Twisted Wands in the EN 04/20/2012 12:01 PM CDT
Ok currently am on my sorcerer in Illy, leveling up his trinkets. Bloodwood wands are too easy so went on to twisted and see i need either powdered brown sphene or powdered brown jade which means a trip to zul logoth or icemule for them i belive(does zul even have a sorcerer guild come to think of it?). Before i made the trip I was jsut wondering if anyone could confirm if this was the case? or is there a recipe i can use with out having to leave the EN?

Thanks for any insight you may be able to offer.
Re: Twisted Wands in the EN 04/24/2012 12:02 PM CDT
You might want to check out There's is also a link at the top where you can view a list of guild shop inventories.