Normally I pretty much just go after whatever critter the guild sends to after and only refuse bandit tasks or rescue tasks in the Keep. I have some characters, though, where it's a HUGE pain to go after certain critters (mostly the weapon users that aren't in voln). At some level ranges, there are more undead I could possibly be assigned then living, which means that I get to repeatedly run around town seeing where I'm being asked to go only to have it be yet another task I can't do.
Why can't we have an option to choose a critter or hunting ground to be sent to for tasks? Or at least the option to exclude undead from the possible critters we can be sent after?
It's no fun running to the guild to get a task, going to the purser/furrier/etc, then have to have it removed 5-10 times just to get something I can hunt with those characters, even with a bounty boost....
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Critters
01/16/2017 09:27 AM CST
Make friends with a Paladin (to prep the weapon) and a Cleric (to Bless it and take advantage of the 2x # of swings from the Paladin prep)?
(Or buy a Pure Potion or six.)
I used to take the opportunity to haul a whole sackful of weapons out of my locker and have a really high-level Cleric Bless them all, when I ran across someone who was really up there in levels. Especially if I knew anything about sharing mana, because then it only costs them time.
(Or buy a Pure Potion or six.)
I used to take the opportunity to haul a whole sackful of weapons out of my locker and have a really high-level Cleric Bless them all, when I ran across someone who was really up there in levels. Especially if I knew anything about sharing mana, because then it only costs them time.
Re: Critters
01/16/2017 10:32 AM CST
About 200 unused waivers so far. They are useless for critter tasks.
Re: Critters
01/16/2017 10:50 AM CST
<Make friends with a Paladin (to prep the weapon) and a Cleric (to Bless it and take advantage of the 2x # of swings from the Paladin prep)?>
I couldn't even tell you the last time I saw a paladin in the Rest.... but I know it was more then a year ago. Clerics are more common, but I can still go a month or more without seeing one and the last couple I did see were around level 20-30 and wouldn't be able to bless my weapons anyway (even if I'm playing a character that doesn't use a flaring/weighted weapon).
But that's really beside the point. I understand wanting to encourage folk to explore areas they might not otherwise go to, but when you have to wait an hour to do a bounty because the guild tries to send your CoL archer to flesh golems (undead AND immune to punctures) 4 attempts in a row, it just makes you wonder what the heck whoever designed it was thinking.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
I couldn't even tell you the last time I saw a paladin in the Rest.... but I know it was more then a year ago. Clerics are more common, but I can still go a month or more without seeing one and the last couple I did see were around level 20-30 and wouldn't be able to bless my weapons anyway (even if I'm playing a character that doesn't use a flaring/weighted weapon).
But that's really beside the point. I understand wanting to encourage folk to explore areas they might not otherwise go to, but when you have to wait an hour to do a bounty because the guild tries to send your CoL archer to flesh golems (undead AND immune to punctures) 4 attempts in a row, it just makes you wonder what the heck whoever designed it was thinking.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Critters
01/16/2017 11:31 AM CST
They were thinking that not all facets are for all characters all the time.
Right now, The Guild Needs Flesh Golems Killed.
You just happen to be trained in a particular skillset that makes that a sucky result.
This is no different from when The Guild Needs Vvrael Killed, and a pure spellcaster is trying to get a task assigned: skillset == sucky result.
So you turn that one in, wait out the delay, and try again.
Right now, The Guild Needs Flesh Golems Killed.
You just happen to be trained in a particular skillset that makes that a sucky result.
This is no different from when The Guild Needs Vvrael Killed, and a pure spellcaster is trying to get a task assigned: skillset == sucky result.
So you turn that one in, wait out the delay, and try again.
Re: Critters
01/16/2017 11:48 AM CST
Yes, I get how it works, Krakii.... I was posting because I think it can be improved.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Critters
01/16/2017 11:58 AM CST
But at what point does "improved" get to the stage of "press lever for experience"?
It is currently possible to opt out of <bunches of types of the tasks>, so you always get (ONLY) <these ones that you already have made [stock of gems]> or <can finish really quickly [easy creatures for your build]>.
If we add something--maybe as a new-GM training project--either to the creature template (requires going through and adding the field (and its values) to all the extant creatures) or as an adjunct piece of information in the Adventurer's Guild (requires setting up something new in the Guild), then we have additional info on one end of the assignment, what the creatures are.
Done as a "skill-bane" marker, creatures are tagged "archer" or "caster"; so if your character reads as an "archer" or "caster" you can't get assigned those creatures.
But I'm sure people would train characters in <MannerX> in order to totally avoid any possibility of <CreaturesY> in the Guild, thereby making them always get <EasyPointsZ> tasks.
It just seems ripe for rule-lawyering and abuse.
It is currently possible to opt out of <bunches of types of the tasks>, so you always get (ONLY) <these ones that you already have made [stock of gems]> or <can finish really quickly [easy creatures for your build]>.
If we add something--maybe as a new-GM training project--either to the creature template (requires going through and adding the field (and its values) to all the extant creatures) or as an adjunct piece of information in the Adventurer's Guild (requires setting up something new in the Guild), then we have additional info on one end of the assignment, what the creatures are.
Done as a "skill-bane" marker, creatures are tagged "archer" or "caster"; so if your character reads as an "archer" or "caster" you can't get assigned those creatures.
But I'm sure people would train characters in <MannerX> in order to totally avoid any possibility of <CreaturesY> in the Guild, thereby making them always get <EasyPointsZ> tasks.
It just seems ripe for rule-lawyering and abuse.
Re: Critters
01/16/2017 12:40 PM CST
I dont think we should be able to ask for specific creatures but I could see a slight verbiage change and asking for specific tasks like "ask Halline about bandit bounty" with a flat % of success and still triggering the cooldown if you dont get it. That could narrow the field while carrying the penalty of not getting a bounty period.
In general however, I think its the limitations of other systems that should be improved. For example, the inherent limitations of flaring/weighted weapons versus the undead creates an imbalance between casters and melee (except paladins). A suitable bonus for cleric blessings, voln blessing, undead bane and sanctified weapons should be installed for sure but the silver cost alone for a nice blessable weapon penalizes some classes
In general however, I think its the limitations of other systems that should be improved. For example, the inherent limitations of flaring/weighted weapons versus the undead creates an imbalance between casters and melee (except paladins). A suitable bonus for cleric blessings, voln blessing, undead bane and sanctified weapons should be installed for sure but the silver cost alone for a nice blessable weapon penalizes some classes
Re: Critters
01/16/2017 01:01 PM CST
>> I couldn't even tell you the last time I saw a paladin in the Rest....
Irar is hunting in River's Rest these days, go make friends with him! I only know this because last night I noticed:
Someone traveled clear to the Rest to help rescue him. (Take a bow, Beldannon)
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
Irar is hunting in River's Rest these days, go make friends with him! I only know this because last night I noticed:
Someone traveled clear to the Rest to help rescue him. (Take a bow, Beldannon)
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
Re: Critters
01/17/2017 08:39 AM CST
I don't have a suggestion on a fix for that, but in the meantime, Icemule sells blessed arrows OTS. It's a trek, but...
Re: Critters
01/17/2017 01:10 PM CST
I've been Divine Worded a couple times by someone in the not-too-distant past, but I can't remember the name.
Anyway, I agree. It would be nice if, at the very least, the Guild would learn if someone is always rejecting undead tasks that it's not good Guild policy to give it to that person. A couple tweaks here and there would be helpful.
Anyway, I agree. It would be nice if, at the very least, the Guild would learn if someone is always rejecting undead tasks that it's not good Guild policy to give it to that person. A couple tweaks here and there would be helpful.
Re: Critters
01/18/2017 03:59 AM CST
One suggestion related to this I have seen before that I like is to have the option for avoid undead/living with similar penalties to asking for easier tasks.
Re: Critters
01/18/2017 08:27 AM CST
<<One suggestion related to this I have seen before that I like is to have the option for avoid undead/living with similar penalties to asking for easier tasks.>>
Re: Critters
01/23/2017 09:38 AM CST
Maybe the adventure's guild could offer to bless your weapon for undead bounty you're given....or whoever you obtain the task from. You speak with the west gate guard in Landing, he sends you out for undead to kill, but offers a pour of a pure potion for your weapon (should work on any weapon that doesn't have special abilities such as weighting/flares) - simply hold the weapon in your right hand and ASK GUARD FOR BLESS. You only get one bless (one pour) and it lasts 30 minutes OR until you turn in your task, whichever comes first.