As I work through the prize closet review, several items have come up that I wanted to make everyone aware of.
1. Price updates: The prices are very 1999, and I have adjusted prices to fit with today's standards and to standardize them across the board for everyone. The list is below.
2. Magical items: These are combat-adjacent enough that we are not going to allow imbedded items in prize closets. Blank imbeds will be fine.
3. Different, yet similar scripts: Sometimes there are scripts that are very similar and one is on the allowed list and another is not. In these cases, I will offer to switch your item to the allowed script. One example is the banner scripts. There is a banner of light script and the regular banner script. The latter is the one on the approved list.
4. Rare materials: These should not be allowed. If a material requires special permission to include in a shop, then it won't be allowed in the prize closet. If you have an item made from one of these materials that you wanted included in your new prize closet (and the only thing disallowable now is the material), then I will let you know and work on a new material for the item.
5. Tea: Since I do not find any MHO-specific tea designs in the brewing system, I'm going to suggest you look at the various tea shops to purchase brewable teas for now. The teacups are the drink container, so they can stay. The tea flavourings need more research. I'm allowing them in for now but need to dig deeper on how we're considering these, since they are part of a larger brewing system. There are several locations to purchase tea packets and flavourings.
6. Lockpicks: I didn't realize these were in some closets. They aren't fluff, so while they are not combat-related, they are mechanical in nature, and are currently being considered beyond the scope of a prize closet.
New Prize Closet Pricing
1. Non-combat, unscripted fluff such as clothing and jewelry: 30K for non-wearable items, 40K for wearable.
-- Exception: If you have a totally unscripted card/paper prop, I will match the price of the scripted stationery.
2. Banner/Flag scripted item: 70K
3. Candle/Incense scripted item: 30K
4. Containers, unscripted: 60K
-- Exception: If you have an unscripted envelope container designed to hold 1 item of 1 encumbrance and is unwearable, then I'll match the price of the scripted stationery.
5. Containers, scripted: 80K [the container script works with backpacks, pouches, satchels, sacks, packs, bags, and cases]
6. Darts: 40K
7. Dice: 50K
8. Drink Container: 50K
9. Flippable Coin: 30K
10. Giftbox: 10K
11. Huggable toys: 30K
12. Insignias: 10K
13. Lifekeep Flask: 30K
14. Magic Item, Blank (Imbeddable): 50K
15. Mirror: 30K
16. Stationery: 8K
17. Yoyo: 30K
Just a reminder, the items in your closet are designed specifically for you and your MHO. As such, they are more on par with "always available" alterations and are priced accordingly.
I'm still working my way through these and will endeavour to get as many re-opened by the end of April as possible.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/18/2021 07:06 PM CDT
Xynwen, with all due respect, please consider as far as tobacco and teas: Its not about the FLAVOR available. We asked to keep our teas and tobaco/cigars mainly because of the PACKAGING and LABELING of such. You can look in our prize closet (Sphere and Scythe)to get examples of how yes, we used off the shelf flavors but got to design custom packaging for it. No one would question where one of our teas or cigars came from if they were familiar with our MHO at all. So just something to consider, its NOT the flavor of the items but rather the uniqueness of the packaging that can identify an MHO. I'm perfectly fine with the cost aligning with the "off the shelf" tea packet pricing, or even being a little more. But please consider the uniqueness of the packaging that we're trying to preserve.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/18/2021 09:13 PM CDT
>>Xynwen, with all due respect, please consider as far as tobacco and teas: Its not about the FLAVOR available. We asked to keep our teas and tobaco/cigars mainly because of the PACKAGING and LABELING of such. You can look in our prize closet (Sphere and Scythe)to get examples of how yes, we used off the shelf flavors but got to design custom packaging for it. No one would question where one of our teas or cigars came from if they were familiar with our MHO at all. So just something to consider, its NOT the flavor of the items but rather the uniqueness of the packaging that can identify an MHO. I'm perfectly fine with the cost aligning with the "off the shelf" tea packet pricing, or even being a little more. But please consider the uniqueness of the packaging that we're trying to preserve.
Thanks for the extra info! I will keep that in mind when I reach out to the owner of this system.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Thanks for the extra info! I will keep that in mind when I reach out to the owner of this system.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/18/2021 11:58 PM CDT
Are we ever going to get the long term benefits we qualified for but never received? The GM said she would contact us when it was our turn. I've had my structure for probably four years and never even got in line for LTB.
Jastalynn Dragorth
Chairman, Fenog's Regulars
Jastalynn Dragorth
Chairman, Fenog's Regulars
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/19/2021 10:57 AM CDT
>>Are we ever going to get the long term benefits we qualified for but never received? The GM said she would contact us when it was our turn. I've had my structure for probably four years and never even got in line for LTB.
Yes. I have stated previously that I will do all the old LTBs as part of the backlog project. First is updating the prize closets and getting the final MHO structures done. Then I'll start working on the final LTBs for everyone who qualifies.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Yes. I have stated previously that I will do all the old LTBs as part of the backlog project. First is updating the prize closets and getting the final MHO structures done. Then I'll start working on the final LTBs for everyone who qualifies.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/19/2021 06:42 PM CDT
I'm seeing far too little spoken here; it doesn't reflect the word I'm hearing on the streets.
I want to encourage people to speak their minds here constructively, rather than throwing the hands up, clamming up, and giving up.
I want to encourage people to speak their minds here constructively, rather than throwing the hands up, clamming up, and giving up.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/19/2021 09:17 PM CDT
Well, there was a lot of discussion a month back re: prize closets, and if someone had/has an opinion or perspective on the matter, it's their responsibility to voice it.
So for my honest opinions, here goes. In regards to prize closet pricing, it feels a little steep, but I'm taking Xynwen's word on the matter. In a roundabout away it at least makes use of the endowment, since future LTBs and structure additions are now out of the picture. Not a fan of either, but I'll make it work for my group.
Overall, however, I would rather not have had to deal with the prize closet overhaul at all, and am a little bummed to have lost some items my group regularly used as well as the yearly (and previously biannually) prize closet submissions, of which we didn't take full advantage. Xynwen seems willing to work at least trying to get some of the no longer approved items back, so I'll at least hold out hope I can reacquire three of my group's lost RP props at a later date. If not, I'll figure something out.
As for future prize closet submissions being out of the picture, I'd hold out a little hope that tune will change, but the language in Xynwen's previous statements leads me to understand otherwise, which is also a bummer.
As for the other updates, it feels almost like cheating going to two event credits a year versus the previous six, while in a group that previously clocked double digit event credits for consecutive years. It feels (feels being the keyword here, because incendiary remarks to follow and perspective is relative) like rewarding groups who do the barest minimum while giving nothing back to the community.
An honest deconstruction of that, though, is that it shouldn't bother me because it doesn't affect me, and I certainly try to keep that in mind. We're still doing at least one event a month regardless, which is far less than our previous years (only due to time constraints), but less paperwork on both our end and the MHO team's end is probably for the best.
Honestly, otherwise, it's overall not something I'm super thrilled about but understand why it needs to happen and I'm not going to spend my free time buggin' about it. So I suppose technically I'm throwing my hands up, but not giving up and trying to figure out ways work with the changing system, due to how much my group inexorably matters to me.
-james, bristenn's player
So for my honest opinions, here goes. In regards to prize closet pricing, it feels a little steep, but I'm taking Xynwen's word on the matter. In a roundabout away it at least makes use of the endowment, since future LTBs and structure additions are now out of the picture. Not a fan of either, but I'll make it work for my group.
Overall, however, I would rather not have had to deal with the prize closet overhaul at all, and am a little bummed to have lost some items my group regularly used as well as the yearly (and previously biannually) prize closet submissions, of which we didn't take full advantage. Xynwen seems willing to work at least trying to get some of the no longer approved items back, so I'll at least hold out hope I can reacquire three of my group's lost RP props at a later date. If not, I'll figure something out.
As for future prize closet submissions being out of the picture, I'd hold out a little hope that tune will change, but the language in Xynwen's previous statements leads me to understand otherwise, which is also a bummer.
As for the other updates, it feels almost like cheating going to two event credits a year versus the previous six, while in a group that previously clocked double digit event credits for consecutive years. It feels (feels being the keyword here, because incendiary remarks to follow and perspective is relative) like rewarding groups who do the barest minimum while giving nothing back to the community.
An honest deconstruction of that, though, is that it shouldn't bother me because it doesn't affect me, and I certainly try to keep that in mind. We're still doing at least one event a month regardless, which is far less than our previous years (only due to time constraints), but less paperwork on both our end and the MHO team's end is probably for the best.
Honestly, otherwise, it's overall not something I'm super thrilled about but understand why it needs to happen and I'm not going to spend my free time buggin' about it. So I suppose technically I'm throwing my hands up, but not giving up and trying to figure out ways work with the changing system, due to how much my group inexorably matters to me.
-james, bristenn's player
You think to yourself, "FFF-" |
A giant white bunny hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you! |
You evade the bolt by a hair! |
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 09:21 AM CDT
I am definitely fine if someone wishes to voice additional concerns. I have, as James mentioned, a copy now of the prize closet requests, and I will review later. I am also going to get the prize closets finished, those backlogged items done (LTBs, structures), update the numerous MHO system scripts, then turn my attention to the future -- looking at things I can add that will be benefits for being an MHO without recreating the problems we had under the old system (it was very convoluted, involved way too much manual tracking, too much manual upkeep, and became completely untenable on the GM side). I know it can be hard not seeing those sorts of new ideas now, but it's not possible until everything is caught up and there's some breathing space to see how it is all working. I've got a huge list of ideas from you guys and myself that I want to be able to tackle. And of course, I want to open the system up to new applications, which I can't do until the backlog is cleared, otherwise we'll be another ten years getting you things you are owed, and that's just not right.
>>As for the other updates, it feels almost like cheating going to two event credits a year versus the previous six, while in a group that previously clocked double digit event credits for consecutive years. It feels (feels being the keyword here, because incendiary remarks to follow and perspective is relative) like rewarding groups who do the barest minimum while giving nothing back to the community.
While I totally get how it can feel that way, here's how I see it -- the Paperwork Reduction Act of 2021. In addition, it would hardly be fair to keep the convoluted and high event requirements while taking away some of the benefits like LTBs and structures.
1. MHO officers have less paperwork now -- run 20 million events if you want (and yes please do!!), but you only submit 2. Less paperwork, more time to spend on events and doing MHO stuff = a win
2. MHO GM has TONS less paperwork now, because we've got to do a bunch of steps for every PER for every MHO.
Here's how I have to process these:
1. Receive an automated email notification a report was made
2. Open up the GM MHO tracking spreadsheet and find out what the last # PER entered onto the spreadsheet was [every one ever submitted is kept, and the notification doesn't tell you what # it is, so we have to track this so we don't lose our place as there are over a thousand submitted]
3. Go to the report website, navigate to individual reports, navigate to # you found in #2
4. Review the PER to see if it meets submission requirements
5. If it meets requirements, add it to the GM MHO tracking spreadsheet
6. Repeat for every new PER
7. Update the GM MHO tracking spreadsheet with the # of the final PER you handled, so you know where to start the next time
8. Go into the game and add to each MHO's event count so you have credit for that event and officers can tell if they've satisfied requirements
For 2020, I continued with tracking all of them, no matter how far above the required 1, 4, or 6 you were, because that's what previous GMs did. However, it's very unnecessary, in my opinion, to receive and track additional ones -- it's extra work for you and for me, so I'm going to just track the 1 or 2 required. That doesn't mean I don't love that you're doing events, but that I love that I don't have to spend my time on paperwork and can instead spend it on improvements.
Under the old system, in addition to the above, don't forget, the GM also had to track:
1. Did they do enough to meet their current tier requirements?
2. Did they do enough to meet requirements to advance a tier?
3. Have they done enough over the last X # of years to meet the advancement requirements?
4. If they're T3, did they do enough to meet requirements to earn a structure? What about LTBs?
5. If they're T3, did they do them at the right time? (3 in the first 6 months, 3 in the last 6 months)?
6. Were they joint events? If so, how many joint events have they done in this year? Have they done enough qualifying single events so the joint event can count?
7. Is it member only? If so, did enough people show up? (requirements were higher for these)
The spreadsheet a previous GM created was insane (but way better than any other method I can think of) and it was pretty time-consuming just to enter 1 PER. If you got behind at all, it could be crazy. Now, the spreadsheet is much, much simpler and much less cumbersome as a direct result of the new system.
Anyway, just wanted to toss some "examples from the GM side" onto that bit. And again, let me reiterate, I am fine with anyone expressing their thoughts. I'm not sure I'd be able to get permission to lower any of the prices or change the material component, but I'm definitely willing to listen. None of us know everything, and we are also all human and may forget things or overlook things, so hearing an additional opinion or rationale or desire can help.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
>>As for the other updates, it feels almost like cheating going to two event credits a year versus the previous six, while in a group that previously clocked double digit event credits for consecutive years. It feels (feels being the keyword here, because incendiary remarks to follow and perspective is relative) like rewarding groups who do the barest minimum while giving nothing back to the community.
While I totally get how it can feel that way, here's how I see it -- the Paperwork Reduction Act of 2021. In addition, it would hardly be fair to keep the convoluted and high event requirements while taking away some of the benefits like LTBs and structures.
1. MHO officers have less paperwork now -- run 20 million events if you want (and yes please do!!), but you only submit 2. Less paperwork, more time to spend on events and doing MHO stuff = a win
2. MHO GM has TONS less paperwork now, because we've got to do a bunch of steps for every PER for every MHO.
Here's how I have to process these:
1. Receive an automated email notification a report was made
2. Open up the GM MHO tracking spreadsheet and find out what the last # PER entered onto the spreadsheet was [every one ever submitted is kept, and the notification doesn't tell you what # it is, so we have to track this so we don't lose our place as there are over a thousand submitted]
3. Go to the report website, navigate to individual reports, navigate to # you found in #2
4. Review the PER to see if it meets submission requirements
5. If it meets requirements, add it to the GM MHO tracking spreadsheet
6. Repeat for every new PER
7. Update the GM MHO tracking spreadsheet with the # of the final PER you handled, so you know where to start the next time
8. Go into the game and add to each MHO's event count so you have credit for that event and officers can tell if they've satisfied requirements
For 2020, I continued with tracking all of them, no matter how far above the required 1, 4, or 6 you were, because that's what previous GMs did. However, it's very unnecessary, in my opinion, to receive and track additional ones -- it's extra work for you and for me, so I'm going to just track the 1 or 2 required. That doesn't mean I don't love that you're doing events, but that I love that I don't have to spend my time on paperwork and can instead spend it on improvements.
Under the old system, in addition to the above, don't forget, the GM also had to track:
1. Did they do enough to meet their current tier requirements?
2. Did they do enough to meet requirements to advance a tier?
3. Have they done enough over the last X # of years to meet the advancement requirements?
4. If they're T3, did they do enough to meet requirements to earn a structure? What about LTBs?
5. If they're T3, did they do them at the right time? (3 in the first 6 months, 3 in the last 6 months)?
6. Were they joint events? If so, how many joint events have they done in this year? Have they done enough qualifying single events so the joint event can count?
7. Is it member only? If so, did enough people show up? (requirements were higher for these)
The spreadsheet a previous GM created was insane (but way better than any other method I can think of) and it was pretty time-consuming just to enter 1 PER. If you got behind at all, it could be crazy. Now, the spreadsheet is much, much simpler and much less cumbersome as a direct result of the new system.
Anyway, just wanted to toss some "examples from the GM side" onto that bit. And again, let me reiterate, I am fine with anyone expressing their thoughts. I'm not sure I'd be able to get permission to lower any of the prices or change the material component, but I'm definitely willing to listen. None of us know everything, and we are also all human and may forget things or overlook things, so hearing an additional opinion or rationale or desire can help.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 01:02 PM CDT
My comment is that the pricing is CRAZY.
You can get a teacup for around 1k. Candles and incense is under 3k at several shops, clothing items are generally not that expensive when the pockets are under significant or large; a tiny pocket at a pricey shop is around 20k not 60k. I have to put out there that many MHOs are funded by the officers and we have to lay out our own coin to give gifts away or small tokens or have a few prop items for an event, like a tea party, etc. I ask that you please revisit the pricing it is not at all in line with the general pricing in shops or at events.
This prize closet revision has been so hard, please don't continue to penalize us for running a player run organization that Simu provided the rules for and we had followed. None of the items in these closets are game unbalancing; it is all fluff for all intent and purpose. Fluff that helps the officers create games, encourage engagement and makes us smile. I often put incense everywhere, for example, so that if a member or passerby stops in to rest there's a little more atmosphere. It's harmless in the scheme of things. I just don't understand this.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 01:09 PM CDT
5. Tea: Since I do not find any MHO-specific tea designs in the brewing system, I'm going to suggest you look at the various tea shops to purchase brewable teas for now. The teacups are the drink container, so they can stay. The tea flavourings need more research. I'm allowing them in for now but need to dig deeper on how we're considering these, since they are part of a larger brewing system. There are several locations to purchase tea packets and flavourings.
1. Non-combat, unscripted fluff such as clothing and jewelry: 30K for non-wearable items, 40K for wearable.
-- Exception: If you have a totally unscripted card/paper prop, I will match the price of the scripted stationery.
2. Banner/Flag scripted item: 70K
3. Candle/Incense scripted item: 30K
4. Containers, unscripted: 60K
-- Exception: If you have an unscripted envelope container designed to hold 1 item of 1 encumbrance and is unwearable, then I'll match the price of the scripted stationery.
5. Containers, scripted: 80K [the container script works with backpacks, pouches, satchels, sacks, packs, bags, and cases]
6. Darts: 40K
7. Dice: 50K
8. Drink Container: 50K
9. Flippable Coin: 30K
10. Giftbox: 10K
11. Huggable toys: 30K
12. Insignias: 10K
13. Lifekeep Flask: 30K
14. Magic Item, Blank (Imbeddable): 50K
15. Mirror: 30K
16. Stationery: 8K
17. Yoyo: 30K
On the subject of tea flavorings, we asked to keep 3 flavorings that were sold in festival shops, one multi-use and two that are single use. We didn't request our own flavors because that was not allowed. We were told they had to be existing flavors that had been sold in the past so we requested ones that were no longer otherwise available. (We asked to keep 2 tea flavors to brew that are no longer available, as well, but you disallowed those.) Multi-use tea flavorings run about 10k in both year round and festival shops. Single use flavorings run about 50 silvers. You priced them identically.
As for other items and their stated prices:
Why did our insignia go from 5k to 10k when CHE pins are only 2k? Our insignia do not teleport our members and are not ESP items, they just show affiliation.
Orb gems in CHE closets are 5k, not 50k. If we give them out at events, is the increased cost of MHO orb gems going to be reflected in their valuation when used for spells such as Holy Receptacle? If they are going to work like 5k gems when used in spells, they will hold less mana than they would if they work like higher priced gems.
I don't so much mind our very personalized and elaborate candle being priced at 30k but incense? It can't even be fancy. All you can choose is a color and a scent with no special messaging. I thought our previous closet price of 10k was expensive enough for something so simple (especially since it is an item you burn and then it is gone) when the highest price I can recall seeing even in a festival shop was 2500 silvers.
I also don't understand why 'a totally unscripted card/paper prop' should cost as much as scripted stationery. 8k seems high for a bit of paper that does absolutely nothing, though I suppose it is better than pricing it at 30k. Of course, 8k seems high to me for a piece of paper to write on when it was priced at 250 silvers per sheet at the Festival of Lumnea just last year. Even asking the merchant to give you 10 sheets of personalized stationery did not end up costing 8k per sheet!
In addition, please remember that clothing which holds less than 2 pounds or only 1-2 items is classified as non-functional fluff clothing. As such, I would suggest that it should be priced as wearable fluff clothing rather than as an unscripted container. I would hope this would also apply to jewelry with a tiny capacity in it.
Teacups and mugs run between 1k (year round shops) and up to 5k (some but not all festival shops). 50k seems a tad high to me for all drink containers. If I wanted to take the time and chase the right visiting merchants, I could still get teacups for 26k each: 1k for the teacup and 25k for the alteration (sometimes less, depends on the merchant!)
While I can understand making our MHO personalized items cost more than the generic versions sold in shops, is the intent to make all our items so expensive that we can’t afford to use them as props during events or hand them out as prizes in any quantity? Please reconsider some of these prices. One of the benefits of having a prize closet in the first place is to have items you use often readily available when needed without having to buy several dozen of something you liked at a festival and fill your locker with it or otherwise store it until it is needed.
Many MHOs are totally funded by the officers, who already donate their time and their coin to create fun experiences for all participants. These prices make me think a lot of MHOs are going to die because their officers don't want to pay such high prices in our limited closets for props and prizes and don't have the time to run around getting dozens of alterations in order to get them more cheaply.
1. Non-combat, unscripted fluff such as clothing and jewelry: 30K for non-wearable items, 40K for wearable.
-- Exception: If you have a totally unscripted card/paper prop, I will match the price of the scripted stationery.
2. Banner/Flag scripted item: 70K
3. Candle/Incense scripted item: 30K
4. Containers, unscripted: 60K
-- Exception: If you have an unscripted envelope container designed to hold 1 item of 1 encumbrance and is unwearable, then I'll match the price of the scripted stationery.
5. Containers, scripted: 80K [the container script works with backpacks, pouches, satchels, sacks, packs, bags, and cases]
6. Darts: 40K
7. Dice: 50K
8. Drink Container: 50K
9. Flippable Coin: 30K
10. Giftbox: 10K
11. Huggable toys: 30K
12. Insignias: 10K
13. Lifekeep Flask: 30K
14. Magic Item, Blank (Imbeddable): 50K
15. Mirror: 30K
16. Stationery: 8K
17. Yoyo: 30K
On the subject of tea flavorings, we asked to keep 3 flavorings that were sold in festival shops, one multi-use and two that are single use. We didn't request our own flavors because that was not allowed. We were told they had to be existing flavors that had been sold in the past so we requested ones that were no longer otherwise available. (We asked to keep 2 tea flavors to brew that are no longer available, as well, but you disallowed those.) Multi-use tea flavorings run about 10k in both year round and festival shops. Single use flavorings run about 50 silvers. You priced them identically.
As for other items and their stated prices:
Why did our insignia go from 5k to 10k when CHE pins are only 2k? Our insignia do not teleport our members and are not ESP items, they just show affiliation.
Orb gems in CHE closets are 5k, not 50k. If we give them out at events, is the increased cost of MHO orb gems going to be reflected in their valuation when used for spells such as Holy Receptacle? If they are going to work like 5k gems when used in spells, they will hold less mana than they would if they work like higher priced gems.
I don't so much mind our very personalized and elaborate candle being priced at 30k but incense? It can't even be fancy. All you can choose is a color and a scent with no special messaging. I thought our previous closet price of 10k was expensive enough for something so simple (especially since it is an item you burn and then it is gone) when the highest price I can recall seeing even in a festival shop was 2500 silvers.
I also don't understand why 'a totally unscripted card/paper prop' should cost as much as scripted stationery. 8k seems high for a bit of paper that does absolutely nothing, though I suppose it is better than pricing it at 30k. Of course, 8k seems high to me for a piece of paper to write on when it was priced at 250 silvers per sheet at the Festival of Lumnea just last year. Even asking the merchant to give you 10 sheets of personalized stationery did not end up costing 8k per sheet!
In addition, please remember that clothing which holds less than 2 pounds or only 1-2 items is classified as non-functional fluff clothing. As such, I would suggest that it should be priced as wearable fluff clothing rather than as an unscripted container. I would hope this would also apply to jewelry with a tiny capacity in it.
Teacups and mugs run between 1k (year round shops) and up to 5k (some but not all festival shops). 50k seems a tad high to me for all drink containers. If I wanted to take the time and chase the right visiting merchants, I could still get teacups for 26k each: 1k for the teacup and 25k for the alteration (sometimes less, depends on the merchant!)
While I can understand making our MHO personalized items cost more than the generic versions sold in shops, is the intent to make all our items so expensive that we can’t afford to use them as props during events or hand them out as prizes in any quantity? Please reconsider some of these prices. One of the benefits of having a prize closet in the first place is to have items you use often readily available when needed without having to buy several dozen of something you liked at a festival and fill your locker with it or otherwise store it until it is needed.
Many MHOs are totally funded by the officers, who already donate their time and their coin to create fun experiences for all participants. These prices make me think a lot of MHOs are going to die because their officers don't want to pay such high prices in our limited closets for props and prizes and don't have the time to run around getting dozens of alterations in order to get them more cheaply.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 01:26 PM CDT
One last comment from me then I'll shut up.
Prize items didn't add to 'spreedsheet' madness. Why we couldn't have grandfathered our previous items will always be a mystery to me. IMO, MHOs that put the work, the time and the MHO guru who helped just had all that worked tossed in the rubbish. I admit, I am still salty about all of this; I've accepted it but I am definitely still salty.
However, if down the line some pay event suddenly has perks for MHOs or some new type of MHO you have to pay for.. I am going to say I told you soooo to a whole group of friends. I know several MHO leaders, etc and well we hear death knells coming down the pike. I am just being honest as to what people are saying. This whole thing feels like a smack in the face to the people who put an MHO together. It isn't easy to corral people let me tell you, it isn't easy to design all this stuff and make it fun and exciting and draw people in and yes, many of us enjoy that challenge this is true but we did it not just for the challenge but to enrich the game experience for ourselves and others which is what we were encouraged to do by the game systems.
Mind you, I have Silvergate and for the most part I've stepped back from my MHO in favor of my vice-chair being in charge but she and I worked on this org for years and we had our ups and downs but we kept it going even when we were sick or busy or simply exhausted and I just think it's a shame to see it less than it was.
Oh, and overpriced to boot! Grrr.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 01:41 PM CDT
I was pretty surprised at the pricing when I first learned of it. Then they increased substantially this week - AFTER the deadline to submit items.
I do not understand why the groups who are putting the work in to support the game are being charged a bunch extra for the few prize closet items.
MHOs should be on a discount plan, not an UPSELL plan.
ESP TUNE TOWNCRIER or ;tune towncrier
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I do not understand why the groups who are putting the work in to support the game are being charged a bunch extra for the few prize closet items.
MHOs should be on a discount plan, not an UPSELL plan.
ESP TUNE TOWNCRIER or ;tune towncrier
Daily Email:
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P.S. Help Wanted, Inquire Within
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 02:31 PM CDT
I appreciate the thoughts on the pricing. I will say this -- I requested a review of what I had and was told to double that, which I did in some cases and made successful arguments for less than that in others. I will bring this back up and request this thread be read and a review be done with the extra detail provided by the officers. However, bear in mind the intention is really that an MHO is a collaborative effort and the endowment is a collaboration between the MHO members to donate and assist in receiving items like the prizes. Earning silvers is considered much easier these days, and since the highest cost item is, I believe, 80K, even if you gave out 10 of those, it is less than a million silvers. Back when I started, sure that was huge, but now? One character can whip out 1M pretty quickly -- collectively, that should not be difficult.
On the spreadsheet madness, I was specifically replying to a comment about events, so I spoke to that, btw, despite this being a mostly prize closet thread. Just to clarify.
From a GM time standpoint, prize closet items are actually even more time-consuming -- 15 items/year/MHO having to be negotiated, created, QC'd, added to the closet, etc. is a lot. In addition, there were several items where the stipulation was "can only have 1 specific MHO design total" or "can have up to 3 MHO designs" or "can only have 15 of these per year" -- this means for each of those items across each MHO that selected them, the MHO GM would have to remember these stipulations, track them, make sure it worked right, update annually, etc.
Beyond that, I believe several script owners who approved their scripts were unaware that these were not somewhat revolving items -- like yes, they get 15 items, then the next year, it's 15 different items. The fact that this became extremely cumulative (I've done 1 closet that had over 200 and one that had over 175 items so far, for example) means that the MHO didn't have just a handful of occasional fluff items at their disposal -- it means that there is a significant potential for outpouring of fluff items, some highly coveted scripted items (like jeolas), and even mechanical items (spell imbeds, weaponry, armor, lockpicks, etc).
Prize closets were broken. Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming any of you with robust prize closets -- you requested what the system said you could request and you received that. I understand that and am not placing any sort of judgment for that. I'm saying though, that this was a broken system that needed to be fixed. It definitely creates a lot of heartache, and I am so sorry for that. It was going to happen with or without me, of course, but I'm still sorry that this hurts and that I play a part in causing that pain.
>>However, if down the line some pay event suddenly has perks for MHOs or some new type of MHO you have to pay for.. I am going to say I told you soooo to a whole group of friends. I know several MHO leaders, etc and well we hear death knells coming down the pike. I am just being honest as to what people are saying
I understand how this could be a conclusion people would draw. I have absolutely, positively no intention of doing anything like this. Nor have I heard of anyone even contemplating it, and I certainly hope they would run it by me so I could put my two cents (two million cents more than likely) in. If it were a specific shop that a GM who loved CHEs and MHOs wanted to put together, I would have that conversation, but I would also want it to be at a free event like Briarmoon Cove in order to keep this from being perceived as a death knell. Can I say "it will never happen"? Well, no. Because if 10 years ago you told me we would have half of what we have now, I'd've been like "you're lying." However, I have heard nothing even remotely like this, nor have I heard anyone saying they want MHOs to go away. Indeed, we're just trying to get them back to the original intention -- a GM-light way to get officiality with a few perqs since the only other way was the CHE system, and that was, and still is, mostly a closed system with very few new CHEs being added over the years.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
On the spreadsheet madness, I was specifically replying to a comment about events, so I spoke to that, btw, despite this being a mostly prize closet thread. Just to clarify.
From a GM time standpoint, prize closet items are actually even more time-consuming -- 15 items/year/MHO having to be negotiated, created, QC'd, added to the closet, etc. is a lot. In addition, there were several items where the stipulation was "can only have 1 specific MHO design total" or "can have up to 3 MHO designs" or "can only have 15 of these per year" -- this means for each of those items across each MHO that selected them, the MHO GM would have to remember these stipulations, track them, make sure it worked right, update annually, etc.
Beyond that, I believe several script owners who approved their scripts were unaware that these were not somewhat revolving items -- like yes, they get 15 items, then the next year, it's 15 different items. The fact that this became extremely cumulative (I've done 1 closet that had over 200 and one that had over 175 items so far, for example) means that the MHO didn't have just a handful of occasional fluff items at their disposal -- it means that there is a significant potential for outpouring of fluff items, some highly coveted scripted items (like jeolas), and even mechanical items (spell imbeds, weaponry, armor, lockpicks, etc).
Prize closets were broken. Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming any of you with robust prize closets -- you requested what the system said you could request and you received that. I understand that and am not placing any sort of judgment for that. I'm saying though, that this was a broken system that needed to be fixed. It definitely creates a lot of heartache, and I am so sorry for that. It was going to happen with or without me, of course, but I'm still sorry that this hurts and that I play a part in causing that pain.
>>However, if down the line some pay event suddenly has perks for MHOs or some new type of MHO you have to pay for.. I am going to say I told you soooo to a whole group of friends. I know several MHO leaders, etc and well we hear death knells coming down the pike. I am just being honest as to what people are saying
I understand how this could be a conclusion people would draw. I have absolutely, positively no intention of doing anything like this. Nor have I heard of anyone even contemplating it, and I certainly hope they would run it by me so I could put my two cents (two million cents more than likely) in. If it were a specific shop that a GM who loved CHEs and MHOs wanted to put together, I would have that conversation, but I would also want it to be at a free event like Briarmoon Cove in order to keep this from being perceived as a death knell. Can I say "it will never happen"? Well, no. Because if 10 years ago you told me we would have half of what we have now, I'd've been like "you're lying." However, I have heard nothing even remotely like this, nor have I heard anyone saying they want MHOs to go away. Indeed, we're just trying to get them back to the original intention -- a GM-light way to get officiality with a few perqs since the only other way was the CHE system, and that was, and still is, mostly a closed system with very few new CHEs being added over the years.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 05:26 PM CDT
<<One character can whip out 1M pretty quickly
Not my characters! I hate hunting!
Not my characters! I hate hunting!
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 06:20 PM CDT
>> Back when I started, sure that was huge, but now? One character can whip out 1M pretty quickly -- collectively, that should not be difficult.
I don't have any skin in this game but I did spend a fair amount of time as a CHE officer in the past. Officers are already contributing a fair amount of time and energy in supporting their events directly. Putting "large" price tags on items used to support events seems like an added penalty in an area where I'd personally rather see more positive support.
I agree that 80k isn't a lot individually but even in today's economy, having to come up with 800k (for 10 items) when you are already putting in your time doesn't seem like a winning scenario and I think ultimately it discourages use of the cool prize items available to some extent.
Just my 80k silver worth.
-- Robert
>> A mongrel kobold points at you and yells, "Mine! Chasin!"
I don't have any skin in this game but I did spend a fair amount of time as a CHE officer in the past. Officers are already contributing a fair amount of time and energy in supporting their events directly. Putting "large" price tags on items used to support events seems like an added penalty in an area where I'd personally rather see more positive support.
I agree that 80k isn't a lot individually but even in today's economy, having to come up with 800k (for 10 items) when you are already putting in your time doesn't seem like a winning scenario and I think ultimately it discourages use of the cool prize items available to some extent.
Just my 80k silver worth.
-- Robert
>> A mongrel kobold points at you and yells, "Mine! Chasin!"
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 06:30 PM CDT
I don't like being argumentative, really I don't. I try to avoid it like the plague most times but sometimes I just have to say something, I'm sorry:
On the prize closets, the spreedsheet madness was to indicate that it didn't need further work if you guys had just grandfathered in existing items from the current MHOs and offered no additional prize closet items, period. My MHO is over a decade old and I know most leaders of other MHOs and at least a good majority of them would have been fine with keeping only what they already had - including relatively newer MHOs. Any MHO created after would need to follow your guidelines but in essence years and years and years of acquiring, designing, being thoughtful on events - items have just been trashed. That is horrible!
Prices: I'm sorry but there are A LOT of people who can't whip up 1m in silver easily. ESPECIALLY, org leaders because their time is taken by managing the org! Personally, I do what I need to do but I really am over hunting again and again just for silver or essence etc, I don't do it often because of a number of factors the biggest one being I have a life outside GS. So assuming the officers or whatnot can just throw a mil here and there into the endowment for over priced items is wrong. There is a top level of player that hunts and has all the power items etc and the game often caters to them - but the reality is the majority of the pop doesn't do that and cannot gather as much silver as you think to toss away into an endowment instead of saving it for their own personal use. And I am telling you as a player who has been around a long time - it's the officers who support these endowments with a few exceptions for rich and kind members.
Regarding script owners; it is my understanding that at the time of the individual requests it was made clear what the item design was and where they would be put. I do no believe any super powerful crazy script was ever put into an MHO prize closet but I could be wrong and that can easily be handled on a case by super script basis.
You know I run a CHE and I know the difference between CHE and MHO prize closets over the years. MHO had many many more restrictions than a CHE by far. Stopping prize closets where they were without losing old prize items and upping prices to an unreasonable point could have made most satisfied. It would've eliminated the need to work on prize closets further for the Guru; the MHO that put the work in wouldn't have lost all that work and everything would go on with events, etc without much resentment. (I just saw a fellow leader with smoke coming out of their ears btw) There really is a quiet but super upset resentment out there that just don't want to post because of fear of backlash. Personally, if I get backlash for speaking my truth so be it.
Moreover, I can completely, 100% appreciate the need to streamline the MHO system and make it easier for one Guru to handle but in doing so stuff that wouldn't take up more time - like existing items - (I'm a dog with a bone) should have been left as a courtesy for all the effort put into creating those closets. SO many MHOs have specific items they use for events they are losing and it's hard on them and us and the price hikes makes it harder. But the rest of it, the spreedsheets, the event count etc - there has to be an automated way were reports could count and instantly check off some MHOs requirement for a given time. Almost like a time clock or something and I know automated versions of those exist online. I am just throwing out stuff because I am not a programmer etc but I can't imagine with all the nifty stuff computers can do that it would be soo hard to automate something.
I do appreciate the burden of being the Guru of the MHO system and I am not opposed to a change, changes (ch ch ch changes) but why do we have to throw the baby out with the bathwater too? Changes can be made with thoughtful consideration, with a scalpel instead of an axe. This is the main reason why SO MANY MHO people believe there is a concerted effort to kill off the MHOs.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 07:58 PM CDT
We fought to ask for darts, because we wanted to provide darts to players to use at events we run. At the cost per set, for 20+ people, darts mind as well not be offered as far as I'm concerned with the prize for winning was going to be valued around 100k.
Further, as someone who semi regularly runs TIERs events, once we run out of free uses from the frontier days events that we won, I do not see use ever, EVER shelling out 1m silver to rent the tent for it, considering that's the expected value of all prizes going out that night, or more.
It's nice to have neat tools for players to use to run fun events. But charging so much for them to be used that they become unattractive to use, kinda negates that IMO.
Do what you want to do, justify how/what you want to justify, I'm just saying, when you make something unattractive to use, don't be surprised when it goes unused.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 09:40 PM CDT
>One character can whip out 1M pretty quickly
::coughcoughcough:: Umm, maybe for people who can spend hours and hours in a day playing, most days of the week, yeah...
... the more casual players among us, though, it might take upwards of YEARS to garner just a few million. I'll take myself for example, I only have just shy of 20mil in Cylnthia's bank account, and that's mostly from selling off two decades worth of dust-gathering locker stuff. Before the insane amount of locker sellage, I was averaging about 5mil in my bank account most of the year.
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Inquisitor of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
::coughcoughcough:: Umm, maybe for people who can spend hours and hours in a day playing, most days of the week, yeah...
... the more casual players among us, though, it might take upwards of YEARS to garner just a few million. I'll take myself for example, I only have just shy of 20mil in Cylnthia's bank account, and that's mostly from selling off two decades worth of dust-gathering locker stuff. Before the insane amount of locker sellage, I was averaging about 5mil in my bank account most of the year.
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Inquisitor of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 09:54 PM CDT
Here's another question:
Who decided MHOs need to be a silvers drain? That's what FESTIVALS are for!
Who decided MHOs need to be a silvers drain? That's what FESTIVALS are for!
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/20/2021 11:40 PM CDT
It amazes me how adverse people are to paid perks and microtransactions after paying for their account(s) for 20-30 years. Especially people paying for Premium accounts, or people who've enjoyed some of the paid events over the years.
Prize closets should just be abolished and replaced with certificates or whatever that allow MHOs and CHEs to take ordinary, unscripted items -- from a shop or the treasure system -- and add their features or approved scripts to it. Maybe combine some of the colors or features of the original item to make them more unique.
Prize closets should just be abolished and replaced with certificates or whatever that allow MHOs and CHEs to take ordinary, unscripted items -- from a shop or the treasure system -- and add their features or approved scripts to it. Maybe combine some of the colors or features of the original item to make them more unique.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 07:43 AM CDT
<<One character can whip out 1M pretty quickly
No, a lot of us can't. My highest level character is nowhere near cap, being only level 43, and I've been playing for somewhere around 2 decades. I come here to role-play. I haven't leveled my wizard at all since the enchanting system was changed to FORCE wizards to hunt if they want to enchant. She was just getting up to where she could have done it under the old system. Now all she is to me is my master cobbler. She makes shoes for my other characters and my friends' characters. That is her purpose since I really don't like hunting that much. I have always preferred the professions that let me level without hunting. I have quite a few empaths and rogues scattered about Elanthia. And I am an MHO officer, too. I actually helped FOUND Stormwild Hall and still help to run it. We worked for years on our structure design while getting up to Tier 3 and then waiting for our turn in line to get our structure.
I could probably count on my fingers the number of times a non-officer has put any large amount into our endowment. Not only that, every time we asked for some nice scripted thing in our closet (and never anything 'game unbalancing'), we were outright warned that these items were not to just be distributed to our members but were to be used as event prizes. We had one Veola in our closet and if you checked the price on it, it was 550k. The lecture over not just giving it out to members when we were allowed that... whew! We used to raffle one off now and then. It was the only way we could afford it. Most of our endowment came right out of Katara's pocket before events so we could afford the prizes with other officers chipping in what they could.
I don't know why hair-style changing ribbons and barrettes, lace-able bodices and skirts, pajamas and nightgowns and bathrobes and slippers for our pillow fights are too much for us to have in our closet. (They wouldn't let us have a custom pillow. Script denied! Owner wouldn't let us have it. Has anyone even seen any new pillows for smacking people with show up in the game anywhere since the Wavedancer cruises ended?) I wouldn't even have had a problem with all the little spell-holding trinkets in our closet being removed if they had just left us all the fluff items that we had. We lost all our solstice items except for one container and the trees we put out each year for our party. We couldn't even keep our matchbox! It's scripted so it isn't allowed. A matchbox?
I won't even get into the ridiculously high prices that have been put on the items we were allowed to keep. All in all, I think nerfing our prize closets the way they were was a bit ridiculous. Just leaving them as is and allowing nothing new or just removing all magical items and combat gear would have been a better option.
Siusan's Player
No, a lot of us can't. My highest level character is nowhere near cap, being only level 43, and I've been playing for somewhere around 2 decades. I come here to role-play. I haven't leveled my wizard at all since the enchanting system was changed to FORCE wizards to hunt if they want to enchant. She was just getting up to where she could have done it under the old system. Now all she is to me is my master cobbler. She makes shoes for my other characters and my friends' characters. That is her purpose since I really don't like hunting that much. I have always preferred the professions that let me level without hunting. I have quite a few empaths and rogues scattered about Elanthia. And I am an MHO officer, too. I actually helped FOUND Stormwild Hall and still help to run it. We worked for years on our structure design while getting up to Tier 3 and then waiting for our turn in line to get our structure.
I could probably count on my fingers the number of times a non-officer has put any large amount into our endowment. Not only that, every time we asked for some nice scripted thing in our closet (and never anything 'game unbalancing'), we were outright warned that these items were not to just be distributed to our members but were to be used as event prizes. We had one Veola in our closet and if you checked the price on it, it was 550k. The lecture over not just giving it out to members when we were allowed that... whew! We used to raffle one off now and then. It was the only way we could afford it. Most of our endowment came right out of Katara's pocket before events so we could afford the prizes with other officers chipping in what they could.
I don't know why hair-style changing ribbons and barrettes, lace-able bodices and skirts, pajamas and nightgowns and bathrobes and slippers for our pillow fights are too much for us to have in our closet. (They wouldn't let us have a custom pillow. Script denied! Owner wouldn't let us have it. Has anyone even seen any new pillows for smacking people with show up in the game anywhere since the Wavedancer cruises ended?) I wouldn't even have had a problem with all the little spell-holding trinkets in our closet being removed if they had just left us all the fluff items that we had. We lost all our solstice items except for one container and the trees we put out each year for our party. We couldn't even keep our matchbox! It's scripted so it isn't allowed. A matchbox?
I won't even get into the ridiculously high prices that have been put on the items we were allowed to keep. All in all, I think nerfing our prize closets the way they were was a bit ridiculous. Just leaving them as is and allowing nothing new or just removing all magical items and combat gear would have been a better option.
Siusan's Player
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 08:17 AM CDT
Woooo, girl. You know I do not like posting on the forums, I do not even like reading the forums. Hard as heck to find anything around here. But after venting to anyone who would listen about my opinions on all these changes, they convinced me I needed to write a post. And because I am pretty sure Katara was referring to me, when she said a fellow leader had smoke coming out of their ears.
So, what have I been venting about? Let’s start with this.
<<"the endowment is a collaboration between the MHO members to donate and assist in receiving items like the prizes"
Prizes in the closet are not for "members". They are "prizes" for events. Asking our members to pay for our prize closets, when we cannot just give out prizes to them willynilly, is not right. If we do not charge for an event of some type, most of that money comes out of the leaders' and maybe 1-2 other officers' pockets, as has been said. And aside from that, as previously mentioned, I know we all have lockers full of stuff we bought for future events and use, because we cannot have them in our closets. That is even more money that we forked out for an MHO system that seems to be in the process of a long, drawn out torture, leading to eventual death.
<<"Back when I started, sure that was huge, but now? One character can whip out 1M pretty quickly -- collectively, that should not be difficult."
I had a good chuckle about this. I am sure there are lots of GS players who can “whip out 1M pretty quickly”. But some of us spend more time RPing, planning MHO events (and even some of us double up by doing CHE duties, too), and stressing out over all these MHO changes to come, we do not have time to “whip out 1M pretty quickly”. And I honestly do not even know how to “whip out 1M pretty quickly”, unless I start selling off locker items.
<<"some highly coveted scripted items (like jeolas)"
CHEs have these same things in their closets and they do not rotate. And might I add, CHEs have had a lot less requirements and restrictions in the past. I completely understand that the CHE system is different than the MHO system, but my point is, with all the restrictions and requirements MHOs have had and will have, a couple highly coveted scripted items do not seem too much to ask to keep in a prize closet that the MHO has worked to have.
<<"Prize closets were broken. Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming any of you with robust prize closets"
This may be the case, but it seems very much like MHOs are being penalized for a broken system that we did not design or break. Please remember, MHO leaders did not create the prize closet list. We just had to use what options were available to us. I do not agree with penalizing MHOs because of the robust prize list from which we had to choose. And as Katara said, it seems like more work to pare down the prize closets, than to just leave them be.
MHOs have SO MANY requirements (or did under the old system) with very few rewards. Our rewards were our structures and our prize closets. And if you met those or even exceeded those for every year you were in operation, you got rewarded with 15 prize closet items. And kudos if you have 200+ items. That means you put a ton of work into your MHO and kept it alive for YEARS AND YEARS. However, now, all that hard work is being chopped, scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, diced, and capped.
I absolutely disagreed with the idea that MHOs that have worked so hard over the years, stayed loyal to Gemstone IV and kept their accounts active and their MHOs equally active, are losing all the rewards they earned for their hard work. And do not ever believe running and keeping an MHO active is not hard work. It takes a lot of time and effort, both in and out of game, to come up with fresh ideas that will keep the GS population interested. Because without interest, we do not get the participation we need to meet our requirements. And the items in our prize closets, no matter if there were 15 or 200, were part of that draw. A lot of people want a little appreciation for the time they took out of their normal GS routine to attend an MHO event. And rightly so, but cutting down the already existing prize closets that people have worked so hard to design, and limiting the future prize options, just seems like it is going to be even harder to entice people to attend an event. Especially when those props and fun RP items that were designed in the past will no longer be available.
I have told you almost every time we have interacted, I appreciate the hard work you are putting into MHOs. I cannot even imagine the burden it is stepping into someone else's shoes and trying to fix years and years of "broken" and/or complicated systems behind the scenes. I just think a lot of those who have posted about all the MHO changes are not feeling the same type of appreciation for their hard work. After all, they had to deal with the "broken" and/or complicated systems to get their MHO off the ground and keep it active and thriving to accrue all those prize closet items. And I know it seems a lot of MHO leaders and officers are pretty salty right now about all the changes, but I would bet the turnip farm that we all would have appreciated having our opinions considered before any changes were finalized. You kind of came in like a wrecking ball.
Lady Dirvy Britbane
Matriarch of the Britbane Family
Executrix of House Sovyn
Chairwoman of ICICLE
So, what have I been venting about? Let’s start with this.
<<"the endowment is a collaboration between the MHO members to donate and assist in receiving items like the prizes"
Prizes in the closet are not for "members". They are "prizes" for events. Asking our members to pay for our prize closets, when we cannot just give out prizes to them willynilly, is not right. If we do not charge for an event of some type, most of that money comes out of the leaders' and maybe 1-2 other officers' pockets, as has been said. And aside from that, as previously mentioned, I know we all have lockers full of stuff we bought for future events and use, because we cannot have them in our closets. That is even more money that we forked out for an MHO system that seems to be in the process of a long, drawn out torture, leading to eventual death.
<<"Back when I started, sure that was huge, but now? One character can whip out 1M pretty quickly -- collectively, that should not be difficult."
I had a good chuckle about this. I am sure there are lots of GS players who can “whip out 1M pretty quickly”. But some of us spend more time RPing, planning MHO events (and even some of us double up by doing CHE duties, too), and stressing out over all these MHO changes to come, we do not have time to “whip out 1M pretty quickly”. And I honestly do not even know how to “whip out 1M pretty quickly”, unless I start selling off locker items.
<<"some highly coveted scripted items (like jeolas)"
CHEs have these same things in their closets and they do not rotate. And might I add, CHEs have had a lot less requirements and restrictions in the past. I completely understand that the CHE system is different than the MHO system, but my point is, with all the restrictions and requirements MHOs have had and will have, a couple highly coveted scripted items do not seem too much to ask to keep in a prize closet that the MHO has worked to have.
<<"Prize closets were broken. Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming any of you with robust prize closets"
This may be the case, but it seems very much like MHOs are being penalized for a broken system that we did not design or break. Please remember, MHO leaders did not create the prize closet list. We just had to use what options were available to us. I do not agree with penalizing MHOs because of the robust prize list from which we had to choose. And as Katara said, it seems like more work to pare down the prize closets, than to just leave them be.
MHOs have SO MANY requirements (or did under the old system) with very few rewards. Our rewards were our structures and our prize closets. And if you met those or even exceeded those for every year you were in operation, you got rewarded with 15 prize closet items. And kudos if you have 200+ items. That means you put a ton of work into your MHO and kept it alive for YEARS AND YEARS. However, now, all that hard work is being chopped, scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, diced, and capped.
I absolutely disagreed with the idea that MHOs that have worked so hard over the years, stayed loyal to Gemstone IV and kept their accounts active and their MHOs equally active, are losing all the rewards they earned for their hard work. And do not ever believe running and keeping an MHO active is not hard work. It takes a lot of time and effort, both in and out of game, to come up with fresh ideas that will keep the GS population interested. Because without interest, we do not get the participation we need to meet our requirements. And the items in our prize closets, no matter if there were 15 or 200, were part of that draw. A lot of people want a little appreciation for the time they took out of their normal GS routine to attend an MHO event. And rightly so, but cutting down the already existing prize closets that people have worked so hard to design, and limiting the future prize options, just seems like it is going to be even harder to entice people to attend an event. Especially when those props and fun RP items that were designed in the past will no longer be available.
I have told you almost every time we have interacted, I appreciate the hard work you are putting into MHOs. I cannot even imagine the burden it is stepping into someone else's shoes and trying to fix years and years of "broken" and/or complicated systems behind the scenes. I just think a lot of those who have posted about all the MHO changes are not feeling the same type of appreciation for their hard work. After all, they had to deal with the "broken" and/or complicated systems to get their MHO off the ground and keep it active and thriving to accrue all those prize closet items. And I know it seems a lot of MHO leaders and officers are pretty salty right now about all the changes, but I would bet the turnip farm that we all would have appreciated having our opinions considered before any changes were finalized. You kind of came in like a wrecking ball.
Lady Dirvy Britbane
Matriarch of the Britbane Family
Executrix of House Sovyn
Chairwoman of ICICLE
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 08:32 AM CDT
I just wanted everyone to know I'm still reading, absorbing, and requesting my SGM team to read and review, so we can see if we can flex some on the pricing.
I also want you to know that I totally get that 1M to a lot of us (me included) has never really felt that easy to make, but the reality is, overall, it isn't huge, especially considering it is supposed to be a collective effort between all members. Of course officers tend to give more (of their time, their energy, their silvers, their everything) because officers tend to be the uber-dedicated to the organization, and I definitely understand that and have lived it on the CHE side.
Some of these items being brought up are inter-related but separate issues.
1. Officers spend their own money because members aren't contributing very much
2. Fluff scripts going by the wayside and not available very often
The former, of course, is difficult as every MHO is run differently, so how to increase member engagement and donation when needed is going to be very individual.
On the latter, I can certainly gather up a list of desirable scripts and figure out who owns them and let them know there is a market for them out there to make an appearance some day. This wouldn't be an MHO-specific appearance, so it could quite possibly be at an event; I want to make that clear, because if the owner decided to toss it in at Ebon Gate, I don't want someone to think it's an indicator of anything other than the return of a desired script. So if someone wants to create a google doc like was done for the prize closet bit and just get a listing going of coveted fluff scripts (with enough info that I can hopefully identify which one it is) that aren't seen much or at all any more then share that with me when done, I'll track down the exact script and the owner and just put out a generalized plea for wandering shops, merchants, whatever for these items.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
I also want you to know that I totally get that 1M to a lot of us (me included) has never really felt that easy to make, but the reality is, overall, it isn't huge, especially considering it is supposed to be a collective effort between all members. Of course officers tend to give more (of their time, their energy, their silvers, their everything) because officers tend to be the uber-dedicated to the organization, and I definitely understand that and have lived it on the CHE side.
Some of these items being brought up are inter-related but separate issues.
1. Officers spend their own money because members aren't contributing very much
2. Fluff scripts going by the wayside and not available very often
The former, of course, is difficult as every MHO is run differently, so how to increase member engagement and donation when needed is going to be very individual.
On the latter, I can certainly gather up a list of desirable scripts and figure out who owns them and let them know there is a market for them out there to make an appearance some day. This wouldn't be an MHO-specific appearance, so it could quite possibly be at an event; I want to make that clear, because if the owner decided to toss it in at Ebon Gate, I don't want someone to think it's an indicator of anything other than the return of a desired script. So if someone wants to create a google doc like was done for the prize closet bit and just get a listing going of coveted fluff scripts (with enough info that I can hopefully identify which one it is) that aren't seen much or at all any more then share that with me when done, I'll track down the exact script and the owner and just put out a generalized plea for wandering shops, merchants, whatever for these items.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 08:37 AM CDT
I think the "million silvers" discussion is largely dependent on what you hunt, and where, and how.
Recently I have been using my daily (Premium) access to Reim for two-hour runs, and netting "fair" coin thereby. (Plus/minus some variance, they seem to be coming out around the 250k per run, round it to 120k/hour, or 2k/minute in silvers, assuming I go the whole run.)
Before that for several months, I would just run it straight through, finish out the royal pair as soon as I had access, and leave to absorb. (Since last evening's run brought me to them about 45 minutes in--only about 37% of the time used--this obviously would have produced much less in the way of loot.)
Why are officers ponying this up out of pocket? Put out a call at a House meeting, "If everyone present is interested in adding a prize, we are asking for a voluntary gift to the House of 500 silvers per your current level. An Officer will be at the House clerk momentarily." There is also the 'tune house' channel of the amulet, and I keep seeing these Discord notices when I login with a House member. There are plenty of moneybags types out there. Ask them to cough up.
Recently I have been using my daily (Premium) access to Reim for two-hour runs, and netting "fair" coin thereby. (Plus/minus some variance, they seem to be coming out around the 250k per run, round it to 120k/hour, or 2k/minute in silvers, assuming I go the whole run.)
Before that for several months, I would just run it straight through, finish out the royal pair as soon as I had access, and leave to absorb. (Since last evening's run brought me to them about 45 minutes in--only about 37% of the time used--this obviously would have produced much less in the way of loot.)
Why are officers ponying this up out of pocket? Put out a call at a House meeting, "If everyone present is interested in adding a prize, we are asking for a voluntary gift to the House of 500 silvers per your current level. An Officer will be at the House clerk momentarily." There is also the 'tune house' channel of the amulet, and I keep seeing these Discord notices when I login with a House member. There are plenty of moneybags types out there. Ask them to cough up.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 08:39 AM CDT
(Sorry, I got hung up on "house" officer, and forgot that this was the MHO topic. Still, aren't there amulet/Discord options for that? Worst case, you could always choose a gem and have the amulet-maker give you your own channel.)
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 08:59 AM CDT
Dirvy, I totally appreciate what you are saying and am glad you stepped forward and shared, because I believe it is important.
<<"the endowment is a collaboration between the MHO members to donate and assist in receiving items like the prizes"-Me
>>Prizes in the closet are not for "members". They are "prizes" for events. Asking our members to pay for our prize closets, when we cannot just give out prizes to them willynilly, is not right.-Dirvy
Just as clarification -- when I say receiving items like prizes, I don't mean the member being given an item, but that it is part of being a member to contribute to the MHO so the MHO can receive the prize and then use it in the appropriate manner.
I don't think it is untoward at all to have members donate to the endowment to help cover the costs of things like events and prizes out of the closet for those events. That is the point of having an endowment. It is also one of the points of being a participant in an MHO or CHE.
>>I would bet the turnip farm that we all would have appreciated having our opinions considered before any changes were finalized. You kind of came in like a wrecking ball.-ibid
I do want it to be clear -- I didn't write up the new changes. They were ready before I took over and were going to happen whether I took over or not. The changes were announced at the same time I was announced as the MHO GM, so I know it is very easy to think that I came back as a GM, wrote up a massive set of MHO changes, and implemented them on the day I took over, but that was not the case.
Yes, I am executing the plan, but I am also listening to your feedback and seeing if I can find some middle ground on a lot of it. If I weren't here, Elysani would be here doing the same thing.
BTW, I know the point has been brought up a few times that it would be easier and less time-consuming to just grandfather the entire prize closet in and not make any changes to the existing ones. However, that option was not on the table. As mentioned, the closet system was broken and needed to be fixed, and this is part of the fix.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
<<"the endowment is a collaboration between the MHO members to donate and assist in receiving items like the prizes"-Me
>>Prizes in the closet are not for "members". They are "prizes" for events. Asking our members to pay for our prize closets, when we cannot just give out prizes to them willynilly, is not right.-Dirvy
Just as clarification -- when I say receiving items like prizes, I don't mean the member being given an item, but that it is part of being a member to contribute to the MHO so the MHO can receive the prize and then use it in the appropriate manner.
I don't think it is untoward at all to have members donate to the endowment to help cover the costs of things like events and prizes out of the closet for those events. That is the point of having an endowment. It is also one of the points of being a participant in an MHO or CHE.
>>I would bet the turnip farm that we all would have appreciated having our opinions considered before any changes were finalized. You kind of came in like a wrecking ball.-ibid
I do want it to be clear -- I didn't write up the new changes. They were ready before I took over and were going to happen whether I took over or not. The changes were announced at the same time I was announced as the MHO GM, so I know it is very easy to think that I came back as a GM, wrote up a massive set of MHO changes, and implemented them on the day I took over, but that was not the case.
Yes, I am executing the plan, but I am also listening to your feedback and seeing if I can find some middle ground on a lot of it. If I weren't here, Elysani would be here doing the same thing.
BTW, I know the point has been brought up a few times that it would be easier and less time-consuming to just grandfather the entire prize closet in and not make any changes to the existing ones. However, that option was not on the table. As mentioned, the closet system was broken and needed to be fixed, and this is part of the fix.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 09:29 AM CDT
"collective effort between members"
It will NEVER be a collective effort between members. We aren't talking about an event or a short series of events where MAYBE you can get people to pony up or empty your lockers and do an auction for the MHO or raffle off something; the interest in being so participatory in an MHO that continually asks for coin will fade among the members. It is the officers who have to pony up or that special patron you might have - which most MHOs do not. I was a patron to sphere and scythe and helped them get their building built with a coin donation but that isn't something I can do over and over. Also, I have my own organizations to fund and yes I as a capped mage can prolly whip up 1m I am not worried about myself or my orgs but I know for a fact many of my fellow MHOs do not have such a rich officer pool.
And to be completely honest, I can afford to buy prizes for events sure but I don't want to be gauged for them either. I don't want all the coin I have to just be used for my orgs, I'd like to enjoy my coin in other ways too. Please remember that from the prize closet we aren't normally buying ONE item but TEN or more at a time to give out at events, use as props, etc. If we stay to 2 events per year and do no other events that require us to purchase or have prizes or props then sure I won't be hurting but another MHO who has to shell out 1-2m in just prizes or props a year will likely suffer. And more events? forget it.
I absolutely loathe the loss of our previous prize closet but me personally, I have lockers and lockers full of stuff I've collected over the decades I've played I can hand out; most others do not. But even my lockers aren't endless, I've have already handed out quite a bit.
I think there is a point missing in this argument/discussion on the MHO changes: The people who run MHOs and do everything to keep them active are fundamentally different from the average player. They want to create a community or a place they can share in an RP manner with fellow players. They normally aren't power hunters or savvy with coin collection or a 24/7 player of GS. They found their fun in RP and hosting events and being creative ingame; placing this additional burden of high prices for very, very , very limited prize closet items on them is a true hardship. They do not want to HAVE to hunt or beg for coin, they want to plan events and fun rp. The previous prize closets allowed a manner to entice people to events that more often than not they enjoyed and walked away with a neat little prize. Now that ability to entice with a neat little prize is either gone or extremely hampered. And as both an MHO and CHE leader I can tell you unequivocally that getting butts in seats at events without a merchant doing glad or whatnot is HARD.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 09:39 AM CDT
And I'm still hoping down the line CHE's can absorb MHO structures as an annex to CHEs. That way you can remove the prize closet completely from the MHO side, put in some lockers, changes some names and allow a larger annex for CHEs. For me, it would give SG a great presence in the east as or main structure is in the Landing and would give the building a new purpose. Again, that's me specific :).
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 11:02 AM CDT
All these other fine MHO officers (whom I'm honored to know most) have outlined our concerns pretty well. Without going into great detail (because its already been done by others very well), I wanted to add to the chorus and support their efforts here and say I agree with their assessments/statements on pretty much everything. I'm sure Rovvigen would agree.
Mikalmas/Sphere and Scythe
Mikalmas/Sphere and Scythe
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 01:11 PM CDT
Is there a specific reason why old MHO closets couldnt be left as is?
I dont run an MHO, but this thread really shows how much intense love some people have for their years of effort to make the community of GS happen. I can understand their frustration.
I dont run an MHO, but this thread really shows how much intense love some people have for their years of effort to make the community of GS happen. I can understand their frustration.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 01:42 PM CDT
Also...if the expectation is voluntary payments by average mho members to fund prize closets, why not create some back end support?
How about a DONATION verb that sets up a monthly automatic withdrawal from a player bank account that goes into the chosen mho endowment fund.
Make it require the character to login during that month to trigger, in order to avoid long shelved characters having their accounts drained.
If the idea is to make the system easier to manage, help officers do that.
How about a DONATION verb that sets up a monthly automatic withdrawal from a player bank account that goes into the chosen mho endowment fund.
Make it require the character to login during that month to trigger, in order to avoid long shelved characters having their accounts drained.
If the idea is to make the system easier to manage, help officers do that.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 02:12 PM CDT
Add my support to many of the points raised in this latest round of posts. I have nothing much to add other than I find this transition to be extremely disheartening. Many of us have worked hard over the years to make a contribution to the game but it seems to mean very little to the PTB (unless that contribution has a $ tag).
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 02:25 PM CDT
<<<I have nothing much to add other than I find this transition to be extremely disheartening. Many of us have worked hard over the years to make a contribution to the game but it seems to mean very little to the PTB>>>
+1 to this Rohese! Well said.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 04:14 PM CDT
I mean, to Rohese' point, it is disheartening as stated, to take it a step further though, I know many folks, myself included, may not play this game at all anymore if it wasn't for their involvements in MHOs. I'm only in two myself, and one is more of a social club, but that has kept me engaged with the game tremendously over the years. I also work with Luxie and the TC as an officer there, and while I'm not the most active, running events with the TC and doing fun stuff with the folks there has also contributed to my engagement with the game.
While MHO's may not directly raise money for simu, they do a lot more than I think those in charge realize, when it comes to retaining players, not only for their acct fees, but also the pay events they buy in to.
Sure, I could easily finance prizes and event support costs for all the events I run (A number of other members very generously chip in with prizes and their time as well), and for the most part, I have been. We tried to make some fun prizes, and maybe some silly stuff to hand out with our list, however... for the cost of an unscripted sack from the prize closet, I'll stick to large sacks dyed at the dyer tent, as that isn't even 1% of the cost of a basic sack container though the closet, thanks.
It just frustrating to hear GMs and those in power "praise" well run and fun player events, and then rather than support them and prop them up, treat it as a burden and try and limit tools. This is a big part of why I've taken to designing my own games to run that don't rely on anything simu provided, because I can design something better customized, and run it cheaper, than the tools and resources simu would provide for us. Simu can always just copy players work then and monetize it, like what happened with the pupper script on lich that took over a year in the making, then the EG after it was released publicly, GM's just went and ripped the idea and concept of it off.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 08:21 PM CDT
Well, I came here to write a post detailing some issues I’d like to raise about these changes, but I think all my major points have been hit.
I just want to again echo the sentiment that it’s all extremely disheartening. People won’t put the same effort and thought and planning into something if there is little-to-no sense of progression or reward. You (the powers that be, not Xynwen personally) incentivize what you want more of, and this seems like a resounding message that what you don’t want more of is player- driven RP and engagement with the game that isn’t pay per turn.
I do thank you, Xynwen, for listening and engaging. I’m sure it’s no easy chore to wade through this mess of disappointment and negative feedback, all the while hard at work on a project that is probably feeling like an unappreciated effort.
Anyway, I hope whoever is behind the overhaul takes our feedback into account.
Laralana’s player
I just want to again echo the sentiment that it’s all extremely disheartening. People won’t put the same effort and thought and planning into something if there is little-to-no sense of progression or reward. You (the powers that be, not Xynwen personally) incentivize what you want more of, and this seems like a resounding message that what you don’t want more of is player- driven RP and engagement with the game that isn’t pay per turn.
I do thank you, Xynwen, for listening and engaging. I’m sure it’s no easy chore to wade through this mess of disappointment and negative feedback, all the while hard at work on a project that is probably feeling like an unappreciated effort.
Anyway, I hope whoever is behind the overhaul takes our feedback into account.
Laralana’s player
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 09:11 PM CDT
Dear Mister Wyrom:
The TownCrier is a newish MHO, we did not lose much except some awesome plans when the prize closets were gutted, but I felt the shock and dismay of many other groups. I really appreciated the consideration given to our hard-working TownCrier Newsies when our new structure was grandfathered in. We totally felt like we had dodged a devastating bullet.
That said, parts of this MHO-redo feel like a polar knee-jerk reaction to ... something/s which I am not privy to. Because otherwise, it makes no sense.
Instead of building out infrastructure for the MHOs, and putting the options in place first, it feels like GemStone decided to slash and burn first.
As others have voiced, I took one look at each of the announcements as they have been made since late last summer, and I figured Great Houses were next; then when the next shoe fell, I wondered what other player-centric things were going to be wiped out.
I'd like to remind GemStone that player-run groups create roleplay, services, and events that GemStone does not pay for. In fact, quite the opposite, GS makes money on it. GemStone makes money:
- in dollars every month from the subscriptions of all the members and officers involved
- in silvers from the constant update and support many groups continue to spend in-game for events
- in dollars again when people buy items from special events
- in time because GS does not have to spend time filling the calendar slots that would otherwise be empty without player-run events.
Instead of being considered a silver drain center in the business of GS, player-run groups should be considered partners who add value to the product. We should be offered discounts for our simple needs, not price-gouged because there is nowhere else to turn to for the specific bits of text to enhance an event.
If a GM is overworked because the groups are that successful, by all means, streamline the process, add a few assistant GMs, make small adjustments in the policies going forward to cut back on those things. Add a few administrative assistants, maybe there are things here that do not even require GMs.
If there are abuses, cut them off, fast. Make it public, so that everyone knows there are consequences to bad behavior.
If GS needs the groups to fundraise their own silvers to support the inflated prices of custom text items for events or prices, please add in ways to do that. Raffles, Donation Boxes, Storefronts, Telethons, or Candy Sales, for crying out loud. (Raffles were removed as options in the first announcement, by the way.)
When several very generous individuals wanted to donate for the new TownCrier structure, I learned there was no way for them to do this directly at the MHO Hall. Only an officer can add money to the endowment. Why is this? Any character, member or not, should be able to make a donation to a group any time they want and choose to make it anonymous or known. I was very grateful our benefactors trusted me enough to hand me the coins with the expectation I would do the right thing and deposit it into the endowment.
If there are not enough staff members to put 6 events on the Google Calendar a year, find an administrative assistant who can help with it. No GM training even needed! On top of that, you can bulk upload to Google Calendars without Dev even having to scratch the surface of the API. I realize it may be more like 6 events per group in a year, but ... the point remains.
Days go by where I have to decide whether to put my effort into the TownCrier or into RP. Hardly any songs, personal events, blog posts, or anything else in Luxie's personal RP has happened in the last 5 years because of it. And those are all things I love, too.
I am fairly confident that I am not the only person in the only group who makes these kind of decisions to help make GS a better place, because I see it reflected in the time and attention to detail that many other groups approach their outreach, too.
The care, consideration, exquisite GM teamwork, and concern for players that the GemStone staff has towards its players are the hallmarks that drew me here and allowed me to thrive and tarry. It was such a breath of fresh air after what had become of DragonRealms. I am hopeful that the concerns raised in these messages will allow a second look at the new rules for player-run groups in GS.
She who is the soul of Luxie
ESP TUNE TOWNCRIER or ;tune towncrier
Daily Email:
Send in news:
P.S. Help Wanted, Inquire Within
The TownCrier is a newish MHO, we did not lose much except some awesome plans when the prize closets were gutted, but I felt the shock and dismay of many other groups. I really appreciated the consideration given to our hard-working TownCrier Newsies when our new structure was grandfathered in. We totally felt like we had dodged a devastating bullet.
That said, parts of this MHO-redo feel like a polar knee-jerk reaction to ... something/s which I am not privy to. Because otherwise, it makes no sense.
Instead of building out infrastructure for the MHOs, and putting the options in place first, it feels like GemStone decided to slash and burn first.
As others have voiced, I took one look at each of the announcements as they have been made since late last summer, and I figured Great Houses were next; then when the next shoe fell, I wondered what other player-centric things were going to be wiped out.
I'd like to remind GemStone that player-run groups create roleplay, services, and events that GemStone does not pay for. In fact, quite the opposite, GS makes money on it. GemStone makes money:
- in dollars every month from the subscriptions of all the members and officers involved
- in silvers from the constant update and support many groups continue to spend in-game for events
- in dollars again when people buy items from special events
- in time because GS does not have to spend time filling the calendar slots that would otherwise be empty without player-run events.
Instead of being considered a silver drain center in the business of GS, player-run groups should be considered partners who add value to the product. We should be offered discounts for our simple needs, not price-gouged because there is nowhere else to turn to for the specific bits of text to enhance an event.
If a GM is overworked because the groups are that successful, by all means, streamline the process, add a few assistant GMs, make small adjustments in the policies going forward to cut back on those things. Add a few administrative assistants, maybe there are things here that do not even require GMs.
If there are abuses, cut them off, fast. Make it public, so that everyone knows there are consequences to bad behavior.
If GS needs the groups to fundraise their own silvers to support the inflated prices of custom text items for events or prices, please add in ways to do that. Raffles, Donation Boxes, Storefronts, Telethons, or Candy Sales, for crying out loud. (Raffles were removed as options in the first announcement, by the way.)
When several very generous individuals wanted to donate for the new TownCrier structure, I learned there was no way for them to do this directly at the MHO Hall. Only an officer can add money to the endowment. Why is this? Any character, member or not, should be able to make a donation to a group any time they want and choose to make it anonymous or known. I was very grateful our benefactors trusted me enough to hand me the coins with the expectation I would do the right thing and deposit it into the endowment.
If there are not enough staff members to put 6 events on the Google Calendar a year, find an administrative assistant who can help with it. No GM training even needed! On top of that, you can bulk upload to Google Calendars without Dev even having to scratch the surface of the API. I realize it may be more like 6 events per group in a year, but ... the point remains.
Days go by where I have to decide whether to put my effort into the TownCrier or into RP. Hardly any songs, personal events, blog posts, or anything else in Luxie's personal RP has happened in the last 5 years because of it. And those are all things I love, too.
I am fairly confident that I am not the only person in the only group who makes these kind of decisions to help make GS a better place, because I see it reflected in the time and attention to detail that many other groups approach their outreach, too.
The care, consideration, exquisite GM teamwork, and concern for players that the GemStone staff has towards its players are the hallmarks that drew me here and allowed me to thrive and tarry. It was such a breath of fresh air after what had become of DragonRealms. I am hopeful that the concerns raised in these messages will allow a second look at the new rules for player-run groups in GS.
She who is the soul of Luxie
ESP TUNE TOWNCRIER or ;tune towncrier
Daily Email:
Send in news:
P.S. Help Wanted, Inquire Within
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/21/2021 09:33 PM CDT
We appreciate some of the feedback that we've received from you guys on the changes. These changes have been in the works for quite some time to streamline and make things run more efficiently, especially from the GM side of this job. While I know some of you guys have your own suggestions on how that might have been achieved in other ways, I want to assure you that nothing mentioned thus far would have actually been feasible on our end of things to make the position work out. This was a tough decision in terms of what we could agree on format wise. We started in a place that was actually much more severely cut back than they ended up being, and after we went through some possible scenarios of what could potentially work, this is what was landed on and approved. I realize that likely doesn't take the sting out for you guys, but we're hoping that we can get you all settled with prize closets that work for your MHOs moving forward, anyway.
GM Xynwen has been tasked with following through on implementing plans that were already approved long, long before she took over MHOs, so please keep that in mind if you're offering commentary.
SGM of World Team
GM Xynwen has been tasked with following through on implementing plans that were already approved long, long before she took over MHOs, so please keep that in mind if you're offering commentary.
SGM of World Team
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/22/2021 04:38 AM CDT
But is there an actual reason why the prize closets couldn’t have just been left as is for existing groups? Im one of those players that rely upon the exceptionally hard work of the MHOs to find little pockets of player organized RP to participate in. I dont have a stake in this, other than I think its a decision made that is upsetting the 1% of players who are willing to run community events. Many of them clearly feel unappreciated as part of the draw of the GS player base and additionally unappreciated for their time spent improving the game for others.
It seems extremely clear that of all the changes, the gutting of existing prize closets has caused the most anger in the MHO community.
I haven’t seen any single reason why the existing closets needs to be reduced so heavily. Was there abuse? Was it widespread? Is it a data/lag issue? Were they considered to cheap? Is it because players were having them altered and selling things? Is it too heavy if a logistical burden to evaluate each item for acceptabiliy going forward? Is there some heavy load of work that existing items create?
What is most concerning to me is how hard and fast this all seems, which stands in contrast to what I’ve seen from all other aspects of the game since I returned. In every other facet, feedback is taken in and, in many cases, reasonable ideas often get traction and see implementation. If something isnt or wont be implemented, it comes with some reason why. It’s not just ‘no’. The tone of it really strikes me. Has the MHO system been widely abused to create illegitimate ways to generate wealth? This whole particular part of the change seems intentionally punitive, like a previous wrong that requires correction. Why?
I think if you helped these officers and organizations understand why their closets MUST be reduced, why their existence now isnt harming the game, but their existence ‘tomorrow’ would, you might find more people willing to be a partner in this experience.
It seems extremely clear that of all the changes, the gutting of existing prize closets has caused the most anger in the MHO community.
I haven’t seen any single reason why the existing closets needs to be reduced so heavily. Was there abuse? Was it widespread? Is it a data/lag issue? Were they considered to cheap? Is it because players were having them altered and selling things? Is it too heavy if a logistical burden to evaluate each item for acceptabiliy going forward? Is there some heavy load of work that existing items create?
What is most concerning to me is how hard and fast this all seems, which stands in contrast to what I’ve seen from all other aspects of the game since I returned. In every other facet, feedback is taken in and, in many cases, reasonable ideas often get traction and see implementation. If something isnt or wont be implemented, it comes with some reason why. It’s not just ‘no’. The tone of it really strikes me. Has the MHO system been widely abused to create illegitimate ways to generate wealth? This whole particular part of the change seems intentionally punitive, like a previous wrong that requires correction. Why?
I think if you helped these officers and organizations understand why their closets MUST be reduced, why their existence now isnt harming the game, but their existence ‘tomorrow’ would, you might find more people willing to be a partner in this experience.
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/22/2021 06:46 AM CDT
Galene it is good to see your face. <3 <3 <3 <3
You were right on target when you said: "I realize that likely doesn't take the sting out for you guys"
But I really appreciated the last half of your sentence: "but we're hoping that we can get you all settled with prize closets that work for your MHOs moving forward, anyway"
This echoes what Xynwen has already said, though sometimes I think the immediate stuff is overshadowing the possibilities for future "prize closets that work for your MHOs." So I'm really glad you restated this.
What I'm hearing is: "Be patient; give us time for the dust to settle; work with us."
We're trying.
Please don't let the future come too late: the "prize closets that work for your MHOs" seem so far in the distance right now that it can be stifling to think about it.
And yes I'm a drama queen, hissing and falling to the ground and acting out being choked to death, to represent those who, quite eerily, are silent or almost-silent on these matters, though they feel so passionately about them.
Th-<gag>-hanks... ffff-<sputter>-ffor... tr-<cough>-tr-<cough>-rying-<coughing that persists but fades>!
(We do appreciate you. VERY MUCH. Send life support for our choking friends, please?!)
from Soliere's player
who loves, adores, and hugs until it almost smothers Galene (but not in a bad way! hee hee!)
You were right on target when you said: "I realize that likely doesn't take the sting out for you guys"
But I really appreciated the last half of your sentence: "but we're hoping that we can get you all settled with prize closets that work for your MHOs moving forward, anyway"
This echoes what Xynwen has already said, though sometimes I think the immediate stuff is overshadowing the possibilities for future "prize closets that work for your MHOs." So I'm really glad you restated this.
What I'm hearing is: "Be patient; give us time for the dust to settle; work with us."
We're trying.
Please don't let the future come too late: the "prize closets that work for your MHOs" seem so far in the distance right now that it can be stifling to think about it.
And yes I'm a drama queen, hissing and falling to the ground and acting out being choked to death, to represent those who, quite eerily, are silent or almost-silent on these matters, though they feel so passionately about them.
Th-<gag>-hanks... ffff-<sputter>-ffor... tr-<cough>-tr-<cough>-rying-<coughing that persists but fades>!
(We do appreciate you. VERY MUCH. Send life support for our choking friends, please?!)
from Soliere's player
who loves, adores, and hugs until it almost smothers Galene (but not in a bad way! hee hee!)
Re: MHOs: Prize Closet Update Info - Pricing & Other Info
04/22/2021 07:33 AM CDT
I have still been staying very quiet and trying not to scream DIEEEEEEEE at a whole new system before it had a chance to get born.
Strangely enough, it helped that my sister's grandbaby did die in the past 2 weeks, and was dead even before the mother had to go through many hours of labor to expel this poor lifeless child from her tummy. She dressed that tiny deteriorated body in pink and held her tenderly, and took photographs, and did not want to let go of this little girl. We were all devastated, all who knew this mother, all who saw these photographs.
I really don't want to scream DIE at any baby right now - not even a "new MHO system baby." I don't want it to die before it gets born.
A system was made that has died. When it died, it left a whole game devastated. Maybe some of us seem crazy to you, but the loss of the existing MHO system is as devastating to some of us, as the loss of the baby was to my family.
What I want to say most is... it's not the prize closet or a structure that mattered most to me. It's the people who mattered and still do. And the prize closets mattered to most of them.
And most players would not (for lack of conceit, in most cases) tell you how very much they meant to all the rest of us players over those years that they painstakingly and wholeheartedly and thanklessly worked to benefit people in the game... nor could they tell you how devasted we would all be to lose them.
That is my main fear: that no one above us, is worried ENOUGH about losing these people who have so served us over the years. I'm not sure I have enough energy left in me, to say this convincingly enough: Please stop hurting my friends.
I don't even have the luxury to know TO WHOM I am saying this. No one accepts responsibility for these problems. It feels like talking to the wind.
Soliere's player
weary and hopefully still coherent
Strangely enough, it helped that my sister's grandbaby did die in the past 2 weeks, and was dead even before the mother had to go through many hours of labor to expel this poor lifeless child from her tummy. She dressed that tiny deteriorated body in pink and held her tenderly, and took photographs, and did not want to let go of this little girl. We were all devastated, all who knew this mother, all who saw these photographs.
I really don't want to scream DIE at any baby right now - not even a "new MHO system baby." I don't want it to die before it gets born.
A system was made that has died. When it died, it left a whole game devastated. Maybe some of us seem crazy to you, but the loss of the existing MHO system is as devastating to some of us, as the loss of the baby was to my family.
What I want to say most is... it's not the prize closet or a structure that mattered most to me. It's the people who mattered and still do. And the prize closets mattered to most of them.
And most players would not (for lack of conceit, in most cases) tell you how very much they meant to all the rest of us players over those years that they painstakingly and wholeheartedly and thanklessly worked to benefit people in the game... nor could they tell you how devasted we would all be to lose them.
That is my main fear: that no one above us, is worried ENOUGH about losing these people who have so served us over the years. I'm not sure I have enough energy left in me, to say this convincingly enough: Please stop hurting my friends.
I don't even have the luxury to know TO WHOM I am saying this. No one accepts responsibility for these problems. It feels like talking to the wind.
Soliere's player
weary and hopefully still coherent