The Faendryl Enclave hosts an Alter Party!
10/04/2017 09:19 AM CDT
Join the Faendryl Enclave tomorrow night(Thursday, 10.4.17) at 11pm EST, in our Spire's garden(through the gate in Aillidh Brae and then down the path - Lich room number 23524) as we host an impromptu alter party. Share tips for festival preparedness, shopping advice, what to wear to not get sand -everywhere-, and lastly help each other out with alter designs.
Refreshments will be provided.
The flamepoint sand kitten hisses at a patchwork flesh monstrosity.
... 9 points of damage!
Re: The Faendryl Enclave hosts an Alter Party!
10/04/2017 09:31 AM CDT
Edit above. Tomorrow is 10/5. Repeat, alter party is Thursday 10/5. See you all there!
The flamepoint sand kitten hisses at a patchwork flesh monstrosity.
... 9 points of damage!
The flamepoint sand kitten hisses at a patchwork flesh monstrosity.
... 9 points of damage!