I went ahead and tried an escort from Wehnimer's Landing to Ta'Vaalor this evening. I've never bothered with anything that requires me to travel via the Locksmehr Trail Ferry, Zul Logoth Mine Carts, and the Lake of Fear Ferry. Needless to say it took over an hour to complete and although I knew the rewards going into it, they just don't appear to be appropriate given the time requirements compared to say a Wehnimer's Landing to Icemule Trace escort that requires less than 15 minutes. Experience wise, I could have earned 3k exp (Landing to Icemule is 1000 exp) in the time it took to earn 1750 exp (Landing to Ta'Vaalor is 1750 exp).
Does anyone actually bother with escorts that require you to travel through the Locksmehr Trail and Zul Logoth? Am I missing some benefit or are escorts that require you to travel through these locales just not worth it?
If they really are as lackluster as they seem to be, is there any chance of the rewards being bumped up or could they be removed from the Adventurer's Guild altogether? The only offerings available would the following:
Wehnimer's Landing -> Solhaven or Icemule Trace
Solhaven -> Wehnimer's Landing or Icemule Trace
Icemule Trace -> Wehnimer's Landing or Solhaven
Ta'Illistim -> Ta'Vaalor or Zul Logoth
Ta'Vaalor -> Ta'Illistim or Zul Logoth
Zul Logoth -> Ta'Illistim or Wehnimer's Landing
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.
AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4
Re: Long Distance Escorts? Any Reason for them?
07/28/2017 07:31 AM CDT
Years back before the changes to bandits on escorts (they used to be super easy - like kill them all with your eyes closed easy) I'd run a couple of escorts a day. Usually any escort between Sol/Landing/IMT I gobbled up.
The time it took to run Sol to Landing - roughly 8-10 minutes
Time from Sol/Landing to IMT - roughly 10 to 12 minutes
Time from Sol/Landing to Zul - roughly 30 minutes
Time from Sol/Landing to Ta'Illistim - roughly 50-55 minutes
Time from Sol/Landing to Ta'Vallor - roughly 65-70 minutes
(going from memory, but they sound right)
The time you could run multiple escort runs between the towns on the west side of the spire, you could do 3-4 easy in the time it took doing one to the EN. The total rewards for doing 3-5 escorts between Sol/Landing/IMT were around 2-3x the rewards you could earn doing 1 (yes, 1) run from Sol/Landing to one of the Elven Nations.
The one that really irritated me was the rewards from Sol/Landing to IMT was the same as Sol/Landing to Zul. It took twice as long to get to Zul and the rewards were the same. I never ran an escort to Zul after finding that out.
I posted my findings years back, but I don't recall what folder or if it's even on able to be located on the forums anymore.
I took a leave of absence from the game (roughly 2 years) not too long after I posted that info and when I got back and attempted to see if escort bounty rewards were actually adjusted to make the long escorts worthwhile, the updated bandits (that I didn't know about) kicked the living crap out of me with stacked RT from their gawd awful cmans. I never bothered to see if the rewards were adjusted at all, but from your post it sounds like they weren't.
The time it took to run Sol to Landing - roughly 8-10 minutes
Time from Sol/Landing to IMT - roughly 10 to 12 minutes
Time from Sol/Landing to Zul - roughly 30 minutes
Time from Sol/Landing to Ta'Illistim - roughly 50-55 minutes
Time from Sol/Landing to Ta'Vallor - roughly 65-70 minutes
(going from memory, but they sound right)
The time you could run multiple escort runs between the towns on the west side of the spire, you could do 3-4 easy in the time it took doing one to the EN. The total rewards for doing 3-5 escorts between Sol/Landing/IMT were around 2-3x the rewards you could earn doing 1 (yes, 1) run from Sol/Landing to one of the Elven Nations.
The one that really irritated me was the rewards from Sol/Landing to IMT was the same as Sol/Landing to Zul. It took twice as long to get to Zul and the rewards were the same. I never ran an escort to Zul after finding that out.
I posted my findings years back, but I don't recall what folder or if it's even on able to be located on the forums anymore.
I took a leave of absence from the game (roughly 2 years) not too long after I posted that info and when I got back and attempted to see if escort bounty rewards were actually adjusted to make the long escorts worthwhile, the updated bandits (that I didn't know about) kicked the living crap out of me with stacked RT from their gawd awful cmans. I never bothered to see if the rewards were adjusted at all, but from your post it sounds like they weren't.
Re: Long Distance Escorts? Any Reason for them?
07/28/2017 07:44 AM CDT
I don't think it's been changed. The rewards for Icemule to Ta'Vaalor are the highest possible, and it's 2450 BPs and 2450 exp and 24500 silvers, IIRC. You can easily beat that turning in 3-4 other tasks in the 75 min or so it'll take.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Long Distance Escorts? Any Reason for them?
07/28/2017 07:48 AM CDT
Currently the best reason to do a long distance escort task (typically Ta'Vaalor-Icemule Trace) is because the Lumnis contest is going on and your Lumnis gift is going to start either the next morning/day and you're competing. There is nothing to my knowledge that will kick absorption rate higher than turning in a cross-Spine escort task when fried.
That's the only time I do a long distance one.
Wee Sleepy Gnomette
Cloth-of-eonake: for when you absolutely, positively need to have zombie-impenetrable underwear. - Denil
When my scripts are acting up, I take Modrian with Coding. After a few hours, they feel like new! - MAXMANJ
That's the only time I do a long distance one.
Wee Sleepy Gnomette
Cloth-of-eonake: for when you absolutely, positively need to have zombie-impenetrable underwear. - Denil
When my scripts are acting up, I take Modrian with Coding. After a few hours, they feel like new! - MAXMANJ
Re: Long Distance Escorts? Any Reason for them?
07/28/2017 08:15 AM CDT
Thanks for the replies.
Maybe now that there are RPA Orbs in the game, a flat EXP Orb could be an additional reward for the really long escorts.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.
AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4
Maybe now that there are RPA Orbs in the game, a flat EXP Orb could be an additional reward for the really long escorts.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.
AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4
Re: Long Distance Escorts? Any Reason for them?
07/28/2017 08:51 AM CDT
They are a nice thing to do when I am changing my base of operations from one side of the Dragonspine to the other. One of my most memorable sessions was one of those escorts.
Lumnis contest is the only mechanical reason I know of to do them, but there's plenty of stuff in the game which has only RP reasons to engage with and that's what gives the game its depth.
Lumnis contest is the only mechanical reason I know of to do them, but there's plenty of stuff in the game which has only RP reasons to engage with and that's what gives the game its depth.
Re: Long Distance Escorts? Any Reason for them?
07/28/2017 10:11 AM CDT
>I don't think it's been changed. The rewards for Icemule to Ta'Vaalor are the highest possible, and it's 2450 BPs and 2450 exp and 24500 silvers, IIRC. You can easily beat that turning in 3-4 other tasks in the 75 min or so it'll take.
I've always thought that the reward for doing 1 long escort should be equal to doing 4 of the short ones.
That was the point I tried making years back, but appears it never changed based on other comments.
I've always thought that the reward for doing 1 long escort should be equal to doing 4 of the short ones.
That was the point I tried making years back, but appears it never changed based on other comments.
Re: Long Distance Escorts? Any Reason for them?
07/28/2017 01:47 PM CDT
Outside of right before a Lumnis contests when it's good to run Icemule-Ta'Vaalor for saturation and then log off until it starts, IMO the only escort bounty worth doing is Icemule-Landing. It has three things going for it: it's pretty quick, pays out well, and doesn't involve hoping your schedule lines up with a ferry or boat.
Honestly, escort payouts in general should be looked at, even with the closer ones. For example, if Landing-Solhaven gives 500 experience and Icemule-Landing gives 1000, then why does Icemule-Solhaven give 1250 while taking about as long as the two of them combined?
As for the long distance ones, I'd be more open to them if they had the current rewards plus the rewards for travel to Zul. So Icemule-Ta'Illistim would give 4000 experience, for example, which is 1750 for Icemule-Zul + 2250 for Icemule-Ta'Illistim. Even then I'd hesitate since long distance escorts still have the disadvantage of the ferry (and the boat if Ta'Vaalor is involved), the chance of randomly losing your traveler to a bandit 43 minutes in, and not being shareable.
Honestly, escort payouts in general should be looked at, even with the closer ones. For example, if Landing-Solhaven gives 500 experience and Icemule-Landing gives 1000, then why does Icemule-Solhaven give 1250 while taking about as long as the two of them combined?
As for the long distance ones, I'd be more open to them if they had the current rewards plus the rewards for travel to Zul. So Icemule-Ta'Illistim would give 4000 experience, for example, which is 1750 for Icemule-Zul + 2250 for Icemule-Ta'Illistim. Even then I'd hesitate since long distance escorts still have the disadvantage of the ferry (and the boat if Ta'Vaalor is involved), the chance of randomly losing your traveler to a bandit 43 minutes in, and not being shareable.
Re: Long Distance Escorts? Any Reason for them?
10/17/2017 03:37 PM CDT
>Does anyone actually bother with escorts that require you to travel through the Locksmehr Trail and Zul Logoth? Am I missing some benefit or are escorts that require you to travel through these locales just not worth it?
I used to do about two or three a month. I tended to do it for the high bounty reward more than the XP, though. I don't really do it much anymore, but it's more a product of my limited time than anything or not, i usually get home during Kenstrom's storyline time, so i'm usually involved heavily with that.
I, personally think the reward is worth it. even though it requires me to go to Vaalor and/or Ta'Illistim, which are towns i don't really enjoy going to anymore.
I'd probably do them more often if i could get more bounty points out of the deal.
it's the Lake of Fear Ferry that's a pain in the keister for me, which leads me to an idea for a post-cap skill.....but more on that later. :P