I'm not sure how it works out for other classes, but it seems as a semi you are always left with atleast 1-2 unspent points. Being granted 1 extra point would essentially allow you to use all points in cmans. No idea if this is intentional or just overlooked, but would love some feedback about it.
Re: CMANs for Semi's
08/15/2011 03:51 PM CDT
While I don't play a semi, I ran into the same issue with my rogue. I would have 1 unspent CMP, which I largely blamed combat mobility for (since that was the one CMAN that I noticed had an odd final cost for all ranks, where the majority of the rest have an even cost). The key to spending all your points with combat mobility at rank 2 as a rogue is to not have all your CMAN skills at 5th rank. Dirtkick at rank 2 or 4 solved my issue to use all my CMPs at cap with 202 CMPs (which still works great).
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Re: CMANs for Semi's
08/17/2011 01:19 PM CDT
Thank you Wyrom, your insight into the situation revealed the key to me. It is Dirtkick, if I master dirtkick and keep my skills as they are now I will have every point spent! You are the man.