A fast post of coming events for Moonshine Manor
For the month of May we have the second event of the year. I am always looking for help to run this event so please look for me in game or send an email to my play.net address if you are interested in helping. As soon as I get the date approved I will post details on this event here. I have ideas for the month of June and will gladly hear any ideas for events any of you have. Due to RP last Saturday with the townspeople at House Phoenix, there is a potential clothes/food drive with other groups that I am looking into. More to come as I find out more.
Other Misc Items right now. I am always looking for more people interesting in keeping Moonshine running. With that I like to get this MHO very active again. I am always looking for new officers and new members to join. If you are interested in being an officer or know someone that wants to join please contact me.
Pup's Player