Hey all, I wanted to touch base with you guys, as I meant to do it back in November but, well...life got busy!
Important Note: Please read all of this, save it for later, etc. if needed. I'm laying out where I'm at, but also have some officer-related stuff at the end for you.
Backlog Update
I know a lot of people are interested in when they can submit new MHO applications, and I've been thinking hard on it, as I really want to do it. However, I am not going to be able to until I get all the backlog caught up. I need a clean slate, or my brain will explode. I know that isn't the answer some of you want, but the backlog will never go away if I keep adding new MHOs to set up.
So...where am I on the backlog? Short story - chipping away, but there's still a lot.
>Longer story:
* I have 4 grandfathered structures to create. One of those is in spitting distance of going into QC. These take a long time to do. I always underestimate how long and think "oh sure, this'll be done, then that one, and poof!" And I'm always wrong. My plan is to have the 1 into QC by the end of the week and start another one soon thereafter.
* Long-term benefits: I haven't even started on these. If someone has given me their wishes for their final LTBs, I have added it to the spreadsheet and will get to it, but I want the structures done first. I may see if I can get a few volunteers to help chip away on some of these too but time is tight for all of us, so no promises there.
* Prize closets: There are a few outliers that aren't done, but most of these are open and complete. Outliers: You are on my list and once I get the one structure into QC this week, I'm circling back to these to figure out what is missing and get them opened back up. I apologize for the length of time this took me (see underestimating, above, lol).
* Coding updates: I need to update the MHO-related scripts to match the new system. However, since that is behind-the-scenes stuff, I'm trying to focus on the player-facing items above first. Also, it's not going to be an easy undertaking as the code is old and complex and comprises several inter-related scripts that sometimes impact other things. It takes me "getting into the zone" to really buckle down on this, and I want to finish YOUR stuff first before these things.
>FAQ - Why is this taking so long?
1. These items all take longer than expected for a wide variety of reasons, so while I keep thinking I'll just "whip this structure out" and slam it into QC, it doesn't happen that way!
2. Other duties: I have other duties, requirements, and passions other than MHOs, so while you are one of my HUGE focuses, and while I LOVE YOU TONS, if all I did was this, I'd miss out on doing event stuff I love, creating documents which is a HUGE motivator of mine, etc. and that would mean I'd start resenting you and not liking GMing, and I don't want to do that, and I don't think you want me to do that!
3. Real Life: Sadly, it does get in the way sometimes! I have a relatively high pressure job, but I've managed to strike a decent work/life balance (wherein GMing is LIFE! Apologies to the other half...)...but it does get to me sometimes and then I just want to like kill things so I bring out my sorcerer for some rebalancing of the force.
That said -- I am trying to strike a better balance in 2022 wherein I make even deeper progress on the backlog while still doing other things, as I don't want this to take more of a "forever" than it already has, and I want to start moving on to future planning for you!
2022 Plans:
* Do all the player-facing items above
* Update you periodically on the forums
* Continuously update your event counts, add in your NEWS and CRIER submissions and calendar items
* And do my other GM stuff, of course
Future Plans: aka what to do when the backlog is complete
* Review prize closet items and pricing to see if there is any more flexibility we can have here. I still have a copy of your list of suggestions.
* Open up applications for a manageable number of new MHOs, see how that goes, and go from there
* Come up with additional automated tools to enhance the MHO system without taking huge amounts of individualized GM time (aka having to rely on me to remember to put out a bonfire vs going and renting one like you do tents)
1. I will post important things here and cross-post to discord. I expect at least one person in your MHO to be reading here (it's not a busy place, so even if you hate the official forums, it shouldn't be a hardship to at least check here).
2. Event Requirements and Post-Event-Reports: Don't forget to ONLY submit your 2 qualifying events (save yourself and your friendly MHO GM some time by not oversubmitting). The MHO website has the requirements and link to the PER so you can tell if your event counts. You can ask in the MHO Hall to see how many events you have submitted for the year, and I typically update this weekly so it should be fairly current. NOTE: I have not cleared out 2021 yet, but I will do that before entering any 2022 PERs, probably sometime this week.
3. For individualized requests/questions, etc. email the GS4-MHO@play.net email, as it comes to me and a couple others. That way, if I'm on vacation or out of pocket, someone else also gets the email and can respond to you.
4. Email Requests: Please include your PC name, MHO, and email in your email somewhere (some of them come to me wherein your email is obscured so if I do a REPLY it gives me the googlegroup email and not your email...so this is really important so I know how to reach you). Also, if you could put your MHO in the subject line plus whatever it is about, that helps me a lot. Something like: MHO-Moonshine Manor: Booze Request! -- short, simple, but also descriptive enough that it will not get lost in a sea of emails entitled "Request" or "Help".
Seriously, you are all amazing. MHOs are a huge addition to the game, and I am continuously impressed by you and what you bring to our world. Happy New Year!
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHOs: An 2022 Update and Touch Base
02/11/2022 03:56 PM CST
FYI, an update! I have enlisted a cadre of volunteers who are VERY KINDLY going to be helping chip away at some of this. As such, you may see a GM that is not me reach out to you. DO NOT PANIC!
Long-Term Benefits Deadlines
As I get volunteers, I'm giving them 1 or 2 MHOs eligible for LTBs and they will either reach out to you, or I will, and there will be deadlines for a) a response and b) a final decision on what you want done. If you absolutely cannot make a deadline, let us know ASAP so we can try to work with you. However, we do not want these lingering out there forever, so we're going to take our momentum and roll with it.
Thanks for your patience!
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Long-Term Benefits Deadlines
As I get volunteers, I'm giving them 1 or 2 MHOs eligible for LTBs and they will either reach out to you, or I will, and there will be deadlines for a) a response and b) a final decision on what you want done. If you absolutely cannot make a deadline, let us know ASAP so we can try to work with you. However, we do not want these lingering out there forever, so we're going to take our momentum and roll with it.
Thanks for your patience!
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHOs: An 2022 Update and Touch Base
02/11/2022 04:02 PM CST
Yay for volunteers and delegating! :D
Glad to hear things are going to be moving (slightly) quicker on things like this, and you've got people to help you with the backlog (finally)! Thanks to the volunteers/voluntolds(?)! :D
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Imaeran Inquisitor
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Glad to hear things are going to be moving (slightly) quicker on things like this, and you've got people to help you with the backlog (finally)! Thanks to the volunteers/voluntolds(?)! :D
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Imaeran Inquisitor
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair