Dumb questions 12/02/2016 01:23 PM CST
So, is alchemy relegated to the wizard, cleric, sorcerer and empath professions alone, or can the other professions do some it, as well? I ask as the player of a ranger who's always had a fondness for poisonous plants. I'm returning after a decade+ absence, there was no such thing as alchemy when last I was active.

If it's not available to rangers, it really, really should be :)


Ysharra says, "One day, I'm going to have "What?" inscribed on your tombstone, with lots of helpful punctuation."
Re: Dumb questions 12/02/2016 01:36 PM CST

>So, is alchemy relegated to the wizard, cleric, sorcerer and empath professions alone, or can the other professions do some it, as well? I ask as the player of a ranger who's always had a fondness for poisonous plants. I'm returning after a decade+ absence, there was no such thing as alchemy when last I was active.

alchemy encompasses 3 guild skills in all pure guilds.

Rangers have a form of potion making for 620, where they bring ingredients to a potion maker, but do not have any guild skills and I highly doubt, if they ever do get guild skills, that alchemy would be among them.