Ok, with the Adventurer's Guild Bounty Boosts. Since you can keep requesting a new task every 5 seconds, would it be possible to change that boost to be able to ask the taskmaster for a specific task? Honestly, since we use those boots to GET a specific task, and keep trading in tasks until the one we get comes up, it would be a tremendous Quality of Life change to just allow us to ASK RHET FOR FURRIER TASK, or ASK RHET FOR HERB TASK, etc., rather than sitting for 20 minutes flipping through. I understand not being able to do that on every task, or even the waivers that just let you ask once, but the boosts that allow us to ask over and over for an hour til we get what we want?
Not sure this is even mechanically possible, but would whomever is in charge of the Adventurer's Guild at least consider it?
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/01/2016 06:51 PM CST
That would be nice, especially if you could keep doing the swapping. It's great getting your kill creatures task if it's for the type you want, but not if it isn't. Same with getting a gem task for that one gem you don 't have. As an idea, what about if it worked similar to now but if you could specify a type in using the boost? BOOST BOUNTY GEMS for instance, to only get gem bounties?
Or if you could use multiple of the exemption boosts to avoid all but one task.
Or if you could use multiple of the exemption boosts to avoid all but one task.
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/01/2016 08:35 PM CST
Speaking of gem bounties ...
Used to be you could count on a high enough drop of the bounty gem to fill your bounty in a hunt or two. These were my favorite bounties back then.
But then F2P came ... and I haven't been able to find the gem I have a bounty for since then.
Was this intended? Is it just me?! Did I just pass some place in my training around the same time F2P came out that it FELT like it was connected? Or is it just around Illistim that this is a problem?
I have started saving some gems, but dang, there are SO many, you just can't save them all. I'd like my gem bounties back, please.
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
Used to be you could count on a high enough drop of the bounty gem to fill your bounty in a hunt or two. These were my favorite bounties back then.
But then F2P came ... and I haven't been able to find the gem I have a bounty for since then.
Was this intended? Is it just me?! Did I just pass some place in my training around the same time F2P came out that it FELT like it was connected? Or is it just around Illistim that this is a problem?
I have started saving some gems, but dang, there are SO many, you just can't save them all. I'd like my gem bounties back, please.
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/01/2016 08:54 PM CST
As I understand it, you need to be hunting a creature that can drop that kind of gem. So they may be of the right level for you, but they drop GemTypeQ and you need one that is in GemTypeX, you ain't never gonna find it.
Now, while hunting those creatures, if they are called upon to drop a gem, your likelihood of it being ThatOneYouNeed, go up.
Now, while hunting those creatures, if they are called upon to drop a gem, your likelihood of it being ThatOneYouNeed, go up.
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/01/2016 11:12 PM CST
Well for cryin' out loud, how would I know that?!
All I know is that it worked flawlessly - then it never worked again for me :(
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
All I know is that it worked flawlessly - then it never worked again for me :(
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/01/2016 11:14 PM CST
"Adventurers are more likely to find the gem that they are tasked to retrieve until they have received enough to complete the bounty. The multiplier only works on creatures that the hunter can learn from and that already drop that gem, and only if they were going to drop a gem of that value; shells will not drop in Icemule just because the multiplier is active, and zircons will not turn into diamonds." -- second half of the first paragraph of 'Gem Collecting" on the GSWiki; emphasis Mine
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 02:11 AM CST
Well, I only hunt things I learn from. But I have no way of knowing if said creature can drop said gem.
This is Illistim, now - there's only one hunting area for your level to hunt at anyway, except maybe in that cross-over level as you move from one place to the other.
I will continue going on. I just wanted to voice my frustration over something that used to work very well, and that I loved to do, which no longer works for me. :(
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
This is Illistim, now - there's only one hunting area for your level to hunt at anyway, except maybe in that cross-over level as you move from one place to the other.
I will continue going on. I just wanted to voice my frustration over something that used to work very well, and that I loved to do, which no longer works for me. :(
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 07:32 AM CST
+1. Functionally 720 attempts at a bounty will always get us the one we want, save us the hassle!
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 08:16 AM CST
>Was this intended? Is it just me?! Did I just pass some place in my training around the same time F2P came out that it FELT like it was connected? Or is it just around Illistim that this is a problem?
I doubt moving to Illistim is your problem, but if you moved away from the Landing that might be a big factor.
Getting to higher level has effects too, as does being in an unpopulated level range. I do them virtually all from jars now, but it probably took twice as many hunts at level 70 as level 30 for me, plus a rather higher fraction that needed to be removed because they'd take forever.
I doubt moving to Illistim is your problem, but if you moved away from the Landing that might be a big factor.
Getting to higher level has effects too, as does being in an unpopulated level range. I do them virtually all from jars now, but it probably took twice as many hunts at level 70 as level 30 for me, plus a rather higher fraction that needed to be removed because they'd take forever.
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 08:25 AM CST
>Well, I only hunt things I learn from. But I have no way of knowing if said creature can drop said gem.
Gems come in tiers. If a critter drops a gem in the right tier, it can drop the one you want. e.g. if it drops an uncut diamond, it can drop an uncut emerald. If you see gems that are in tiers on both sides, its a virtual certainty the one in the middle is available too. If you've got a large selection, and they are all too valuable, hunt something cheaper or get a new task. If they are all too cheap, hunt something richer, or use loot boosts, or take a partner with you to make it richer.
I don't know if Lich took over the tool for it, but there was a third party tool that you could use to check what a promising critter might be when the AG was first released and storage wasn't common.
Gems come in tiers. If a critter drops a gem in the right tier, it can drop the one you want. e.g. if it drops an uncut diamond, it can drop an uncut emerald. If you see gems that are in tiers on both sides, its a virtual certainty the one in the middle is available too. If you've got a large selection, and they are all too valuable, hunt something cheaper or get a new task. If they are all too cheap, hunt something richer, or use loot boosts, or take a partner with you to make it richer.
I don't know if Lich took over the tool for it, but there was a third party tool that you could use to check what a promising critter might be when the AG was first released and storage wasn't common.
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 09:02 AM CST
Basically that means to know your hunting areas. If you normally find agates over here and tourmaline over there, when you get a bounty for 65 tourmalines, do NOT go over here, because they won't drop even with the bonu. You have to go over there.
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 11:07 AM CST
Hunting pressure also plays a role, though indirectly. If you have a task for uncut diamonds, you'll be a lot less likely to find them in places that see a lot of action.... but the opposite is also true, if you go somewhere that's rarely hunted looking for clear zircons they won't drop either (even if the respective gems CAN drop in those grounds).
If you have a task for a gem on the extreme high or low end of value, it's worth paying attention to how many people are hunting where you are and maybe passing on the task if there are too many or few folk in that area. In a couple towns, I wouldn't accept a gem task for the extreme low end unless I'd recently seen a LOT of people in the places I can learn from (it took me a week to find 6 star diopsides in SolHaven once... I know I could have popped over to the Landing, but I had another reason to be hunting there that week).
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
If you have a task for a gem on the extreme high or low end of value, it's worth paying attention to how many people are hunting where you are and maybe passing on the task if there are too many or few folk in that area. In a couple towns, I wouldn't accept a gem task for the extreme low end unless I'd recently seen a LOT of people in the places I can learn from (it took me a week to find 6 star diopsides in SolHaven once... I know I could have popped over to the Landing, but I had another reason to be hunting there that week).
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 11:18 AM CST
I didn't sell a single gem except for bounties for about 5 years and varied my hunting grounds. You won't have any problems if you do that.
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 11:32 AM CST
> If they are all too cheap, hunt something richer,
Honest, there's only one place to hunt...
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
Honest, there's only one place to hunt...
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 12:59 PM CST
>Honest, there's only one place to hunt...
AG range is 10 levels. There may only be one place you care to hunt, but its pretty rare that there isn't somewhere else with a critter in that range which is either too dangerous due to it being 5 levels above you and hanging out with others that are 15 levels above you, or too boring due to it being 5 levels below you and hanging out with critters that are 10 levels below you.
The fewer the selection of critter tasks the AG can give you, the more important it is to be happy with hunting 100% of them if you want to get gems by hunting with the task active.
Personally I've never hunted for gems much past mid level, though I did it a lot when I was lower level. I find it takes too long for them to drop even when they are dropping, and the risks of ones that are only on a critter I really don't want to hunt get too much.
AG range is 10 levels. There may only be one place you care to hunt, but its pretty rare that there isn't somewhere else with a critter in that range which is either too dangerous due to it being 5 levels above you and hanging out with others that are 15 levels above you, or too boring due to it being 5 levels below you and hanging out with critters that are 10 levels below you.
The fewer the selection of critter tasks the AG can give you, the more important it is to be happy with hunting 100% of them if you want to get gems by hunting with the task active.
Personally I've never hunted for gems much past mid level, though I did it a lot when I was lower level. I find it takes too long for them to drop even when they are dropping, and the risks of ones that are only on a critter I really don't want to hunt get too much.
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 04:21 PM CST
Hmmm ... seems to me a dwarven ranger once told me they could tell what areas certain gems were most likely to be found, and that they could sense tunnels in caves. The same way natively topside rangers can sense flora/fauna and hidden paths.
Is this no longer true?
(I've never played a dwarven ranger)
(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Request for Boost Change
12/02/2016 09:44 PM CST
> +1. Functionally 720 attempts at a bounty will always get us the one we want, save us the hassle!
I just read that as 720 the room until we get the one we want