I just read that the Landing's Town Council election campaign season has begun!
Last year, during the Mayoral Election in WL, the Landing Defense Irregulars hosted a series of events called "Promote the Vote." Our goal was to promote Voting in general, inform people when and where to vote, and help them understand how to vote, so that their voice would be heard. We also tried to promote each individual candidate as much as possible, "equally" without favoritism.
I've asked the LDI members again this year if we may go ahead with doing something similar for the WL Town Council election campaign season, which is evidently upon us. I should know by tomorrow.
I have a few questions.
Event participants: Did you like Promote the Vote (tables/parchments set around town with information... kids waving banners at the mayoral debates and events... the help offered on voting day... the after-party... the refreshments) or did you think it was stupid? Did you think all candidates were represented equally, or could I/we have done better?
Event planners from CHE's and MHO's: did you feel that we adequately supported you and promoted your events equally too? What could we do better this time?
Candidates from last year: was your experience good? and in hindsight, what do you wish we would have done differently? was the communication level good or did we leave you feeling neglected or overwhelmed with too much attention at times? What were your favorite things that we did? Your least favorite things? I hope to learn from mistakes and do better if possible.
If anyone knows a reason Promote the Vote should not continue this year, please speak up quickly. I will appreciate any/all feedback. The last thing I hope to do, is repeat something that people didn't enjoy last year. So thanks for all your feedback.
from Terabor
Staff Sergeant, Landing Defense Irregulars
"Everyone - Promote the Vote!"