Thanks and a Reminder 12/23/2017 06:21 PM CST
Really appreciate that we had a nice turn-out for our inaugural game of Killer Darts! Congratulations to Melivn, the last man standing, and to Xorus, who almost made it out alive. (We, uh...won't talk about the first person to get killed.) I had a blast with this one and hope everyone else did too. We'll definitely be running more of these games, preferably not during the holiday rush.

We've also got our Feast with the Faendryl coming up soon (December 30 at 11:00 p.m.), when we'll be opening the Alabaster Spire's doors and inviting everyone to try some traditional dishes, most of which don't bite back.

--- Lauren, Lylia's player
Re: Thanks and a Reminder 01/02/2018 12:42 AM CST
<(We, uh...won't talk about the first person to get killed.)

The first person to be killed was Lylia!

Ysharra doesn't do as she's told. It's written somewhere, you see.

Darts was -great- fun, and I look forward to the next round of it and I hope I get to kill more people. The victims from this game were mostly good sports with minimal amounts of begging and crying. See you later this month!
