An MHO Touchbase 03/24/2021 07:57 PM CDT

Hey, all! I just wanted to check in and provide you with some updates.

What I'm working on MHO-wise:

1. MHO Structures: There are 6 of these, with 1 completed. I owe one MHO some notes on theirs and should do that in the next few days, another is almost into QC, and a third is prepping their submission to me. I do need to talk to the representatives from Caeruil Atelier and ICICLE -- if you're reading this, shoot me an email with the name/email address of your contact for getting a structure built, and I'll get you started on the process.

2. MHO Script Updates: MHOs are a system, which means lots of interconnected and often complex scripts. I'm doing a review of all of these and working on updates so it will reflect the 2021 changes. I'm also earmarking spots ripe for QOL updates/changes/additions, but those will be in the future.

3. Prize Closets: I will be shutting these down in early April as already discussed. Expect a separate post this weekend with details on this, including a list of approved items. My priorities will shift to review and re-open each MHO's closet as soon as possible to minimize the time you have to go without it.

4. Long-Term Benefits: I have the final list of who is owed what, and once I get some breathing space, I'll start chipping away. However, my focus is on the other items first.

5. Website: I did the massive overhaul at the start of the year. I'll update and tweak later and/or as things change. If this is streamlined enough, I may move it to the wiki.

6. Ongoing maintenance: Staying on top of emails and requests (crier, news, calendar, for example) and other general MHO day-to-day stuff.

Like most GMs, I've got a lot of different items on my plate besides MHOs but you have been and will continue to be high priority. I heart our player-run organizations and want to get these hard bits out of the way so we can start looking at the future (such as opening up for new applications and looking at things I can add to the system for different perqs that are automated without a lot of effort). While you may see my name on other stuff, it doesn't mean I'm not doing a lot of behind-the-scenes MHO stuff too. I will try to post here semi-regularly so you know you aren't forgotten, of course!


1. Submit criers and news item a few weeks in advance. While I turnaround quickly, I'm seeing more and more that are submitted a couple days before the event. If there are any errors, it doesn't give us time to really send it back and approve the final after your changes. I'll try my hardest, but earlier is better!

2. Part of the script updates will include clearing out really old news and crier items because there are a lot of them. My plan is to have it do anything older than 24 months. I don't know when it will be completed, but make sure you have older ones you still use copied if needed.

3. Post-Event Reports: Don't forget you only have to submit the 2 (or 1 if you're Prominent Tier) for qualifying events. Less paperwork for us both! You can tell if you've submitted by checking your stats at the MHO NPC. I update your event count within a couple days of receiving a PER, so it should be pretty current. Also, don't forget the requirements for what counts as one of your events has changed! That info is in previous posts or on the MHO website.

4. You're all awesome and do great things for the lands, and I'm always excited with the great events and services you provide to our community!

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: An MHO Touchbase 03/25/2021 03:07 PM CDT
So when can I hit you with that new MHO application?
Re: An MHO Touchbase 03/25/2021 07:36 PM CDT
<<So when can I hit you with that new MHO application?

I hope before the end of the year, but I really want the backlog taken care of first before that swamps me!

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"