Guarrin, Meureii, Cryheart, Geijon followed by Khazaann and Goldstr amongst others like Deavon and Bernadette spent several years revamping the squire handbook for prospective members, along with mentor guides, squire tasks and general code of conduct from 2018-2021. While this was internal squires are publicly available so I'm posting it here.
This is Guarrin drafting our current Squire Handbook on 3/8/2020.
Greetings and thank you for your interest in the Order of the Silver Gryphon. The purpose of this handbook is to provide candidates interested in joining the Order detailed information about what they could expect as a Squire and potentially a full member.
The Order has a long and illustrious history. To read more of it, please visit our site:
Brief History
The Order was founded in 5095 in Wehnimer’s Landing by a former Jantalaran knight named Sir Maldon. More detailed information regarding Sir Maldon and the history of the Order can be found in the Gryphon Libary, here.
The purpose of the Order is to both promote chivalric concepts and to protect the Landing and its people.
The Oath
To Defend Our Town and The People Who Live Within It.
To Protect Those Who Cannot Protect Themselves.
To Aid Those Who Are In Need, If Their Cause Is Just.
To Serve With Honor, By Example And By Deed.
What is a squire?
Squires are individuals who have expressed interest in the Order and have been put forward to become a squire by an existing member of the Order. The Order then decides whether they will accept the potential candidate as a Squire.
How to become a squire
There’s no single particular way to become acquainted with a member of the Order and to become a squire of the Order. However, the most common way to become a Squire is to track down existing members and express your interest in the Order. After getting to know an existing member, you may be invited to a meeting where you will be asked to introduce yourself. If you are still interested, you will also be asked why you are interested in joining the Order.
What is expected of a Squire?
Becoming a squire means you are considered a candidate for membership within the Order. Once you are accepted as a squire you are considered a representative of the Order and will be evaluated on all of your actions as such. In addition, during your time as a squire you may:
Complete tasks that are given by your mentor in the Order to perform. You should discuss with your Mentor where your particular interests may be, so they can customize tasks appropriately.
Take time to talk to other members of the Order. Become familiar with the other squires and members. You’re encouraged to interact with all members of the Order.
Continue to evaluate the Order and ensure it aligns with your own interests. Your time as a squire should confirm that you wish to join the Order.
While there is no formal guideline for how long a squireship may last, you can expect it to last roughly a year. This provides both the Squire and the Order ample time to become familiar with each other.
Behavior and actions during meetings:
Meetings follow a general format. In order to keep them as efficient as possible, if you have an issue you wish to bring forth before the Order, discuss it with your mentor beforehand.
If you wish to participate in an ongoing discussion, raise your hand and you will be recognized.
At certain times, you may be asked to step outside. Some discussions are for members only.
Meetings are private and should remain so. What is discussed during a meeting between the membership should remain so and should not be discussed with those outside the Order. If you’re unsure if something can be discussed with those outside the Order, discuss the topic with your mentor.
Squires are not eligible to vote on topics during a meeting. While their opinions are welcome, voting is reserved for full members.
As a squire, you may not bear the coat of arms of the Order. When a squire becomes a full member, they will receive a bracer bearing our symbol.
Squires are expected to attend Order events as frequently as possible. This is the best way to get to know the other members and to become familiar with the Order.
If the squire feels that their mentor is not providing adequate tasks or interactions, it is their responsibility to contact the Order to discuss options.
Full Membership
In order to be considered for full membership:
Squire and Mentor must agree that the Squire is ready for Full Membership.
Squire has been an active participant in the Order for a minimum of six months (one year preferred).
The Mentor then puts the Squire forward for Testing.
The Squire is at least 25 trains.
The Squire is tested by the Order in a manner that they deem appropriate.
Upon completion of the test, the Order membership votes to determine if the squire will be accepted as a full member.
Essential Information for the Order
Leadership within the Order is a democratic process. Each year the following positions are nominated: Leader, First, Council.
Order Hierarchy
Leader of the Order.
Second in command after the Leader.
Consists of three members and an alternate.
Additional information regarding the Order can also be found in the bylaws.
OOC Information
First and foremost, the intent of the Order is to foster chivalric roleplay within the game.
With this in mind, please do your best to keep IC as much as possible, especially during public events.
Talk to your mentor about how you want to engage with the Order, with events. Are you interested in chivalry? Defending the landing? Heraldry? Discuss how you would like your squireship customized.
Get involved with local events around the landing, get to know the members of the Order but also others in the city. These events will foster RP interactions.
Use these events and interactions to hone your RP.
Discord is a great way to communicate with other members of the Order. Use it to get to know other members better.
Tropes n’ stuff
We’re a chivalric order. It’s expected that we touch upon some tropes. You’re encouraged to engage and interact with tropes (or not). Learn, grow and evolve your RP and have fun interacting with the other members as you do so.
Don’t be a jerk
We’re a very small online community. Do your best not to be a jerk either IC or OOC.