Armor Resistance 05/05/2013 02:52 PM CDT
>It also isn't clear, at least to me, what happens when you start layering things. Suppose I have HCP leg greaves that are also resistant to cold, I wear them over my MCP puncture resistant armor. I know my legs now have both cold and puncture resistance, and my torso has MCP, but how much padding on my legs? I think it'd depend on the order of operations. Now flip it. Suppose I have an MCP helm resistant to cold, over SWCP puncture resistant torso armor. How much padding is on my head?

As I understand it, order of operations (which is layered over what) makes no difference. If something is layered, it's layered.

If I'm wrong, I'd love the confirmation from a GM.

I'd also like confirmation on whether or not warrior resistance layered on misc armor pieces affects torso armor. Or if there are any other layering issues that aren't listed in the Krakii page.

>"Mine lights my character on fire and makes her all glowy." -Raelee
Re: Armor Resistance 05/05/2013 11:37 PM CDT

Heres an addendum to the original poster;

If you have masterful padded armor and add masterwork warrior resistance, you get no penalty to the padding but only receive 10% resistance.

If you have masterful padded torso armor and layer a helm with masterwork warrior resistance (50%), do you halve both (padding/resistance) on your head?