Sphere and Scythe's Evening of Rememberances 04/14/2019 02:22 PM CDT
*The night of April 14th, 2019 The Order of the Sphere and Scythe hosted an Evening of Rememberance right outside the Landing in there Memoriam. Individuas were invited to share remembrances and provide an offering to those that passed in Elanthia.*

*[Sphere and Scythe, Memoriam - 27845]*
*This perfectly square room expands into the depths of the stone walls that surround it. In the northern apex a recessed alcove is positioned above two folded wings cradling a perfectly formed crystal sphere. Engraved above the alcove in detailed script are the words, "With undying love, we commit you to memory." Three massive tapestries line the remaining walls. You also see a small pink box filled with soft linen handkerchiefs.*

(A pair of ethereal white wings cradling a crystal sphere suddenly descends from the heavens. Tendrils of grey smoke drift slowly to the ground to form a recessed alcove. In swirls of black script the following message appears, "Join The Sphere and Scythe for a memorial ceremony right outside the Landing in their Memoriam. The Bardess Luxelle will be performing a rarely heard ballad titled, 'The Ballad of the Landing,' written by Dreamweaver." As soon as you read the words the alcove and its adornments disappear in a fine mist.)

*Welcoming to the Event*

Mikalmas says, "So few have time to remember now, in this new age."

Mikalmas draws his white pastoral staff from his runestaff sling, tracing an arc of eerie grey miasma in its wake.

Mikalmas leans against his white pastoral staff, gazing thoughtfully at his surroundings.

Mikalmas says, "But we do."

Mikalmas flashes a wide grin.

Mikalmas asks, "Shall we?"

Mikalmas raises an eyebrow in Rovvigen's direction.

Mikalmas raises an eyebrow in Balley's direction.

Rovvigen nods at Mikalmas.

Mikalmas says, "Thank you all for coming."

Mikalmas says, "We will begin the evening with a consecration of the sacred space shortly. Followed by a brief ceremony. Then the Legendary Luxelle will perform a not often heard ballad for us."

Mikalmas says, "After that, we will proceed with remembrances."

Mikalmas says, "A special Welcome to Ramkalef. He is our newest officer apprentice for the Sphere and Scythe."

*The crowd applause as they welcome Ramkalef as the newest officer apprentice to the Order*

Mikalmas says, "If you would like to be added to the list of people who wish to offer remembrances and a memorial, please whisper to him so he may get you on the list."

Mikalmas says, "There will be a closing performance by Luxelle at the end of the remembrances as well."

Mikalmas says, "So with that, we will begin with the consecration of the space."

*The Beginning of the Ceremony*

Rovvigen recites softly:
"With these offerings, we ask for the guidance of the Pantheons. The Liabo, The Neutral, The Lornon."

Rovvigen recites softly:
"We begin this evening with offerings to The Liabo."

Rovvigen carefully places his sandalwood incense on the ground.

Rovvigen lights the sandalwood incense, which flickers and begins to burn.

Rovvigen grabs some grey zydris incense from a small pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.

Rovvigen recites softly:
"We continue with offerings to The Neutral"

Rovvigen carefully places his zydris incense on the ground.

Rovvigen lights the zydris incense, which flickers and begins to burn.

(Some white incense emits a tendril of sandalwood-scented smoke, which forms a lacy pattern in the air before fading away.)

Rovvigen grabs some black mournbloom incense from a small pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.

Rovvigen recites softly:
"And we finish with offerings to The Lornon."

Rovvigen carefully places his mournbloom incense on the ground.

Rovvigen lights the mournbloom incense, which flickers and begins to burn.

(Soft wisps of scented smoke waft from the zydris incense.)

Rovvigen recites softly:
"And with the sacred space prepared, Mikalmas will lead us in ceremony."

(A faint aroma of mournbloom fills the area.)

Bbee hangs his head.

Mikalmas closes his eyes for a moment.

Mikalmas says, "First, we honor Oleani. Oleani represents the many aspects of love, including the tragedy of a lover's untimely death."

(Some grey incense burns softly as a stream of zydris-scented smoke rises from its smoldering ashes.)

(Some white smoke wafts up from the sandalwood incense, sending tendrils of fragrance throughout the immediate surroundings.)

Mikalmas says, "We are all here, in some form or another, to remember love, and so we honor Oleani. Gone, but not forgotten. The hearts of us who remain will always remember."

(Some black incense burns softly as a stream of mournbloom-scented smoke rises from its smoldering ashes.)

Balley softly says, "I come with an offering to the Goddess of Love."

Balley carefully places her red heart candle on the ground.

Balley lights the red heart candle, which flickers and begins to burn.

Neopuron gazes into the flickering flame of a flower-etched red heart candle, lost in thought.

Mikalmas says, "Next, we honor Lorminstra, the Gatekeeper. The Goddess of death and rebirth. It is by her hand that a lost loved one returns or does not."

Mikalmas says, "So in the traditions of her wisdom, we offer thanks."

Balley softly says, "I come with an offering to the Gatekeeper."

Balley removes a key-embossed black candle from in her silk bag.

Balley carefully places her black candle on the ground.

Balley lights the black candle, which flickers and begins to burn.

(A flower-etched red heart candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.)

Mikalmas says, "Finally, we honor Gosaena. The Mistress of Eternity. The Goddess of death final."

Mikalmas says, "While Lorminstra decides who will and will not return, it is Gosaena who bears the burden of prophecy. For it she, and she alone, who knows when ALL living things will shuffle their mortal coil and pass beyond the gates for the final time."

Mikalmas says, "So in the traditions of her prophecy, and the burden of her gift of foresight ,we offer thanks."

Balley softly says, "I come with an offering to the Mistress of Eternity."

(A small draft catches the flame of a key-embossed black candle and it flickers brightly.)

Balley carefully places her ivory Gosaena candle on the ground.

Balley lights the ivory Gosaena candle, which flickers and begins to burn.

Mikalmas bows to Rovvigen.

Mikalmas bows to Balley.

Rovvigen bows to Mikalmas.

(A wisp of smoke rises from an arch-winged ivory Gosaena candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.)

Mikalmas says, "And with that we proceed. Luxelle wil be performing a piece this evening to honor the memories of the early settlers of our home here."

Luxelle nods.

*The Bardess Luxelle preformed a rarely heard ballad titled, 'The Ballad of the Landing,' written by Dreamweaver. Then proceeded to the alcove to give her rememberances*

(Luxelle walks over to the alcove.)

Luxelle reverently places her rose into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Luxelle whispers aloud, "I will always remember you, and those for whom you blazed these paths."

Luxelle nods at Mikalmas.

Mikalmas places a hand over his heart.

Mikalmas gently pulls a soft linen handkerchief from the box and dabs the corners of his eyes, wiping away his tears before discreetly disposing of the cloth.

(Luxelle goes back to take her seat.)

Luxelle sits down.

Luxelle takes a deep breath.

Mikalmas says, "Thank you, Luxelle. Quite beautiful as always. Its impact is never lessened."

Mikalmas says, "I hope some of you recognized the names in her song."

Mikalmas says, "Even some of the streets in our Landing."

Rendena softly says, "Yes I recognized some."

Bbee says, "Nay all, bbbut many."

Mikalmas says, "And with that we will continue the remembrances."

*The evening continued with various individuals speaking about loved ones they have lost and offering tokens of appreciation for them*

Mikalmas nods at Ramkalef.

Ramkalef says, "Xikk would like to share."

Speaking to Xikk, Ramkalef says, "Please take your time."

Bbee turns an inquisitive ear toward Xikk.

Xikk recites quietly:
"Many years ago, I fell to the ill will of some creature or two."

Xikk recites quietly:
"Recite Many years ago, I fell to the ill will of some creature or two."

Xikk quietly says, "It was long ago."

Xikk recites quietly:
"An amazing thing happened. An empath of note arrived to assist me."

Xikk recites quietly:
"I did not call out, but there she was."

Xikk recites quietly:
"I have often thought of that time and that empath"

Xikk recites quietly:
"And I miss her not being in the lands"

Xikk recites quietly:
"Satrn, a rare soul among rare souls. I have not forgotten, I cannot"

Xikk bows.

Xikk reverently places his ring into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Xikk quietly says, "That's my humble story."

*Mikalmas says, "Thank you, Xikk! With undying love, we will commit Satrn to memory."*

Ramkalef says, "Next up is Arianiss."

Arianiss says, "I wasn't adventuring during the era of those in Luxelle's song.. I came a little bit after, and so I'm blessed with long wisdom and experience.."

Arianiss says, "..but the sad part is you also become cursed with a lot of friends, and people you knew, passing on."

Arianiss says, "I have a lot of stories, and a lot of remembrances, but I always forget people. ..but what I find is the true spirit of them is that all it takes is hearing their name, like Satrn, and you immediately remember.. and recall, and think about them."

Arianiss says, "..and so to that I feel that while time passes, and people forget, no one is ever that far out of reach of being remembered."

Arianiss removes a blue-frilled wide indigo passionflower from in his twilight grey cloak.

Arianiss reverently places his passionflower into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

*Mikalmas says, "And we will commit them to memory, Arianiss."*

Ramkalef says, "Next to share is Cyar."

Cyar recites:
"I come in the memory of Thia Bagheri
Beloved of argent aspis"

Cyar says, "She helped this a young bard many years ago."
The black ora ring on Neopuron's finger is momentarily engulfed in a shroud of darkness!

Cyar says, "She is missed and remebered."

Cyar reverently places his pin into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Cyar nods.

*Mikalmas says, "With undying love, Cyar. We share your memories with you."*

Ramkalef says, "Berkana will be next."

Berkana says, "Good evening everyone."

Berkana says, "So many names forgotten, having drifted like the wind. When I first came through the gate, I was greeted by a group of helpful folk..."

Berkana says, "Zurion, Tselryk, Guilliame..."

Berkana says, "Tedra..."

Berkana says, "But the one I miss the most of all is Kali."

Berkana says, "Long before Morandas claimed the rocking chair on Hearthstone's porch, Kali used to hold court there and with her magical knife, carve fine designs for everyone interested."

Berkana says, "While carving, sometmes she would joke, tease those present, or tell us stories about adventures of the past."

Berkana says, "She was also one of few who would rescue those of us who died, when the boundaries of the Landing were much smaller and the wilds more expansive."

Berkana says, "So, salute to you Kali... may you be carving and laughing somewhere eternally."

Berkana raises her Elanthian Comfort in a toast!

Berkana takes a drink from her Elanthian Comfort.

(Mikalmas smiles as his eyes well up with tears. Mikalmas glances over at the box and GETs the box, pulling a tissue from it to wipe his tears.

*Speaking to Berkana, Mikalmas says, "She is remembered here, with all of us. Thank you Berkana."*

Xikk recites quietly:
"Interesting but not surprising, a common thread is helpfulness."

Ramkalef says, "Next up is Tawariell."

Tawariell recites:
"I have come today, to stand in support, to honor the fallen of the Landing, but also to remember those of Icemule who are gone, and even those who aren't.. quite truly gone."

Tawariell smiles.

Tawariell recites:
"We remember Zzentar, to whom we have a memorial in Clovertooth Hall, and Ruabadra... we miss the company of Cezzane. We also take time to remember those of recent history lost, though not adventurer, but good folk of the town- Igerone. Nihala Winterberry. Eilianora."

Tawariell recites:
"We also take this opportunity to honor the Truefolk who had dedicated themselves to battle, for Icemule and its beginnings, for enduring wars waged so that the north can become what it is now. And we honor them for paving the way."

The kit fox roots around the room.

Tawariell removes a gathering of blossoming glacial white frostflowers from in her sheepskin rucksack.

Tawariell recites:
"This is my offering."

Tawariell shifts her weight.

Tawariell kneels down.

Tawariell carefully places a gathering of blossoming glacial white frostflowers on the floor.

Tawariell reverently places her frostflowers into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

*Mikalmas says, "And so long as this place stands, they will never be forgotten. Thank you, Mayor Tawariell."*

Ramkalef says, "Next up is Soliere."

Soliere says, "I don't remeber a lota glorious folks, i only remebers a buncha wild hooligans realy..."

Soliere says, "Bet that don't suprise no body."

Soliere says, "Is ne'er a day goes by but what i misses me Mum, Redowyn was a empath of Icemule Trace, me Pop Hemdell, me Granpop Duoncon who brung a fire that warmed alla ice fer miles, an' Granmum Magierrah second only ta Helga in 'er ability ta wield a whip at her man."

(Soliere taps a moonlight white pin depicting a howling wolven lass cracking her whip at her grinning soulmate that she is wearing.)

Soliere says, "They adopted me when i was lil."

Soliere says, "An' long may their memory live. an' one mer thing."

Soliere says, "Also ta Enegue who loved allem as much as i did, i misses him most'a all."

Soliere removes some black demon rum from in her suede-covered case.

Soliere raises her black demon rum in a toast!

Soliere says, "Our famly drenk."

Soliere reverently places her rum into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Soliere says, "All ya shoud drenk if yer able... they'd love that."

Soliere says, "Thank ya all."

*Mikalmas says, "And so long as we are here, the Rum will flow freely. Thank you, Soliere."*

Ramkalef says, "Next up is Bbee."

Ramkalef nods at Bbee.

(Bbee steps forward.)

Bbee says, "My roots run deep in these lands."

Bbee says, "Bbbut my memory fails me for names."

Bbee says, "I mostly wish to remember Metaboculous."

Bbee says, "Who killed my great great great granpa fer bbbeing a snert."

Bbee says, "The Lady Sune who offered my family her erine cloak."

Bbee coughs.

Bbee says, "Ermine."

Bbee says, "And a rogue named bbbaswer."

Bbee coughs.

Bbee says, "Baser."

Bbee says, "I stutter a bbbit when nervous."

Bbee says, "And a fellow."

Bbee says, "I can nay recall the name."

Bbee says, "He was a sorcerer."

Bbee says, "That swung a claid."

Bbee says, "And bbbrought my family to hold Voln in esteem."

Bbee says, "He was a member of a house named Hawksong."

Bbee says, "Which I wish to remember as well."

Bbee says, "And IN their memory."

Bbee says, "I offer this music to the wind."

Bbee settles his bagpipes beneath his arm and draws out the first notes of a mournful dirge.

Bbee bows.

Bbee's fingers dance along with the pipes, drawing out an echoing moan of despair.

Bbee sobs.

Bbee's fingers dance along with the pipes, drawing out an echoing moan of despair.

*Mikalmas says, "And here in this place their memory will live on. Thank you, Bbee."*

Bbee bursts into tears!

With a final descent of notes Bbee removes his fingers from the bagpipes's reeds, letting the sound echo into silence.

Bbee says, "Rest in peace."

*After the crowd took their turn in remembering, The Officers of the Order then proceeded*

Mikalmas asks, "And now, the Officers of the Sphere and Scythe will be given the opportunity to offer their own remembrances. Who will go first?"

Rovvigen walks toward Mikalmas.

Rovvigen nods at Mikalmas.

Mikalmas nods at Rovvigen.

Rovvigen recites softly:
"Tonight I offer my rememberance to all the lives lost in the city of Lolle, as told in the story of the Sphere and Scythe's beginning."

Rovvigen recites softly:
"For any of you who have heard the story of our beginnings, you will remember this: Many of the townspeople fell quickly, no different than grain to a farmer's scythe."

Rovvigen recites softly:
"From the townspeople who fell quickly no different than grain..."

Rovvigen grabs some wheat grass from a small pocket inside of his red silk overcoat.

Rovvigen reverently places his grass into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Rovvigen recites softly:
"To the blameless soliders who cut them down with a farmer's scythe"

Rovvigen draws a shining steel scythe from one of the weapon loops sewn inside of his red silk overcoat.

(Rovvigen carefully places the scythe at the base of the alcove.)

Rovvigen recites softly:
"Tonight I remember you all. Those who are to blame, and the blameless. We are all brothers in blood."

Rovvigen recites softly:
"Many innocent lives were lost that night, and I wish to remember them all. Regardless of which side of the battle they fought on."

Soliere smiles sadly.

Rovvigen softly says, "Thanks for allowing me to share."

Rovvigen bows.

*Mikalmas says, "Thank you, Rovvigen. With our love and our purpose, they will be remembered."*

Mikalmas says, "I will now offer my remembrances. Some of you who have heard my long-winded stories may recognize the names."

Mikalmas says, "For those of you who have not, my rememberances are long-winded enough."

Mikalmas flashes a wide grin.

Kylert begins chuckling at Mikalmas!

Mikalmas says, "I have told stories a few times. For Havela on the Isle of Four Winds. During Tales of Beginnings."

Mikalmas says, "I won't bore you too terribly with long details. But tonight I remember those who meant the most."

Mikalmas says, "To Rawen, my lost and most adored adopted daughter. A skilled rogue who nary picked a single box in her life. Modeled after me, more stubborn even if you can imagine. I offer the most I can. A mournbloom in remembrance of the mourning your loss still causes me."

Mikalmas removes a sprig of mournbloom from in his white elven greatcloak.

Mikalmas reverently places his mournbloom into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Mikalmas says, "To Salrynna, mixed emotions still swirl around you. Bittersweet indeed. Sweet for the memories that Lennierr told me of you. Bitter for your taking him from me."

Mikalmas removes a cocoa-dusted bittersweet truffle from in his white elven greatcloak.

Mikalmas reverently places his truffle into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Mikalmas says, "To Lord Saulot, empath extraordinaire. The one who Lennierr truly loved. To you I offer the gift of the greatest healing: A Sovyn clove."

Soliere sniffs.

Mikalmas reverently places his clove into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Mikalmas says, "To Lady Endrenn, a warrior of impeccable power. I remember Lennierr s letters home of your martial prowess. Including your removal of a Titan s leg on the Glacier with a smiple broadsword. To you I offer the gift of a warrior: a broadsword."

Mikalmas reverently places his broadsword into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Mikalmas rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Mikalmas appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Soliere looks thoughtfully at Mikalmas.

Mikalmas says, "To Lord Lantrue, a ranger of well, rangerly abilities. I don t recall any letter from Lennier quite as colorful as the story of your adventures with him and stumbling upon Nasty Little Gremlins, who readily stole all the Yabathilium fruit you had foraged for prior."

Mikalmas chuckles to himself.

Mikalmas says, "To you I offer a gift of Yabathilium Fruit. To perhaps replace one of MANY you lost that day in your backpack."

Mikalmas reverently places his fruit into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

Mikalmas says, "And finally. To my dear brother, my most beloved Lennierr."

Mikalmas sighs.

Mikalmas says, "I struggled for words. For many days."

Mikalmas says, "Unfortunately the grief, still fresh after so many years. I cannot describe the impact of your loss. I simply decided no words would ever do."

Mikalmas says, "Lennierr left these lands for his final time just outside here, at the Ocean View. For many years I have left offerings to him on the table just outside."

Mikalmas says, "Tonight in proper remembrance I can leave this here."

Mikalmas reverently places his stone into the depths of the recessed alcove, the object disappearing with a gust of cool wind and the sound of splashing water.

*Mikalmas says, "With undying love, I commit you all, each and every one, to undying memory."*

Mikalmas places his hand on his mournbloom tattoo.

Mikalmas says, "And now, if all remembrances are done, Luxelle will close out the evening with another beautifully crafted song..."

Bbee says, "Did I mention Thothamon? I miss him too."

*Bardess Luxelle closes the ceremony and announces, "With each remembrance tonight, we become better as a people. This song, called 'Everything Reminds Me of You', is offered in the same spirit."*

(After Luxelle performs she hands cerermony and closing thoughts back to Mikalmas)

Luxelle softly says, "And back to you Mister Mikalmas."

Luxelle smiles.

(Luxelle takes her seat.)

Mikalmas says, "First of all I would like to thank Luxelle for her beautiful music this evening. It was quite spectacular, and an honor for the Sphere and Scythe to have hosted the Ballad of the Landing."

Bbee says, "I truly love this, what a glorious way to spend a moment intime."

Mikalmas says, "Next, I would like to make sure everyone knows this saced space is open to the public always. Please feel free to come privately or in groups any time to offer your remembrances."

Mikalmas says, "And last, for anyone who has not seen the entire structure, some of the officers are happy to stay around and offer a full tour. Please feel free to join me if you would like to see the rest of the cavern."

Soliere smiles.

Mikalmas says, "With that, I thank you all for coming. They will never be forgotten."

Rovvigen softly says, "Thanks everyone."

Luxelle says, "Thank you to the Sphere and Scythe for such a momentous gathering. It was quite an honor."

Mikalmas says, "You're all quite welcome. And feel free to use any of the facilities here any time."

Kylert says, "Thank you. It was beautiful."

Bbee says, "Thank you for hosting this."