The Spring Fling begins with a two day Tournament of Champions, co-hosted by the Ord an Dragan at Helden Hall's arena. The tournament is open to all skill levels. The first elimination rounds will commence at 9 p.m. Elven, on the 30th day of Olaesta. The final elimination rounds, determining our Champion, will be from 1 and 9 p.m. Elven, on the 1st day of Ivastaen. The Grand Champion of the Tournament will win 1 million silvers! Bracket winners will win 100,000 silvers plus a prize. All will receive a prize for participating. Come join the fun and pit your skills against some worthy adversaries!
Sign up must be done in advance. No same day admissions will be accepted. To sign up, please send a scroll (email) to the Ord an Dragan (at, please include your name, skill level, and a way to reach you by scroll (your email address.)