[Blue Glacier, Mountain Pass]
If it were not for the rough sides of the narrow pass, you would surely lose your way in the blinding snow that swirls around you. You grope your way forward, fervently praying you will live long enough to look back on this perilous journey.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
A halfling official arrives, following you.
[Blue Glacier, Mountain Pass]
It is difficult to fathom how such a dangerous place can also offer beauty. However, so it is when an occasional moonbeam peeks through the cloud cover, bathing the ice with rays of moonlight that transform it into soft color.
Obvious paths: east, southwest
A halfling official arrives, following you.
A giantman robber leaps out of his hiding place!
A giantman robber swings a longsword at you!
AS: +406 vs DS: +246 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +78 = +255
... and hits for 10 points of damage!
Downward slash across your left thigh
Gouges bone!
You are stunned for 1 rounds!
A human marauder leaps out of his hiding place!
A human marauder swings a broadsword at a halfling official!
AS: +411 vs DS: +192 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +28 = +283
... and hits for 132 points of damage!
Deft slash!
The halfling official is spun around and hit hard in her lower back.
The official falls to the ground, dead!
[You have failed your current Adventurer's Guild task.]
A human marauder laughs in victory!
He roots through a halfling official's pockets and takes some silver coins. With an evil grin, he pulls out a belt pouch and stashes away his ill-gotten gain.
Just a little bit unfair in my opinion. I'd rather they stick on me til I'm dead and especially with no time to react (literally) not to mention they are immune to Beacon of Courage. I get that the paladin is stunned but I also know the stun basically happened at the same time they killed the official with 0 seconds to react from said ambush.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: escort /groan
12/18/2015 08:17 AM CST
While not always easy but get spells on your escorts as much as possible. Dont need a full 4 hrs. They will still get hit ocassional but will survive long enough to kill the bandits and give them herbs
Another escort example
01/01/2016 08:00 PM CST
My apologies for the vent. But.. another example. Right from the time I get in the room, I get stuck in RT. I live and kill the bandits, but while in RT and unable to do anything they end up killing the merchant. Hardly fair mechanically speaking. I was hoping to use Beacon of Courage to keep them off of the merchant but I wasn't able to even cast once til it was too late. Here's the log.
A halfling merchant arrives, following you.
[Snowy Plains, White Ice Lake]
The broken remains of an old, weather-beaten dinghy lies upon the lake shore. It seems rather odd to find a boat of any kind beside a frozen lake, even a broken one. You ponder on what possible use it might serve.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
A halfling merchant arrives, following you.
An elven brigand leaps out of his hiding place!
An elven brigand swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +414 vs DS: +598 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +74 = -92
A clean miss.
A human marauder springs from the shadows and strikes at you!
[Roll result: 155 (open d100: 88)]
A human marauder delivers a blow to your head with his falchion!
...5 damage!
You are dazed!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A half-elven rogue leaps out of his hiding place!
A half-elven rogue lunges forward at you with his reinforced shield and attempts a shield bash!
[Roll result: 347 (open d100: 276)]
A half-elven rogue lashes at you with an awesome shield bash and you flip through the air, landing on your head with a crash!
... 1 point of damage!
Hearty smack to the head.
You are stunned!
Roundtime: 15 sec.
Roundtime changed to 17 seconds.
A giantman brigand leaps out of his hiding place!
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +279 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +79 = +234
... and hits for 15 points of damage!
Blow to your chest causes your heart to skip a beat.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a half-elven rogue engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +42 = +11
A clean miss.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
Nearly insensible, you desperately block the attack with your katana!
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +4 = -27
A clean miss.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +10 = -21
A clean miss.
An elven brigand swings a broadsword at you!
Reeling and staggering, you barely block the attack with your black veil iron katana!
A human marauder slips into hiding.
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +29 = -15
A clean miss.
An elven brigand slips into hiding.
A human marauder springs from the shadows and strikes at you!
[Roll result: 102 (open d100: 20)]
A human marauder delivers a blow to your right eye with his falchion!
...6 damage!
Roundtime changed to 7 seconds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +16 = -28
A clean miss.
An elven brigand leaps out of his hiding place!
[Roll result: 75 (open d100: 28)]
A human marauder kicks his leg at your groin, but you manage to turn away in time, resulting in a light kick to your leg instead.
[Roll result: 127 (open d100: 72)]
A half-elven rogue kicks his leg at your groin and connects! Waves of pain instantly shoot through your body. You try to cry out in pain, but all that escapes is a tiny, high-pitched gasp.
...13 damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A halfling merchant backs away from a giantman brigand.
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +462 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +8 = -20
A clean miss.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +462 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +78 = +63
A clean miss.
[Roll result: 150 (open d100: 45)]
An elven brigand feints low, and you spot the ruse too late as you twist awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a human marauder engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A human marauder swings a falchion at you!
AS: +418 vs DS: +338 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +90 = +191
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Slash to your right leg hits high!
Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
A human marauder swings a falchion at you!
AS: +418 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +74 = +180
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Weak slash to your lower back!
A human marauder swings a falchion at you!
Nearly insensible, you desperately block the attack with your katana!
A human marauder swings a falchion at you!
You stumble dazedly, somehow managing to evade the attack!
A giantman brigand swings a mace at a halfling merchant!
AS: +416 vs DS: +235 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +97 = +309
... and hits for 129 points of damage!
Awesome shot collapses a lung!
The merchant falls to the ground, dead!
The light blue glow leaves a halfling merchant.
The powerful look leaves a halfling merchant.
The deep blue glow leaves a halfling merchant.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting a halfling merchant begins to falter, then completely fades away.
The air calms down around a halfling merchant.
[You have failed your current Adventurer's Guild task.]
A giantman brigand laughs in victory!
He roots through a halfling merchant's pockets and takes some silver coins. With an evil grin, he pulls out a belt pouch and stashes away his ill-gotten gain.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +85 = +199
... and hits for 8 points of damage!
Awkward slash to your stomach!
Everyone needs another belly button.
An elven brigand slips into hiding.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +94 = +208
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on your chest!
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +9 = +110
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Thumped your chest.
A half-elven rogue pulls out a white crystal and rubs it!
A half-elven rogue looks considerably more imposing.
An elven brigand leaps out of his hiding place!
An elven brigand swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +414 vs DS: +287 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +49 = +194
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Jarring blow to your back.
The cold arctic winds begin to whip around you violently!
!PR>prep 1630
...wait 1 seconds.
!PR>prep 1630
You trace your patron's holy symbol in the air, using it to focus your invocation of Judgment.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You briefly close your eyes, and the faint visage of a rearing unicorn appears behind you. A faint black light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal sword!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a giantman brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +282 + CvA: 0 + d100: +4 == +112
Warding failed!
The giantman brigand is stricken for 16 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
The giantman brigand is driven to his knees!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a half-elven rogue!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: +1 + d100: +77 == +189
Warding failed!
The half-elven rogue is stricken for 75 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Abdomen bursts into flames. Would be funny without the blood.
The half-elven rogue is stunned!
The half-elven rogue is driven to his knees!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking an elven brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: 0 + d100: +74 == +185
Warding failed!
The elven brigand is stricken for 50 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Scorching heat shrivels left leg to a useless black mass.
An elven brigand falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
The elven brigand is stunned!
The elven brigand strains as if burdened by some invisible force.
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a human marauder!
CS: +390 - TD: +273 + CvA: -1 + d100: +84 == +200
Warding failed!
The human marauder is stricken for 67 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Permanently debilitating burns across stomach.
The human marauder is stunned!
The human marauder is driven to his knees!
The ethereal sword in your hand scatters into pinpoints of light that fade away.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
!P>stance def
Cast Round Time in effect: Setting stance to guarded.
A giantman brigand stands up with a grunt.
You stand back up.
!>prep 1630
You trace your patron's holy symbol in the air, using it to focus your invocation of Judgment.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You briefly close your eyes, and the faint visage of a rearing unicorn appears behind you. A faint black light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal sword!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a giantman brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +282 + CvA: 0 + d100: +14 == +122
Warding failed!
The giantman brigand is stricken for 32 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left leg burns skin bright red.
The giantman brigand is driven to his knees!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a half-elven rogue!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: +1 + d100: +9 == +121
Warding failed!
The half-elven rogue is stricken for 23 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left eye bakes eyelid.
The half-elven rogue strains as if burdened by some invisible force.
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking an elven brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: 0 + d100: +45 == +156
Warding failed!
The elven brigand is stricken for 52 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Back bursts into a spectacular display of flames. Bet it hurts too.
The elven brigand strains as if burdened by some invisible force.
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a human marauder!
CS: +390 - TD: +273 + CvA: -1 + d100: +76 == +192
Warding failed!
The human marauder is stricken for 112 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Flames burn hole in chest exposing ribs!
The human marauder strains as if burdened by some invisible force.
The ethereal sword in your hand scatters into pinpoints of light that fade away.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
!>cman sur
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel significantly stronger.
[ Surge of Strength: +0:01:30, 0:01:29 remaining. ]
[ Surge of Strength Cooldown: +0:03:00, 0:03:00 remaining. ]
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
With instinctive motions, you weave to and fro striking with deliberate and unrelenting fury!
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at a giantman brigand!
AS: +458 vs DS: +315 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +48 = +228
... and hit for 77 points of damage!
The giantman brigand twists away but is caught with a hard slash!
Back is broken!
The giantman brigand is knocked to the ground!
The giantman brigand is stunned!
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at a half-elven rogue!
AS: +458 vs DS: +293 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +79 = +285
... and hit for 127 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash!
The half-elven rogue's chest is ripped open!
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at an elven brigand!
AS: +458 vs DS: +235 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +21 = +281
... and hit for 91 points of damage!
Slash strikes the elven brigand's left eye.
Seems there was a brain there after all.
The elven brigand rolls over and dies.
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at a human marauder!
AS: +458 vs DS: +255 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +74 = +310
... and hit for 101 points of damage!
Feint left spins the human marauder around!
Jagged slash to lower back.
The human marauder rolls over and dies.
Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you off-balance and out of position.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
[ MStrike Cooldown: +0:01:00, 0:01:00 remaining. ]
[Snowy Plains, White Ice Lake]
The broken remains of an old, weather-beaten dinghy lies upon the lake shore. It seems rather odd to find a boat of any kind beside a frozen lake, even a broken one. You ponder on what possible use it might serve. You also see a giantman brigand that appears stunned, a half-elven rogue that appears stunned, a halfling merchant that appears dead, an elven brigand that appears dead and a human marauder that appears dead.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
You feel fully energetic again.
!R>sear mer
...wait 4 seconds.
A halfling merchant's body decays into compost.
!R>sear brig
You search the elven brigand.
You discard the brigand's useless equipment.
He had 307 silvers on him.
You gather the remaining 307 coins.
He had nothing else of value.
An elven brigand decays into compost.
A half-elven rogue kneels there, dazed and confused.
[Snowy Plains, White Ice Lake]
The broken remains of an old, weather-beaten dinghy lies upon the lake shore. It seems rather odd to find a boat of any kind beside a frozen lake, even a broken one. You ponder on what possible use it might serve. You also see a giantman brigand that appears stunned, a half-elven rogue that appears stunned and a human marauder that appears dead.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
!>sear mara
You search the human marauder.
You discard the marauder's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
A human marauder decays into compost.
A half-elven rogue stands up with a grunt.
!>prep 1630
You trace your patron's holy symbol in the air, using it to focus your invocation of Judgment.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You briefly close your eyes, and the faint visage of a rearing unicorn appears behind you. A faint black light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal sword!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a giantman brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +282 + CvA: 0 + d100: +90 == +198
Warding failed!
The giantman brigand is stricken for 72 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Intestines rupture from intense heat; a giantman brigand dies a slow, painful death.
The giantman brigand rolls over and dies.
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a half-elven rogue!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: +1 + d100: +14 == +126
Warding failed!
The half-elven rogue is stricken for 23 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames chars neck a crispy black.
The half-elven rogue is stunned!
The half-elven rogue is driven to his knees!
The ethereal sword in your hand scatters into pinpoints of light that fade away.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
!>sear brig
You search the giantman brigand.
He had a belt pouch.
You discard the brigand's remaining useless equipment.
He had 492 silvers on him.
You gather the remaining 492 coins.
He had nothing else of value.
A giantman brigand decays into compost.
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at a half-elven rogue!
AS: +458 vs DS: +421 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +55 = +133
... and hit for 17 points of damage!
Strike dents the half-elven rogue's larynx.
Swallowing will be fun.
The half-elven rogue rolls over and dies.
A half-elven rogue seems a bit less imposing.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You feel recovered from your whirlwind flurry of strikes.
!R>sear rogue
...wait 1 seconds.
!R>sear rogue
You search the half-elven rogue.
You discard the rogue's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
A half-elven rogue decays into compost.
!>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
A halfling merchant arrives, following you.
[Snowy Plains, White Ice Lake]
The broken remains of an old, weather-beaten dinghy lies upon the lake shore. It seems rather odd to find a boat of any kind beside a frozen lake, even a broken one. You ponder on what possible use it might serve.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
A halfling merchant arrives, following you.
An elven brigand leaps out of his hiding place!
An elven brigand swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +414 vs DS: +598 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +74 = -92
A clean miss.
A human marauder springs from the shadows and strikes at you!
[Roll result: 155 (open d100: 88)]
A human marauder delivers a blow to your head with his falchion!
...5 damage!
You are dazed!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A half-elven rogue leaps out of his hiding place!
A half-elven rogue lunges forward at you with his reinforced shield and attempts a shield bash!
[Roll result: 347 (open d100: 276)]
A half-elven rogue lashes at you with an awesome shield bash and you flip through the air, landing on your head with a crash!
... 1 point of damage!
Hearty smack to the head.
You are stunned!
Roundtime: 15 sec.
Roundtime changed to 17 seconds.
A giantman brigand leaps out of his hiding place!
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +279 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +79 = +234
... and hits for 15 points of damage!
Blow to your chest causes your heart to skip a beat.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a half-elven rogue engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +42 = +11
A clean miss.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
Nearly insensible, you desperately block the attack with your katana!
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +4 = -27
A clean miss.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +10 = -21
A clean miss.
An elven brigand swings a broadsword at you!
Reeling and staggering, you barely block the attack with your black veil iron katana!
A human marauder slips into hiding.
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +29 = -15
A clean miss.
An elven brigand slips into hiding.
A human marauder springs from the shadows and strikes at you!
[Roll result: 102 (open d100: 20)]
A human marauder delivers a blow to your right eye with his falchion!
...6 damage!
Roundtime changed to 7 seconds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +478 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +16 = -28
A clean miss.
An elven brigand leaps out of his hiding place!
[Roll result: 75 (open d100: 28)]
A human marauder kicks his leg at your groin, but you manage to turn away in time, resulting in a light kick to your leg instead.
[Roll result: 127 (open d100: 72)]
A half-elven rogue kicks his leg at your groin and connects! Waves of pain instantly shoot through your body. You try to cry out in pain, but all that escapes is a tiny, high-pitched gasp.
...13 damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A halfling merchant backs away from a giantman brigand.
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +462 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +8 = -20
A clean miss.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +462 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +78 = +63
A clean miss.
[Roll result: 150 (open d100: 45)]
An elven brigand feints low, and you spot the ruse too late as you twist awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a human marauder engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A human marauder swings a falchion at you!
AS: +418 vs DS: +338 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +90 = +191
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Slash to your right leg hits high!
Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
A human marauder swings a falchion at you!
AS: +418 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +74 = +180
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Weak slash to your lower back!
A human marauder swings a falchion at you!
Nearly insensible, you desperately block the attack with your katana!
A human marauder swings a falchion at you!
You stumble dazedly, somehow managing to evade the attack!
A giantman brigand swings a mace at a halfling merchant!
AS: +416 vs DS: +235 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +97 = +309
... and hits for 129 points of damage!
Awesome shot collapses a lung!
The merchant falls to the ground, dead!
The light blue glow leaves a halfling merchant.
The powerful look leaves a halfling merchant.
The deep blue glow leaves a halfling merchant.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting a halfling merchant begins to falter, then completely fades away.
The air calms down around a halfling merchant.
[You have failed your current Adventurer's Guild task.]
A giantman brigand laughs in victory!
He roots through a halfling merchant's pockets and takes some silver coins. With an evil grin, he pulls out a belt pouch and stashes away his ill-gotten gain.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +85 = +199
... and hits for 8 points of damage!
Awkward slash to your stomach!
Everyone needs another belly button.
An elven brigand slips into hiding.
A half-elven rogue swings a handaxe at you!
AS: +424 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +94 = +208
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on your chest!
A giantman brigand swings a mace at you!
AS: +416 vs DS: +333 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +9 = +110
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Thumped your chest.
A half-elven rogue pulls out a white crystal and rubs it!
A half-elven rogue looks considerably more imposing.
An elven brigand leaps out of his hiding place!
An elven brigand swings a broadsword at you!
AS: +414 vs DS: +287 with AvD: +18 + d100 roll: +49 = +194
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Jarring blow to your back.
The cold arctic winds begin to whip around you violently!
!PR>prep 1630
...wait 1 seconds.
!PR>prep 1630
You trace your patron's holy symbol in the air, using it to focus your invocation of Judgment.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You briefly close your eyes, and the faint visage of a rearing unicorn appears behind you. A faint black light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal sword!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a giantman brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +282 + CvA: 0 + d100: +4 == +112
Warding failed!
The giantman brigand is stricken for 16 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
The giantman brigand is driven to his knees!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a half-elven rogue!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: +1 + d100: +77 == +189
Warding failed!
The half-elven rogue is stricken for 75 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Abdomen bursts into flames. Would be funny without the blood.
The half-elven rogue is stunned!
The half-elven rogue is driven to his knees!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking an elven brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: 0 + d100: +74 == +185
Warding failed!
The elven brigand is stricken for 50 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Scorching heat shrivels left leg to a useless black mass.
An elven brigand falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
The elven brigand is stunned!
The elven brigand strains as if burdened by some invisible force.
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a human marauder!
CS: +390 - TD: +273 + CvA: -1 + d100: +84 == +200
Warding failed!
The human marauder is stricken for 67 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
Permanently debilitating burns across stomach.
The human marauder is stunned!
The human marauder is driven to his knees!
The ethereal sword in your hand scatters into pinpoints of light that fade away.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
!P>stance def
Cast Round Time in effect: Setting stance to guarded.
A giantman brigand stands up with a grunt.
You stand back up.
!>prep 1630
You trace your patron's holy symbol in the air, using it to focus your invocation of Judgment.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You briefly close your eyes, and the faint visage of a rearing unicorn appears behind you. A faint black light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal sword!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a giantman brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +282 + CvA: 0 + d100: +14 == +122
Warding failed!
The giantman brigand is stricken for 32 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left leg burns skin bright red.
The giantman brigand is driven to his knees!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a half-elven rogue!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: +1 + d100: +9 == +121
Warding failed!
The half-elven rogue is stricken for 23 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left eye bakes eyelid.
The half-elven rogue strains as if burdened by some invisible force.
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking an elven brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: 0 + d100: +45 == +156
Warding failed!
The elven brigand is stricken for 52 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Back bursts into a spectacular display of flames. Bet it hurts too.
The elven brigand strains as if burdened by some invisible force.
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a human marauder!
CS: +390 - TD: +273 + CvA: -1 + d100: +76 == +192
Warding failed!
The human marauder is stricken for 112 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Flames burn hole in chest exposing ribs!
The human marauder strains as if burdened by some invisible force.
The ethereal sword in your hand scatters into pinpoints of light that fade away.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
!>cman sur
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel significantly stronger.
[ Surge of Strength: +0:01:30, 0:01:29 remaining. ]
[ Surge of Strength Cooldown: +0:03:00, 0:03:00 remaining. ]
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
With instinctive motions, you weave to and fro striking with deliberate and unrelenting fury!
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at a giantman brigand!
AS: +458 vs DS: +315 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +48 = +228
... and hit for 77 points of damage!
The giantman brigand twists away but is caught with a hard slash!
Back is broken!
The giantman brigand is knocked to the ground!
The giantman brigand is stunned!
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at a half-elven rogue!
AS: +458 vs DS: +293 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +79 = +285
... and hit for 127 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash!
The half-elven rogue's chest is ripped open!
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at an elven brigand!
AS: +458 vs DS: +235 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +21 = +281
... and hit for 91 points of damage!
Slash strikes the elven brigand's left eye.
Seems there was a brain there after all.
The elven brigand rolls over and dies.
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at a human marauder!
AS: +458 vs DS: +255 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +74 = +310
... and hit for 101 points of damage!
Feint left spins the human marauder around!
Jagged slash to lower back.
The human marauder rolls over and dies.
Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you off-balance and out of position.
Roundtime: 9 sec.
[ MStrike Cooldown: +0:01:00, 0:01:00 remaining. ]
[Snowy Plains, White Ice Lake]
The broken remains of an old, weather-beaten dinghy lies upon the lake shore. It seems rather odd to find a boat of any kind beside a frozen lake, even a broken one. You ponder on what possible use it might serve. You also see a giantman brigand that appears stunned, a half-elven rogue that appears stunned, a halfling merchant that appears dead, an elven brigand that appears dead and a human marauder that appears dead.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
You feel fully energetic again.
!R>sear mer
...wait 4 seconds.
A halfling merchant's body decays into compost.
!R>sear brig
You search the elven brigand.
You discard the brigand's useless equipment.
He had 307 silvers on him.
You gather the remaining 307 coins.
He had nothing else of value.
An elven brigand decays into compost.
A half-elven rogue kneels there, dazed and confused.
[Snowy Plains, White Ice Lake]
The broken remains of an old, weather-beaten dinghy lies upon the lake shore. It seems rather odd to find a boat of any kind beside a frozen lake, even a broken one. You ponder on what possible use it might serve. You also see a giantman brigand that appears stunned, a half-elven rogue that appears stunned and a human marauder that appears dead.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
!>sear mara
You search the human marauder.
You discard the marauder's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
A human marauder decays into compost.
A half-elven rogue stands up with a grunt.
!>prep 1630
You trace your patron's holy symbol in the air, using it to focus your invocation of Judgment.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You briefly close your eyes, and the faint visage of a rearing unicorn appears behind you. A faint black light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal sword!
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a giantman brigand!
CS: +390 - TD: +282 + CvA: 0 + d100: +90 == +198
Warding failed!
The giantman brigand is stricken for 72 points of damage!
... 60 points of damage!
Intestines rupture from intense heat; a giantman brigand dies a slow, painful death.
The giantman brigand rolls over and dies.
A plume of silver starlit flames stream from the edge of the ethereal sword, striking a half-elven rogue!
CS: +390 - TD: +279 + CvA: +1 + d100: +14 == +126
Warding failed!
The half-elven rogue is stricken for 23 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames chars neck a crispy black.
The half-elven rogue is stunned!
The half-elven rogue is driven to his knees!
The ethereal sword in your hand scatters into pinpoints of light that fade away.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
!>sear brig
You search the giantman brigand.
He had a belt pouch.
You discard the brigand's remaining useless equipment.
He had 492 silvers on him.
You gather the remaining 492 coins.
He had nothing else of value.
A giantman brigand decays into compost.
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at a half-elven rogue!
AS: +458 vs DS: +421 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +55 = +133
... and hit for 17 points of damage!
Strike dents the half-elven rogue's larynx.
Swallowing will be fun.
The half-elven rogue rolls over and dies.
A half-elven rogue seems a bit less imposing.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You feel recovered from your whirlwind flurry of strikes.
!R>sear rogue
...wait 1 seconds.
!R>sear rogue
You search the half-elven rogue.
You discard the rogue's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
A half-elven rogue decays into compost.
!>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Another escort example
01/02/2016 08:11 AM CST
It looks as if there were at least three rounds before they turned on the merchant, which in my experience is usually late. Mechanically there are many ways to avoid the situation you found yourself in. From that log it seems the system is WAI.
Bandits are tough guys.
Re: Another escort example
01/02/2016 10:30 AM CST
There was no way to avoid that situation.. RT from the very start that kept cumulating thus no reaction was even possible. That's the point. Not sure what WAI is but still.. nothing could be avoided. The way the system works, you enter a room, and there's a chance of bandits to spawn. In this case, I went one room at a time. When I did enter the first room with bandits, I was immediately stunned and kept in RT for at least 6+ rounds. So.. how do you avoid that besides refusing to do the escorts? You simply can't.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Another escort example
01/02/2016 03:13 PM CST
WAI= Working As Intended
As to how to avoid that.....don't get stunned for 6+ rds. Whether that is through proper training, or through being spelled up to infinity, is up to you.
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
As to how to avoid that.....don't get stunned for 6+ rds. Whether that is through proper training, or through being spelled up to infinity, is up to you.
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
Re: Another escort example
01/02/2016 10:47 PM CST
>[Roll result: 347 (open d100: 276)]
I mean, that's some really bad luck right there. But it's an open CML roll; it happens. Unless you bring backup, you're always at the mercy of something like that. Even with backup, nothing is guaranteed.
I mean, that's some really bad luck right there. But it's an open CML roll; it happens. Unless you bring backup, you're always at the mercy of something like that. Even with backup, nothing is guaranteed.
Re: Another escort example
01/03/2016 02:30 AM CST
Show me again where I was stunned 6 plus rounds? I wasn't. I was in RT 6+ Rounds from the moment they entered. So no.. it's not WAI.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Another escort example
01/03/2016 07:49 AM CST
Seems to me that if you had avoided that CMAN that resulted in the 15 second RT, and the ensuing stun, this could have turned out differently. Are there ways to avoid that and escape the stun? Certainly.
It also appears that the complaint is that you wished to tie them up in stun/rt before they had a chance to kill your merchant, and you think that it is okay for you to that to them, but not for them to do that to you - " I was hoping to use Beacon of Courage to keep them off of the merchant but I wasn't able to even cast..."
You are fighting max trained rogues. There is not a deadlier opponent in the game.
It also appears that the complaint is that you wished to tie them up in stun/rt before they had a chance to kill your merchant, and you think that it is okay for you to that to them, but not for them to do that to you - " I was hoping to use Beacon of Courage to keep them off of the merchant but I wasn't able to even cast..."
You are fighting max trained rogues. There is not a deadlier opponent in the game.
Re: Another escort example
01/03/2016 11:29 AM CST
The thing is.. it wasn't just 15 second RT. It kept stacking over and again right from the start. That's the issue that happens more times than can be counted.
How would the bandits feel if beacon occurred on them? From my view, respectfully, it's an apple to oranges. Beacon of Courage requires a warding check from the mechanic side of things. Even then, the bandits? Well.. while they are sort of AI, the ones warded can still kill the paladin that warded them with the spell. The RT.. not so much to either somehow be outrolled to avoid nor does the victim of the CM even have the chance to kill since the bandit(s) would just keep stacking the RT thus no means to even protect the NPC that needs protecting for the escort class.
I don't believe the bandits should be hiding and yelling "i'm hiding in the next room". I just believe there should be more of a fair chance to at least prep for them before they start doing the CMs. At least a 5 second delay. Should they attack? Absolutely.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
How would the bandits feel if beacon occurred on them? From my view, respectfully, it's an apple to oranges. Beacon of Courage requires a warding check from the mechanic side of things. Even then, the bandits? Well.. while they are sort of AI, the ones warded can still kill the paladin that warded them with the spell. The RT.. not so much to either somehow be outrolled to avoid nor does the victim of the CM even have the chance to kill since the bandit(s) would just keep stacking the RT thus no means to even protect the NPC that needs protecting for the escort class.
I don't believe the bandits should be hiding and yelling "i'm hiding in the next room". I just believe there should be more of a fair chance to at least prep for them before they start doing the CMs. At least a 5 second delay. Should they attack? Absolutely.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Another escort example
01/03/2016 04:31 PM CST
Thats what happens in gemstone, I get you're frustrated but do you expect a 100% success rate? Im going to guess your success rate is above 90% and that most of the escorts you choose to accept are less than 15 minutes to do since most only do the small travel escorts. If so, it would be silly to turn them down cause you would need to wait 15 minutes for a new task anyway. Otherwise, if it is too much of a PITA for you, sure turn them in. You can even purchase a simucoin store thinger to make them not give those to you.
Re: Another escort example
01/03/2016 06:21 PM CST
Show me again where I was stunned 6 plus rounds? I wasn't. I was in RT 6+ Rounds from the moment they entered. So no.. it's not WAI.
My apologies for the semantic mistake. Stunned vs RT 6 rds. Either way, yes, yes it is WAI.
And again, there are ways around that, as I mentioned. Train better for that specific task, spell up to the gills for that task, or as someone mentioned, turn in that task.
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
Show me again where I was stunned 6 plus rounds? I wasn't. I was in RT 6+ Rounds from the moment they entered. So no.. it's not WAI.
My apologies for the semantic mistake. Stunned vs RT 6 rds. Either way, yes, yes it is WAI.
And again, there are ways around that, as I mentioned. Train better for that specific task, spell up to the gills for that task, or as someone mentioned, turn in that task.
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
Re: Another escort example
01/04/2016 05:42 AM CST
>I don't believe the bandits should be hiding and yelling "i'm hiding in the next room". I just believe there should be more of a fair chance to at least prep for them before they start doing the CMs. At least a 5 second delay. Should they attack? Absolutely.
The whole point of bandits is that they get the first action. Deal with it or stick to other critter types that do stand there and wait to be killed. There might as well be nothing but kobolds on the route if the bandits gave you 5s during which you autoward them twice before actually attempting anything.
The whole point of bandits is that they get the first action. Deal with it or stick to other critter types that do stand there and wait to be killed. There might as well be nothing but kobolds on the route if the bandits gave you 5s during which you autoward them twice before actually attempting anything.
Re: Another escort example
01/04/2016 10:12 AM CST
>I don't believe the bandits should be hiding and yelling "i'm hiding in the next room". I just believe there should be more of a fair chance to at least prep for them before they start doing the CMs. At least a 5 second delay. Should they attack? Absolutely.
Re: Another escort example
01/04/2016 01:52 PM CST
>> "i'm hiding in the next room".<<
Oh, so THAT's how CMan divert works!
Oh, so THAT's how CMan divert works!
Re: Another escort example
01/04/2016 02:15 PM CST
Escorts are a bit of a crapshoot. My cleric refused to leave the Landing, for RP reasons, and capped doing escorts, earning the "travel guide" title. The first round of the ambush is critical with most spell casters. Any caster with an area effect disabling spell has an edge, PROVIDED they don't get RT LOCKED. Censure, major e-wave, nature's fury and so on will turn the tables fast. It helps that my 3 main casters are more physical than most, with 101 ranks of PF, 101 of CM, and high enchant HCP armors.
I have a combat oriented rogue; I have no problem doing cull bandit tasks with her. They try to ambush me, I try to ambush them, and usually I come out on top. That having been said, there is NO way I am going to do an escort task with her, since she totally lacks a crowd control spell. She can engage in stalk and counter stalk and do well, but won't be able to kill all the bandits before one of them decides to off the traveler. OK, let me modify that; she has enough MIU to be able to use e-wave amulets reliably, so I could have my wizard make up a bunch of imbeds for her to use. That's a bit of a bother however, and there are plenty of other tasks she can do in the area, so I just turn those down.
I have a combat oriented rogue; I have no problem doing cull bandit tasks with her. They try to ambush me, I try to ambush them, and usually I come out on top. That having been said, there is NO way I am going to do an escort task with her, since she totally lacks a crowd control spell. She can engage in stalk and counter stalk and do well, but won't be able to kill all the bandits before one of them decides to off the traveler. OK, let me modify that; she has enough MIU to be able to use e-wave amulets reliably, so I could have my wizard make up a bunch of imbeds for her to use. That's a bit of a bother however, and there are plenty of other tasks she can do in the area, so I just turn those down.
Re: Another escort example
01/04/2016 09:53 PM CST
My thoughts exactly, Throgg.
Others above: I've been playing since 98, so no I am not new as you suggested. NO, I did not nor do I expect 100 percent chance success rate. I expect a realistic chance to actually get the task done. Key word: Chance. That means failure can and should occur but not consistently losing all the time because of getting locked in RT.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Others above: I've been playing since 98, so no I am not new as you suggested. NO, I did not nor do I expect 100 percent chance success rate. I expect a realistic chance to actually get the task done. Key word: Chance. That means failure can and should occur but not consistently losing all the time because of getting locked in RT.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Another escort example
01/04/2016 11:08 PM CST
>That means failure can and should occur but not consistently losing all the time because of getting locked in RT
You lose ALL the time? You've never completed an escort task successfully? Or you have, but when you do lose, its because of rt lock? Have you lost any without rt lock? I ask because my pures who did them, if i got off a crowd control spell, I won. Every single time. The only way they won was if I did on rare occasions get rt locked(I suppose in .01% of the time, they just killed the escort as I walked in without rt lock but yeah, thats insanely rare) long enough where the escort died.
You lose ALL the time? You've never completed an escort task successfully? Or you have, but when you do lose, its because of rt lock? Have you lost any without rt lock? I ask because my pures who did them, if i got off a crowd control spell, I won. Every single time. The only way they won was if I did on rare occasions get rt locked(I suppose in .01% of the time, they just killed the escort as I walked in without rt lock but yeah, thats insanely rare) long enough where the escort died.
Re: Another escort example
01/05/2016 05:52 AM CST
>You lose ALL the time? You've never completed an escort task successfully?
I'd reckon on getting around 95% success solo escorting with that character. (I actually get about 90% solo with a warrior but if I had the advantage of being able to autoward hidden targets I'd save quite a few of those I lose)
I'd reckon on getting around 95% success solo escorting with that character. (I actually get about 90% solo with a warrior but if I had the advantage of being able to autoward hidden targets I'd save quite a few of those I lose)
Re: Another escort example
01/05/2016 12:03 PM CST
Since you're curious, since hitting about 90 it's been maybe 10 percent at best and b/c of the RT lock. Not because of a death. Could the bandits be slain by the character? Yes. Can the merchant live? No. Because of the RT Lock. Do I expect to fail at times? Yes, but simply put.. not all the time and especially to this nonsense.
But it would appear we're going to fence all day long without an actual official response so there's no point in posting my thoughts / feedback on this subject sicne it's going nowhere.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
But it would appear we're going to fence all day long without an actual official response so there's no point in posting my thoughts / feedback on this subject sicne it's going nowhere.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Another escort example
01/05/2016 02:07 PM CST
As a post 90 Paladin, who is consistently failing at this task.. my first look would be at my training.
Escort tasks are pretty easy stuff, for the reward they give.
Re: Another escort example
01/05/2016 03:54 PM CST
To my knowledge, there's nothing to train in to prevent the RT locks.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Another escort example
01/05/2016 09:59 PM CST
Honestly, as a near capped paladin, if you are getting 90% failure rate on escorts tasks, you are trained wrong. I'm sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but it's true.
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
-Taakhooshi, and Me
For the Story of Taakhooshi:
Re: Another escort example
01/06/2016 02:21 AM CST
I've failed them. WAI was bandied about and I agree. I could have bad luck and normally murder a bunch of bandits, but they are surprising me with an ambush with a stun, a trip, a blackjack to the head, a stand up, a new stun, etc then I die or kill them, but my traveler die. I kind of accept it as a good reality mechanic.
Normally I die when I'm not paying attention since I can berserk and Kobold Paladin can't, but I don't see this as broken. Dionket, Metadi and others have pegged a certain fail rate at 12% or so and you can't avoid it and I'm fine with that.
Here is mine considering I lazy escort.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 220 times and failed 23 times.
I'm failing around 18% because of similar stuns and I can break most bandit CC.
Normally I die when I'm not paying attention since I can berserk and Kobold Paladin can't, but I don't see this as broken. Dionket, Metadi and others have pegged a certain fail rate at 12% or so and you can't avoid it and I'm fine with that.
Here is mine considering I lazy escort.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 220 times and failed 23 times.
I'm failing around 18% because of similar stuns and I can break most bandit CC.
Re: Another escort example
01/06/2016 05:24 AM CST
>To my knowledge, there's nothing to train in to prevent the RT locks.
Everything that provides manoever defense will reduce RT, because manoever RT depends on endroll. If you aren't fully trained in CMan, you could be taking less RT by training it. If you don't have full cunning defense, you could be taking less RT by training it. If you can train a manoever that bandits use, you will take less RT from it if you do. If you aren't at maximum overtraining in armor, there's action penalty available to be removed. And then there's MIU and AS and outside spells that provide manoever defense. Don't like being hammered by shield bash? Use a shield and train it. You'd still take RT from that 276 double open roll, but you could drive your defense up high enough that a double open roll was needed to affect you with shield bash.
Everything that provides manoever defense will reduce RT, because manoever RT depends on endroll. If you aren't fully trained in CMan, you could be taking less RT by training it. If you don't have full cunning defense, you could be taking less RT by training it. If you can train a manoever that bandits use, you will take less RT from it if you do. If you aren't at maximum overtraining in armor, there's action penalty available to be removed. And then there's MIU and AS and outside spells that provide manoever defense. Don't like being hammered by shield bash? Use a shield and train it. You'd still take RT from that 276 double open roll, but you could drive your defense up high enough that a double open roll was needed to affect you with shield bash.
Re: Another escort example
01/06/2016 11:37 AM CST
>You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 220 times and failed 23 times.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 643 times and failed 36 times. I'd even wager to guess that about 10 of those were user error where I walked to the next room right as the ambush came and then slipped on ice or was too slow and they murdered the traveler. Im not really sure how you're getting rt locked 9 out 10 escorts. Half the time they dont even do cmans against me in the ambush, its just a regular AS ambush attack. I also peeked on my sorc You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 477 times and failed 82 times. which is worse but if I had to guess a paladin would be more warrior like than sorcerer like. Get in plate, train some common cmans they do or cunning defense, mass disable quicker.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 643 times and failed 36 times. I'd even wager to guess that about 10 of those were user error where I walked to the next room right as the ambush came and then slipped on ice or was too slow and they murdered the traveler. Im not really sure how you're getting rt locked 9 out 10 escorts. Half the time they dont even do cmans against me in the ambush, its just a regular AS ambush attack. I also peeked on my sorc You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 477 times and failed 82 times. which is worse but if I had to guess a paladin would be more warrior like than sorcerer like. Get in plate, train some common cmans they do or cunning defense, mass disable quicker.
Re: Another escort example
01/06/2016 01:41 PM CST
Giving the cman cunning defense a whirl and losing the disarm though I'll pick it up later if but only for RP purposes.
While my actual percentage overall is 25 percent failure, ever since hitting 90ish, it's been more like 100 percent which is the reason I posted in the first place. Hopefully the 5 ranks in Defense makes the difference though part of me thinks mathamitically it won't matter if RT keeps stacking though it could just be a streak of bad luck (which often occurs with 8 percent hindrence when casting more often than not as it realistically it seems more like 30 percent since often I see the low rolls.. usually a double 6, 7 etc).
Thanks for the suggestion.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
While my actual percentage overall is 25 percent failure, ever since hitting 90ish, it's been more like 100 percent which is the reason I posted in the first place. Hopefully the 5 ranks in Defense makes the difference though part of me thinks mathamitically it won't matter if RT keeps stacking though it could just be a streak of bad luck (which often occurs with 8 percent hindrence when casting more often than not as it realistically it seems more like 30 percent since often I see the low rolls.. usually a double 6, 7 etc).
Thanks for the suggestion.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Another escort example
01/06/2016 03:45 PM CST
As I mentioned, my cleric was close to cap when the AG first opened up. After she was too old to get tasks in the Bowels, she did mostly escort tasks. Being rather heavily trained in physical skills must have been fairly helpful, although I didn't really appreciate this at the time. All my spell casting gals did similar training. It's pretty good for escort tasks, but needless to say is a mutant path that most will not follow. 440 successes out of 462 tries seems decent.
>>You have succeeded at the Kill Creatures task 7 times.
You have succeeded at the Retrieve Heirloom task 11 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Gems task 8 times.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 440 times and failed 22 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Herbs task 6 times.
You have succeeded at the Kill Dangerous Creature task 12 times.
You have succeeded at the Help Kill Creatures task 7 times.
The taskmaster told you: "I've got a special mission for you. A certain client has hired us to provide a protective escort on her upcoming journey. Go to the area just inside the North Gate and WAIT for her to meet you there. You must guarantee her safety to Solhaven as soon as you can, being ready for any dangers that the two of you may face. Good luck!"<<
Guenhafyr (at level 100), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 130 35
Shield Use.........................| 201 101
Combat Maneuvers...................| 201 101
Brawling...........................| 201 101
Physical Fitness...................| 201 101
Arcane Symbols.....................| 96 22
Magic Item Use.....................| 114 28
Harness Power......................| 202 102
Spirit Mana Control................| 120 30
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 50 10
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 163 63
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 90 20
Perception.........................| 140 40
Climbing...........................| 150 50
Swimming...........................| 170 70
First Aid..........................| 190 90
Spell Lists
Major Spiritual....................| 67
Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 67
Spell Lists
Cleric.............................| 166
>>You have succeeded at the Kill Creatures task 7 times.
You have succeeded at the Retrieve Heirloom task 11 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Gems task 8 times.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 440 times and failed 22 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Herbs task 6 times.
You have succeeded at the Kill Dangerous Creature task 12 times.
You have succeeded at the Help Kill Creatures task 7 times.
The taskmaster told you: "I've got a special mission for you. A certain client has hired us to provide a protective escort on her upcoming journey. Go to the area just inside the North Gate and WAIT for her to meet you there. You must guarantee her safety to Solhaven as soon as you can, being ready for any dangers that the two of you may face. Good luck!"<<
Guenhafyr (at level 100), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 130 35
Shield Use.........................| 201 101
Combat Maneuvers...................| 201 101
Brawling...........................| 201 101
Physical Fitness...................| 201 101
Arcane Symbols.....................| 96 22
Magic Item Use.....................| 114 28
Harness Power......................| 202 102
Spirit Mana Control................| 120 30
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 50 10
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 163 63
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 90 20
Perception.........................| 140 40
Climbing...........................| 150 50
Swimming...........................| 170 70
First Aid..........................| 190 90
Spell Lists
Major Spiritual....................| 67
Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 67
Spell Lists
Cleric.............................| 166
Re: Another escort example
01/06/2016 03:57 PM CST
I guess the bottom line is that if you are a spell caster going for maximum casting potency, and training only in spells, lores and ancillary runestaff skills, perhaps you might want to turn down escort and bandit tasks. Or accept them and take your lumps. Not everyone is able to do all tasks or hunt all creatures.
Re: Another escort example
01/06/2016 05:01 PM CST
I'm not a paladin but I do a lot of hunting with one or two, and I escorts are my bread an butter tasks. There are two things that really help my success rate, a partner and being able to break stuns to interrupt those chained RT locks the bandits are fond of using.
I'm not sure if beseech is as effective as troubadours rally for removing stuns, etc. but I usually have to take a shot, then unstun myself and mstrike, ewave, vibration chant depending on my mood. I have also found that most escort tasks have usual spots where the bandits like to ambush and getting a sense for where those points are along the trail really helped me prepare to get ambushed and survive. If it helps for context I'm 2x in perception, physical fitness, and combat maneuvers, and usually don't get more than 15 seconds of RT unless I fall into a trap and/or get stunned.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 1720 times and failed 119 times.
Most of my failures have been due to getting injured and running out of herbs on longer escorts, or accidently moving ahead in icy rooms and falling over before I could get back to save the traveler. An it still annoys me when they get lucky and pick off an escort, no matter how it happens.
Good luck Falvicar
I'm not sure if beseech is as effective as troubadours rally for removing stuns, etc. but I usually have to take a shot, then unstun myself and mstrike, ewave, vibration chant depending on my mood. I have also found that most escort tasks have usual spots where the bandits like to ambush and getting a sense for where those points are along the trail really helped me prepare to get ambushed and survive. If it helps for context I'm 2x in perception, physical fitness, and combat maneuvers, and usually don't get more than 15 seconds of RT unless I fall into a trap and/or get stunned.
You have succeeded at the Protect Traveller task 1720 times and failed 119 times.
Most of my failures have been due to getting injured and running out of herbs on longer escorts, or accidently moving ahead in icy rooms and falling over before I could get back to save the traveler. An it still annoys me when they get lucky and pick off an escort, no matter how it happens.
Good luck Falvicar
Re: Another escort example
01/06/2016 09:44 PM CST
You're .. uh, this is the old 'did you try turning it off, then on again' question, but you're not doing these escorts in stance offensive, are you?
-james, bristenn's player
-james, bristenn's player
You think to yourself, "FFF-" |
A giant white bunny hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you! |
You evade the bolt by a hair! |
Re: Another escort example
01/06/2016 11:04 PM CST
My rescue child rate is worse than my escort :( I fail at child rescues.
Re: Another escort example
01/07/2016 12:12 AM CST
Kid rescues are variable, depending one where they are lost. I won't do rescues from the moon, nor from the bowels or labyrinth. I say, if they can get there on their own, they can get back on their own. Other places are ok.
Re: Another escort example
01/07/2016 06:29 AM CST
>You're .. uh, this is the old 'did you try turning it off, then on again' question, but you're not doing these escorts in stance offensive, are you?
Judging by the DS change on being stanced, he was defensive or close to it at the beginning of the posted ambush.
There's a significant penalty to being in offensive on a lot of manoevers, so if you do run Zealot, you'll take rather more RT as a result.
>Giving the cman cunning defense a whirl and losing the disarm though I'll pick it up later if but only for RP purposes.
You also ought to get a rank for defensive purposes of any manoever you can train that they cause you trouble with. Thats a better use of Cman points that the later ranks of cunning defense as well as giving you another RP option.
>I have also found that most escort tasks have usual spots where the bandits like to ambush and getting a sense for where those points are along the trail really helped me prepare to get ambushed and survive.
I'm fairly sure its elapsed time rather than location. If you are normally moving about as fast as possible every escort, you'll get hit in much the same places on each escort but I reckon thats a consequence of reaching them at the same time.
Judging by the DS change on being stanced, he was defensive or close to it at the beginning of the posted ambush.
There's a significant penalty to being in offensive on a lot of manoevers, so if you do run Zealot, you'll take rather more RT as a result.
>Giving the cman cunning defense a whirl and losing the disarm though I'll pick it up later if but only for RP purposes.
You also ought to get a rank for defensive purposes of any manoever you can train that they cause you trouble with. Thats a better use of Cman points that the later ranks of cunning defense as well as giving you another RP option.
>I have also found that most escort tasks have usual spots where the bandits like to ambush and getting a sense for where those points are along the trail really helped me prepare to get ambushed and survive.
I'm fairly sure its elapsed time rather than location. If you are normally moving about as fast as possible every escort, you'll get hit in much the same places on each escort but I reckon thats a consequence of reaching them at the same time.
Re: Another escort example
01/07/2016 10:45 AM CST
So.. 3 times (2 solo, and one with a certain bardess) since the chance to the Cunning Defense for escorts is doing the trick. Thank you everybody.
If you're curios on the training.. below
Falvicar (at level 95), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 292 192
Combat Maneuvers...................| 196 96
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 292 192
Ambush.............................| 120 30
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 160 60
Physical Fitness...................| 292 192
Dodging............................| 196 96
Magic Item Use.....................| 90 20
Harness Power......................| 196 96
Spirit Mana Control................| 105 25
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 5 1
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 166 66
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 70 15
Perception.........................| 120 30
Climbing...........................| 140 40
Swimming...........................| 140 40
First Aid..........................| 140 40
Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 30
Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 40
Training Points: 84 Phy 0 Mnt (304 Phy converted to Mnt)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)
No.. I rarely zealot vs bandits though when it comes to post cap demons.. that's a different story :P One far off day, 2x in CMs but for now.. it's just too expensive.
Thanks again, everybody for explaining better what I was overlooking / doing wrong etc.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
If you're curios on the training.. below
Falvicar (at level 95), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 292 192
Combat Maneuvers...................| 196 96
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 292 192
Ambush.............................| 120 30
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 160 60
Physical Fitness...................| 292 192
Dodging............................| 196 96
Magic Item Use.....................| 90 20
Harness Power......................| 196 96
Spirit Mana Control................| 105 25
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 5 1
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 166 66
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 70 15
Perception.........................| 120 30
Climbing...........................| 140 40
Swimming...........................| 140 40
First Aid..........................| 140 40
Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 30
Spell Lists
Paladin............................| 40
Training Points: 84 Phy 0 Mnt (304 Phy converted to Mnt)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)
No.. I rarely zealot vs bandits though when it comes to post cap demons.. that's a different story :P One far off day, 2x in CMs but for now.. it's just too expensive.
Thanks again, everybody for explaining better what I was overlooking / doing wrong etc.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Another escort example
01/07/2016 11:13 AM CST
>Perception.........................| 120 30
I believe this is a big issue
Re: Another escort example
01/07/2016 11:17 AM CST
Perception is a considerable part of bandit warfare.
- Guards haul off the stupid corpse. -
Re: Another escort example
01/07/2016 02:23 PM CST
You should get away with it in plate, though lesser armor might well be advised to go a lot higher in perception.
Re: Another escort example
01/07/2016 03:21 PM CST
Perception reduces the rt from the cms?!?
I always was under the impression that 30 was more than adequate except for those searching for traps for some reason.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
I always was under the impression that 30 was more than adequate except for those searching for traps for some reason.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!