The Aelotian Language
A Treatise by Liraquin Fyrsah of the Mrae’ni Clan
Contributions by Ladies Nayolan, Asenora, Viiolet, and Traiva
Aelotian is a soft, accordant language that is as exotic-sounding to the common ear as it is melodic in nature. The mother language was treasured on Bre’Naere, both as an art through storytelling and dream interpretation, and as instruments of protection wielded in the form of conversation and code poems. The harsh lifestyle in an inhospitable environment banded people together, encouraging the Aelotoi to respect and revere both female and male roles equally amongst themselves, thus why many positions and professions have feminine and masculine variations.
For millennia, the Aelotoi thoughtfully developed their native tongue, yielding a rich landscape of words to pull inspiration from even in the bleakest of times. Now in Elanthia, they are free to draw upon these gifts of language without fear of persecution.
This extremely abbreviated dictionary is only a fragment of the beauty of the aelotian language. I have placed a strong emphasis on words and phrases related to personal relationships, family, nature, and the spiritual veil, all of which are deeply cherished by the aelotoi people.
aehda (n): female warrior.
aehdo (n): male warrior.
Aelotian (n): the native language spoken by the aelotoi people.
aelotian (adj): pertaining to or sharing the characteristics and style of the Aelotoi.
amin (n, v): love, or to love.
amisar (n): cousin, or a close extended relative or family friend of a similar age.
amisarim (pl. n): cousins, or close extended relatives or family friends of similar ages.
amitaer (n): a younger extended relative, such as a niece, nephew, grandchild, or cousin. Used exclusively for an actual or adoptive relative, and not for a mentor or apprentice type relationship.
amitaerim (pl. n): younger extended relatives, such as a nieces, nephews, grandchildren, or cousins. Used exclusively for actual or adoptive relatives, and not for mentor or apprentice type relationships.
amyrana (n): female teacher or mother figure.
amyranim (pl. n): female teachers or mother figures.
ayd (n): day.
bjendovar (adj): strange, unknown, or unusual.
bre (prep): of. Also used as a prefix; such as, “Bre'Naere.”
casroh (adverb): above.
cyr (n, adj): sun or light.
cyrasei (adj): bright.
cyrisarim (pl. n): male siblings.
cyritaer (n): son, or close male ward.
cyritaerim (pl. n): sons, or close male wards.
cysaegir (n): sanctuary, refuge.
dai (pronoun): you.
dal (pronoun): we.
drenlo (adverb): away.
dymeranim (pl. n) male teachers or father figures.
dymerano (n): male teacher or father figure.
dyre (adj, n): dark, or darkness.
dyrhka (n, v): hate, or to hate.
eda (adverb): when.
faunir (n): animal or creature.
fhrii (adj, pronoun): this.
fhriisei (adj, pronoun): these.
fi'yon (adj): that, or those.
flyr (n): flower.
fyr (n): tree.
glyroh (adverb): yes, pointedly emphatic affirmation.
goh (adverb): yes, to give assent.
gyrrdha (n): family.
hyet (adverb): no, to express dissent or refusal.
hyr (v): to have.
ingerral (v): to join.
keh’nira (adjective): attractive, beautiful, or pleasing to behold.
keh’nireen (n): a beautiful lady.
keh’nisar (n): a handsome man.
kerirol (n): enemy.
kerirolim (pl. n): enemies.
kerosa (adj): highly unfavorable, bad, or worst.
khem (def. article): the.
khemet (pl. n): them.
kyr (v): to give.
lira (n): sky, or eternal home.
liran (pl. n): skies.
lira’ka (n, pl. n): a star, or stars.
lira’sah (n): moon.
L'Naere (n): patron spirit or life goddess of the Aelotoi, also called the Pale Lady.
L'Naereen (adj): of or pertaining to L'Naere.
L'Naereen'dar (n): clergy or devout, faithful to L'Naere.
mer (prep): for.
meril (n): forever.
murada (n): female blood traitor.
muradhun (n): male blood traitor.
myhrani (n): female elder, guardian, mentor, or other nonspecific authority figure.
myhranim (pl. n): elders or guardians.
myhrano (n): male elder, guardian, mentor, or other nonspecific authority figure.
naer'ta (n): dear heart. Used as an intimate term of endearment.
ne'mar (n): priest.
ne'mara (n): priestess.
ne’syrah (n): spirit, ancestral guardian, or ghost. Literally translates to “spirit walker.”
ni'sae (n): soul mate.
nyasar (n): female sibling.
nyasarim (pl. n): female siblings.
nyasar'ta (n): sister dear. Used as a term of endearment.
nyataer (n): daughter, or a close female ward.
nyataerim (pl. n): daughters, or close female wards.
pala (pronoun, n): us, or a gathering of people.
phu (pronoun): our.
raeni (n): female healer.
raenim (pl. n): healers.
raeno (n): male healer.
saephua (n): a wrap shirt.
sar (n): slang for a close sibling, kinsman, or a dearly loved friend.
saraen (n): sibling. Used for either a biological or adoptive sibling.
saraenim (pl. n): siblings. Used for either biological or adoptive siblings.
sarim (pl. n): slang for a collective group of close siblings, kinsmen, or dearly loved friends.
sarmyran (n): extended elder relative; uncle, aunt, cousin, grandsire, etc. Used exclusively for an actual or adoptive relative, but not for a mentor or apprentice type relationship.
sarmyranim (pl. n): extended elder relatives; uncles, aunts, cousins, grandsires, etc. Used exclusively for actual or adoptive relatives, and not for mentor or apprentice type relationships.
suta (n): night.
sutara (n): dream.
suta’ka (n): imagination.
taer (n): child, apprentice, ward, or fledgling. Sometimes used negatively to indicate a person’s inexperience or naivety.
taerim (pl. n): children, apprentices, wards, or fledglings. Sometimes used negatively to indicate peoples’ inexperience or naivety.
tal (pronoun): me, or I.
tara (n): vision, prophecy.
tayr (n): time.
thebe (n): plant or vegetation.
thebe'ada (n): a very large plant or other single body of vegetation.
ti (prep): is.
tla (prep): to.
toqua (n): a traditional outer cloak-type garment that accommodates wings, native to the aelotoi people.
vaerna (n): female scout or traveler.
vaerno (n): male scout or traveler.
wlo’sah (n): resting place of the dead.
wlo'tara (n, pl. noun): memory, or memories. Literally translates to “far dreams.”
xra'il (n): sorcerer.
xra'ila (n): sorceress.
yal (prep): be.
yllira (n): wind. Used formally with profound reverence, in place of the more casual yllyc.
yllira syrah (n): wind walker.
yllyc (n): wind.
yrrilth (n): water.
yrrilth'ada (n): ocean, lake.
zrissantha (n): traitor, kinslayer. Used specifically for a person who puts personal gain over the welfare of the people. Literally translates to “jewel thief.”
Prefixes and Suffixes:
Bre’- (prefix): of.
Keh’- (prefix): pertaining to the essences of art and beauty.
Ne’- (prefix): pertaining to the spirit realm or veil.
-‘ka (suffix): pertaining to fire or passion.
-‘ni (suffix): pertaining to the life energy or spirituality of the living.
-‘ta (suffix): pertaining to love or affection.
-‘sah (suffix): pertaining to a safe place, haven, or land.
-'ada (suffix): Used to indicate a largeness in size.
-‘adri (suffix): Used to indicate a smallness in size.
Aelotian numbers function similarly to common numbers. To change a number into an adjective such as “first,” “second,” or “sixth,” you would simply add an “-a” on to the end of the noun. For example, to change “caswe” (three) into “third,” you would write it as “caswea.”
One: Eyr
Two: Dyo
Three: Caswe
Four: Ylim
Five: Ruet
Six: Myn
Seven: Quen
Eight: Ymer
Nine: Aphos
Ten: Zyel
Ami'eda phu tayr, phu amyrana's en'elta: For when it comes our time, our mother's arms are where we'll fall.
Anu aminaeri: I love you.
Cyrasei liran casroh dai: Bright skies above you. Used as an all-purpose blessing or an expression of good luck for others. Often shortened to the less formal version, “Cyrasei liran.”
Dal amin dai: We love you.
Dal wlo'yll dai: We miss you.
Kai-da!: Help! or Help me!
Kala sutara: Pleasant dreams.
Kala ylliras: Good winds. Used as an all-purpose greeting or farewell, as you would use hello or goodbye.
Khem dyre ti kerosa yalmere khem eyra cyr: The darkness is worst before the first light.
Mei phu naertas a nis ne meril yai’ela fhriise wlo’tara: May our hearts and souls forever honor these memories.
Meril dai a tal ne: Forever, you and I.
Yllira symisiri: Many thanks. Used as an expression of gratitude. Literally translates to "winds carry.”
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
07/12/2012 11:57 AM CDT
This is so awesome!
~ Valyrka ~
Dark Elves
Forest Gnomes
~ Valyrka ~
Dark Elves
Forest Gnomes
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
07/12/2012 06:36 PM CDT
The awesomest of awesomes.
~ X.
~ X.
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
07/12/2012 07:13 PM CDT
Galene, I have said this many times, but I will say it yet again:
I love you. I am having your little winged babies.
Seeing the Aelotoi Language Document in all its officialness is nearly making me cry very happy tears. The timing also rocks my socks, 'cause of another project I've been working on.
~Traiva's Muse
I love you. I am having your little winged babies.
Seeing the Aelotoi Language Document in all its officialness is nearly making me cry very happy tears. The timing also rocks my socks, 'cause of another project I've been working on.
~Traiva's Muse
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
07/12/2012 07:34 PM CDT
This is rad, and makes me grin huge.
Also, Silverphenix's player should also get a shout-out, as he and I were working together when we came up with some of this lexicon back in the day for our interactions.
>drink my potion
You are now level 19!
Also, Silverphenix's player should also get a shout-out, as he and I were working together when we came up with some of this lexicon back in the day for our interactions.
>drink my potion
You are now level 19!
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
07/13/2012 12:50 AM CDT
Thanks so much, Silverphenix!!!
I asked a few older Aelotoi players if there was anyone else involved, but some folks were unreachable or are no longer around. I'm happy that you were able to point him out as another hand in the pot, though.
I'm also glad for all the nice comments you guys have had for me. Hearts!
I asked a few older Aelotoi players if there was anyone else involved, but some folks were unreachable or are no longer around. I'm happy that you were able to point him out as another hand in the pot, though.
I'm also glad for all the nice comments you guys have had for me. Hearts!
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
07/13/2012 02:31 AM CDT
Wow. I don't spend too much time examining docs like this, but I'm really impressed, and amazed at how big our "little" project became. Awesome =)
Thanks for all the work in making this become so real, Galene. <3 for all my buglets.
~ Lumi
Thanks for all the work in making this become so real, Galene. <3 for all my buglets.
~ Lumi
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
07/13/2012 12:57 PM CDT
>><3 for all my buglets.
Hey! How come he gets to call y'all buglets, but I get fussed at for bugs?
~ X., pouting.
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
07/14/2012 04:27 PM CDT
>>Hey! How come he gets to call y'all buglets, but I get fussed at for bugs?
>>~ X., pouting.
Speaking ONLY for myself.. though I seem to speak a lot for some reason..
"Bug" has been used as an insult, if not an outright derogatory term.
"Buglet", by having the endearment suffix of "-let", is a bit of a term of endearment, twisted as it is. So it doesn't grate me QUITE as much, though there is still a grating.
However... a pouting Xayle is kinda cute.
>>~ X., pouting.
Speaking ONLY for myself.. though I seem to speak a lot for some reason..
"Bug" has been used as an insult, if not an outright derogatory term.
"Buglet", by having the endearment suffix of "-let", is a bit of a term of endearment, twisted as it is. So it doesn't grate me QUITE as much, though there is still a grating.
However... a pouting Xayle is kinda cute.
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
08/10/2012 09:53 PM CDT
<<I have placed a strong emphasis on words and phrases related to personal relationships, family, nature, and the spiritual veil, all of which are deeply cherished by the aelotoi people.>>
I hadn't realized that the aelotoi were so connected to their ancestors that way. Yet another reason why my aelotoi is my favorite character to play!
<<Also, Silverphenix's player should also get a shout-out, as he and I were working together when we came up with some of this lexicon back in the day for our interactions.>>
It is this basic lexicon that Vii's player and myself used as a basis for when we were putting together that bardfest performance a couple years(?) ago. It tickles my brain to see this language treatise published for all to enhance their role play.
<<...the release of a new Aelotoi outer garment called the toqua.>>
<<The next meeting for Yllyc Simisiri will be on Sunday, May 27, at 9pm ET in Helga's in Wehnimer's Landing. I know it's Memorial Day Weekend, but we've got some fun stuff to talk about!>>
Is this group still around/still meeting up? I'd heard about it but haven't been playing at all this past year. I know Asenora would be glad to learn of an aelotoi social circle!
So, all in all I've seen some exciting changes and additions to my favorite race! It's been a very long time since I've been around, but it's nice to see these improvements and to see there are still some other folks who enjoy the winged ones as much as I do. Hope to catch up to all the recent goings-on and participate in some fun aelotoi events.
~Mikaela a.k.a Asenora Sevenclover
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
08/19/2012 08:22 PM CDT
Asenora!! I've been back in the lands for a few months now. Planning to attend the Code Poems event with a young Aeolotoi.
See you there?
>>Player of Valynde, et al.
See you there?
>>Player of Valynde, et al.
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
08/21/2012 03:42 PM CDT
Hi Deb!!! I plan on bringing Asenora to that event tonight, though I cannot see it on the event calendar. I hope it is still on for tonight. If I remember correctly, it's at 10pm eastern somewhere in the Landing. I didn't see anything about it being canceled in the Yllyc Simisiri folder...
Hope to see you tonight!
The plain note reads, "Fishing without Asenora is like not fishing at all."
Hope to see you tonight!
The plain note reads, "Fishing without Asenora is like not fishing at all."
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
08/21/2012 06:08 PM CDT
Click on frontier days banner on today's calender date, it has the info for the code poems and the House Onoir event.
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
10/04/2012 04:58 PM CDT
I don't know if this is the right place for this, but how cool would it be to have this treatise published as an in-game document readable by Aelotoi adventurers? I think the perfect place for it would be the library in Cysaegir. That would be a great start to improving the town and having a physical document for Aelotoi to touch and show others who might be interested in learning about the language.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Kastrel softly says, "Well, based on my past two months . . ."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Kastrel softly says, "The future of Sorcery has wings."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Kastrel softly says, "Well, based on my past two months . . ."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Kastrel softly says, "The future of Sorcery has wings."
Re: A Treatise of the Aelotian Language
01/07/2013 03:36 AM CST
Wow, I didn't know about this until now... amazing, great work!
"The human imagination... has great difficulty in living strictly within the confines of a materialist practice or philosophy. It dreams, like a dog in its basket, of hares in the open."
- John Berger
"The human imagination... has great difficulty in living strictly within the confines of a materialist practice or philosophy. It dreams, like a dog in its basket, of hares in the open."
- John Berger