and all--you need to have things that make sense. Having empty hands to climb makes sense. Falling off cliffs and being dead makes sense.

What's to fix?
Re: CLIMBing 01/25/2012 10:56 AM CST
This certainly isn't the first caustic post for Iferous, and I'm not throwing my lot in with him. I would, however, like to add at least a few coherent thoughts to the the Sonic Weapon side of the discussion.

Changes were made to Sonic Shield, allowing the user to shift the item from their hand to their shoulder. This allowed sonic shield + weapon users to loot things without having to stop their song- which was obviously horrendously inconvenient. This change was implemented on top of coding and mechanisms already in place for shield use. Unfortunately nothing so simple is available for weapons, additionally as I've heard it, the coding for Bard songs in general is pretty complicated. That being said, it WOULD be nice to allow brief storage of sonic weapons for climbing and other both-hands-empty tasks.

As I see it the options to pursue that are as follows:
STOW. Slip the weapon into a container. The challenge with this obviously is for the coding the recognize the weapon is stowed and to stop the song early if it is not retrieved in a timely manner.

WEAR. Allow the sonic weapon to be refocused as a wearable. I believe there is some coding already for wearable weapons. Perhaps those can be grafted onto the Sonic Weapons?

RENEW. If a sonic weapon dissipates provide a short window of time to renew it at a lower cost. This is probably the most complicated and least likely to be implemented. It also doesn't completely eliminate the issue of having to re-cast the spell.

Obviously these suggestions are getting tossed into a thread that should probably be ignored given its inception. But on the off chance it's taken seriously there you go.
Re: CLIMBing 01/25/2012 01:48 PM CST
The problem with wearable weapons is that they take an appropriate 'functional' (non-fluff) inventory slot. I've got one of the belt-worn swords, say we use that as a template. What if all of my 'functional' belt locations are already occupied? Does the Sonic Weapon get worn, or not?


How about changing things completely.
+ You can 'drop <weapon>' and the weapon will dissipate, but the Song will not end (until your proper Renewal time, if you still do not have the weapon in hand at that point).
+ If you 'renew sonicweapon/renew 1012' (with the Song still in your medley, as above) and you do not currently have a Sonic Weapon item in your hand, then a new one forms for no mana cost (0 mana, not even 4 mana of normal renewal).
- Obviously if you ever 'stop sonicweapon/stop 1012' (or 'stop singing') then the Song ends and you need to re-start it for the full 12-mana cost.

I think this would resolve both sides of the issue.
Re: CLIMBing 01/25/2012 02:09 PM CST
While they're at it, if they could investigate making sonic weapons more HURL friendly, I'd be happy happy.

Re: CLIMBing 01/25/2012 03:57 PM CST
Krakii, that'd address the issue. But again, I think editing that code is troublesome.

Bows (and maybe runestaves?) can be worn on the back/shoulder. Pretty sure a bow doesn't take a slot, could be wrong.

Those were the weapons I was thinking about. But again, could be wrong on the slot occupancy. Don't have the equipment necessary to test it out. Could you hop in and do it Krakii?


Re: CLIMBing 01/26/2012 02:19 AM CST
>But again, I think editing that code is troublesome.

In general, players shouldn't feel that they need to worry about this sort of issue, particularly because it often isn't true. Some pieces of code are certainly uglier and/or more complicated than others, but that's rarely a factor when considering updates.

I would also suggest that the spell-specific portion of the discussion be moved to the bard folder, to group it more appropriately.

With regard to the original complaint, it is intended (and appropriate) to require one to have empty hands to complete a climb. It is also intended for climbing to prevent dragging in many cases. If there are objections to specific climb barriers, those are best addressed individually. It it not intended for you to be able to drag a corpse from one end of the game to the other without any blocks.
Re: CLIMBing 01/26/2012 10:33 AM CST
>>It it not intended for you to be able to drag a corpse from one end of the game to the other without any blocks.<<

It would probably be a pain in the butt to code, but in theory the relative weights and strengths of the two parties involved should be factored in. A giantkin with a decent strength should be able to drag a halfling over the icy Ice Mule trail with no problem; and if climbing was needed, that same giantkin could probably stow the halfling's body in his/her backpack, or throw the corpse over his/her shoulder, and continue the climb. (My giantkin routinely carry backpacks of over 100 lbs without being encumbered).

Re: CLIMBing 01/26/2012 10:53 AM CST
It makes sense to block dragging across certain obstacles, but that also means that some characters (like me!) are unable to rescue bodies from a lot of places. I'd favor making it always possible to drag a body back to town, but make it really hard and/or undesirable to get past the currently impossible obstacles.

Re: CLIMBing 01/26/2012 04:23 PM CST
>In general, players shouldn't feel that they need to worry about this sort of issue, particularly because it often isn't true.

Fair enough! The consideration of adding new features to the core mechanics of the spell system just seemed more cumbersome than say, tagging the weapons to be wearable. But what do I know? Never seen it!

I'll dart over to the Bard forum. <3
Re: CLIMBing 02/20/2012 02:10 AM CST

<<With regard to the original complaint, it is intended (and appropriate) to require one to have empty hands to complete a climb. It is also intended for climbing to prevent dragging in many cases. If there are objections to specific climb barriers, those are best addressed individually. It it not intended for you to be able to drag a corpse from one end of the game to the other without any blocks.>>

<<It makes sense to block dragging across certain obstacles, but that also means that some characters (like me!) are unable to rescue bodies from a lot of places. I'd favor making it always possible to drag a body back to town, but make it really hard and/or undesirable to get past the currently impossible obstacles. --Keleborrn.>>

This please.

Unless the terrain is a rockface I don't see many obstacles to dragging a body along with you. It may be difficult but I see very few situations where dragging should be impossible.

It feels like an old requirement that could be updated to be more player and group friendly. (Why should groups have to disband at every climb as well?) It makes being in a group more difficult and less attractive.
Re: CLIMBing 02/20/2012 07:17 AM CST
>(Why should groups have to disband at every climb as well?)

Because only the group leader is subject to checks.

If the climb is such that a skilled leader could guide a complete incompetent up it, then the group doesn't need to climb individually. If everybody is intended to have to have climbing skill, then everyone has to use the climb command. It would be better if the code checked everybody in the group, but there are situations where the leader is allowed to use their skill for the whole group (like survival on the Icemule trail ice patches).

You don't actually have to break the group.

When the leader climbs, those of the group that climbed first will still be in the group. The group is only completely disbanded if the leader climbs first, and it remains intact if the leader goes last.
Re: CLIMBing 02/20/2012 09:27 AM CST
I honestly think warriors, or people with a high enough strength/climbing skill should be able to throw a body over their shoulder and climb with a more difficult climb check.

There's been many cases in Plat that I'm the only person around able to rescue someone, and they're in a no-drag spot...and they'd just have to decay and have me pick their stuff up because I couldn't get them out of an area and back to town.

Yes, fogging is more convenient, but being able to drag someone back to town should be feasible as well, with enough skill.
Re: CLIMBing 02/20/2012 01:23 PM CST
as far as dragging and climbing goes, i agree that everyone should be checked for the skill, however other options should be available to both skills as well. For example in the military we are taught a lot of differant ways to evacuate a fallen comrade, everything from the fireman's carry down to a low crawl drag. I don't see why if say you are in a swamp, you shouldn't be able to heft your buddy on your shoulders in a fireman's carry just to make travel a bit easier. For climbing, eh...a skilled leader should be able make it easier as in real life they would be giving pointers and "leading" the trip up. With a body, maybe something like a harness and pulley system could work. I think it would be neat and more realistic, but... eh

~Sister Bellethiel, Cleric of Lorminstra and Ta'Vaalor
Strength is knowing others, true power is knowing yourself~Sun Tzu
Re: CLIMBing 02/21/2012 04:55 AM CST

Now that would be a pretty sweet merchant item....a harness you can strap to a body and pull them up a climb...
Dragging side note: 02/21/2012 11:03 AM CST
Umm, I can't drag a body over ice? Get real; it should be EASIER on ice than over broken ground, assuming you are wearing practical footgear with traction devices (hobnails, cleats, etc.)

The bells of Hell
go ting-a-ling-a-ling
for you but not for me
Re: Dragging side note: 02/21/2012 12:17 PM CST
Depends on the ice. There's a big difference between the Antarctic ice 'pack' (which is not all that packed, at the surface; watch or read about Shackleton's journey(s)) and a frozen pond or lake (which, after all, is where the Nordic countries invented ice hockey [by definition, pretty flat]).
Re: Dragging side note: 02/21/2012 12:32 PM CST
>Umm, I can't drag a body over ice? Get real; it should be EASIER on ice than over broken ground, assuming you are wearing practical footgear with traction devices (hobnails, cleats, etc.)

Did you try changing into hobnailed boots or cleats before you tried dragging? It works. Snowshoes especially.

Re: Dragging side note: 02/21/2012 02:03 PM CST
>>There's a big difference between the Antarctic ice 'pack' (which is not all that packed, at the surface; watch or read about Shackleton's journey(s)) and a frozen pond or lake (which, after all, is where the Nordic countries invented ice hockey [by definition, pretty flat]).<<

Well, since moving fast on the Ice Mule trail can cause you to fall due to slipperiness, one assumes that area is more like a pond/lake surface. Ice covered by snow would probably offer better traction if the snow were deep enough, but then the snow would liklely pile up and offer some resistance to dragging a body.

Mind you, this discussion is all somewhat theoretical, for me at least, since I have never tried to drag a dead body over snow/ice. Any hunters out there? Dragging a deer or such might be analogous.

The bells of Hell
go ting-a-ling-a-ling
for you but not for me
Re: Dragging side note: 02/21/2012 06:06 PM CST
oh and why can't we carry other characters, alive or dead? Especially if there is a significant size/weight difference? Heck, my Giankin with 100 con and 100 strength could probably carry a dead gnome in one hand. Drag? What drag? I'll just stuff him in my backpack!

The bells of Hell
go ting-a-ling-a-ling
for you but not for me
Re: Dragging side note: 02/22/2012 08:52 AM CST
From past discussion, I believe there are some frightful technical issues involving carrying corpses.

GM Scribes
Re: Dragging side note: 02/22/2012 09:04 AM CST
How about flinging them? If a live gnome can be flung, surely a dead one can be too!
Re: Dragging side note: 02/22/2012 09:17 AM CST
Down in River's Rest, we have an institute for Gnome Flingery. Hope to have it fully open and operational in 2012.

GM Scribes
Re: Dragging side note: 02/22/2012 12:13 PM CST
<<From past discussion, I believe there are some frightful technical issues involving carrying corpses.>>

I can see how a completely implemented carrying another person could be a Big Deal, but why not* duplicate the code for dragging, make the very CARRY instead of DRAG, ramp up the strength/weight check a bunch, and have it ignore things that block dragging.

IE, you don't actually pick a person up in a technical sense, you just pass a check and move their body from one room to another.


*no time and nobody to do it.
Re: Dragging side note: 02/23/2012 02:13 AM CST
The issue in this case isn't really one of coding difficulty or coding priorities (though the latter always has some relevance). Instead, it's the fact that two decades of game design have assumed certain things about dragging, and we're not about to create a blanket bypass to get around those designs. I have no doubt that some dragging blocks were unintentionally added when a GM forgot about it, but many others are quite intentional. A universal workaround is not going to happen, but as I previously indicated, I'm willing to take a look at specific cases of particularly frustrating barriers.
Re: Dragging side note: 02/23/2012 08:34 AM CST
I'd appreciate a look at the ice chasm in the middle of the Icemule trail. That area isn't draggable or foggable. If someone dies there the only option is field rezz.


Five Jewish men who influenced the history of Wester Civilization:
Moses said the law is everything.
Jesus said love is everything.
Marx said capital is everything.
Freud said sex is everything.
Einstein said everything is relative.
Re: Dragging side note: 02/23/2012 11:45 AM CST
I carry a 325 Nexus gem for recovery off the Icemule trail. Even if they can't make the gem themself, a cleric can still use one that someone else made. I don't know what realm boundaries there might be along the trail, so I don't know just how much is in range, but I have recovered a body off the trail to Icemule using Nexus.