Vespertine Ball. 12/24/2021 07:38 PM CST
Event: Vespertine Ball
Date: Eorgaen the 26th (Sun, Dec 26th)
Time: 10pm EST
Location: Alabaster Spire, Great Hall [23523]

Join the Order of the Shadow and the Faendryl Enclave in celebrating the passing of the old year and the dawning of the new! The Faendryl Enclave will be hosting once more in the majestic Grand Hall of the Alabaster Spire [Lich #23523], so don your best attire -- formal is requested, and winter or dusk-themed extravagance is highly encouraged.

-- Wheels & Skulls Department

You see Blood Mayor Cruxophim the Blood Reaver.
“Blood for the Blood Mayor! Skulls for the Skull Office!”

[ Order of the Shadow: ]