Drunken Fishing 12/22/2013 10:00 PM CST
Reminder to everyone that the fishing tournament Drunken Fishing will be tomorrow Monday 23rd at 10PM EST. Everyone is welcome. 10k entry fee with 100k plus all entry fee prize for the winner. Members, I do need help tomorrow running things. If you can give me some time to help out I would appreciate it. Any questions please find Puptilian in game or send the questions to my play.net address.

Pup's Player
Re: Drunken Fishing 12/23/2013 10:29 PM CST
Thank you to all that showed up to fish and thank you to those members that helped me gather fishers and keep track of what I was suppose to do.

As for the results:

1st place: Alnwick who won 190k for a hour of fishing with 4 fish
2nd place: Rozy, Cryheart, and Giogionni with 2 fish each
3rd place: Bekke and Volndolarr with 1 fish

Pup's Player