Ensorcelling Potion - Rank Requirement 09/17/2014 09:41 AM CDT
Jani in Platinum just informed me she learned the ensorcelling pre-temper potion (and essence of soul) at potions rank 56. If someone wants to update virilneus and krakiipedia feel free.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Ensorcelling Potion - Rank Requirement 09/17/2014 10:01 AM CDT

awesome, thank you for sharing, will update 'pedia later. with virilneus' site just put a comment on the recipe page
Re: Ensorcelling Potion - Rank Requirement 09/17/2014 10:29 AM CDT
Yeah we tried that. Turns out V's spambot protection doesn't actually know how to spell Cysaegir so it won't let me post.


Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!
Re: Ensorcelling Potion - Rank Requirement 09/17/2014 11:56 AM CDT
<< Jani in Platinum just informed me she learned the ensorcelling pre-temper potion (and essence of soul) at potions rank 56. >>

Good to know. Recipes for subsidiary ingredients, such as essence of soul, are usually of a lesser rank than the recipe in which they are used, but the guild masters teach the subsidiary ingredient recipe each time you learn a recipe that uses the subsidiary ingredient. Essence of regeneration is a good example of a subsidiary ingredient that a Sorcerer will be taught multiple times. So the point is that essence of soul is probably less than rank 56.
Re: Ensorcelling Potion - Rank Requirement 09/17/2014 12:12 PM CDT

>So the point is that essence of soul is probably less than rank 56.

I agree
Re: Ensorcelling Potion - Rank Requirement 09/20/2014 10:59 AM CDT

'pedia updated