As promised, Elysani and I have reviewed your prize closet concerns with both SGM Galene and PM Wyrom, as they were an integral component to the MHO redesign. The general consensus is that prize closets are not functioning as designed and are well beyond the original intent. We've come up with a short-term compromise, giving everyone a bit more notice to deal with this change. The new process is outlined below. While prize closets were meant to hold prizes to hand out at events, they were not intended to be the only, nor even the main means of prizes. Reducing the prize closets to something more reasonable and less prone to potential abuse does not mean an MHO won't have prizes for events; it means they will have to return to previous means of doing so (which several MHOs have always continued to do) -- that is by purchasing items, getting donations, etc.
Also, these changes are not meant to be a slap in the face to anyone, although I can understand how it can feel that way. We recognize you have done a lot for the lands and the community, and we appreciate it greatly. Fixing something that is broken is just that...fixing something. It's not a judgment on anyone.
Prize Closets: 2021 and Beyond:
* Prominent Tier -- will receive a prize closet with access to 1 insignia item
* Renowned Tier -- will receive a prize closet with access to 5 items. 4 can be any non-scripted, non-combat item (such as commemorative pieces for annual events or items from the new prize closet list (still in process). The fifth is reserved for insignia items. You can have more than 1 insignia item, but it will count toward your 5. As soon as the new list is designed, we will announce it.
* Grandfathering: Twenty-five (25) items will be allowed to be grandfathered. These can only be non-combat, non-scripted items or pre-existing items in your closet that are non-combat and scripted and also are included on the new allowable prize closet list. This will give you up to a total of 30 items in your grandfathered closet (25 grandfathered + the new 5)
* 2020 Lists: Elysani and I will honor this year's list submissions that are still in process. If you had not submitted, submit yours prior to October 1, 2020 to We will get these in your closet ASAP, but bear in mind, we're hitting Ebon Gate season, so we'll work as hard as we can to get them done by December 1.
* Implementation: On April 1, 2021, prize closets will be temporarily closed. I will go through each MHO's closet, get it to standards, and re-open as quickly as possible. We're giving you the entire first quarter of 2021 to use your new 2020 items as well as items built up over the years. They should still be used according to the requirements laid out in the MHO Guide, of course, and not stockpiled, etc. I will work with each MHO on choosing their grandfathered items.
* Demotions: Any MHO that is demoted under the new system will lose their grandfathered prize closet as well
* Future: We are going to avoid future feature creep as much as possible, but after we get this system in place and fully functioning from a 'behind-the-scenes' standpoint, we can and will look at other opportunities that can add in incentives to maintain Renowned Tier and activities without being GM time intensive or going beyond the scope and intent of MHOs.
Again, I want to emphasize how much we appreciate all of you. It is no easy task to run an MHO, and we understand that. What you bring to Elanthia is wonderful, and we're grateful for you.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHO Changes: Prize Closet Final Decision
09/23/2020 09:37 AM CDT
In light of the reduced prizes, will we be able to add to the storage aspect of the closets so the MHO itself can hold more donated prizes?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Re: MHO Changes: Prize Closet Final Decision
09/23/2020 09:42 AM CDT
>>In light of the reduced prizes, will we be able to add to the storage aspect of the closets so the MHO itself can hold more donated prizes? -- ALYSERAH
I'll add it to the list of items to look at after we get everything situated.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
I'll add it to the list of items to look at after we get everything situated.
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: MHO Changes: Prize Closet Final Decision
09/23/2020 10:04 AM CDT
Some of us have MHO's that are over a decade old with many more items than 25? Anyway, that number can be increased to at least 35? I mean that will still remove a HUGE amount of items from our closet and FYI, at least with us, all we want is non-combat items to stay. I mean we have over 200 items as it is. We do have a x4 steel longsword and some x4 armor in our closet but we rarely bought those - I think in total we bought maybe 4 longswords - that went out many years ago to our then Sprite Games and the armor I think maybe we bought one. UGH.. the amount of work that went into this.. was crazy I hope we can get a bit of consideration.
Re: MHO Changes: Prize Closet Final Decision
09/23/2020 10:22 AM CDT
As far as insignias go, will these be allowed to count outside of the 25 items as they are meant to be part of the new 5?
Re: MHO Changes: Prize Closet Final Decision
09/23/2020 10:39 AM CDT
To clarify the new prize closet rules for Renowned Tier:
It sounds as if you may be saying that prize closets will never get larger than the 4/5 items (new groups) or 29/30 items for grandfathered groups.
So, in 2022 if a group were to submit 5 new items, they will be replacements to 5 of the existing prize closet, or they will be added to it? In the case of grandfathered items, will they have to be kept track of separately and the replacing done only from the new 5 items?
Or are there even going to be 5 new items per year for existing groups?
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
Lawronius: The stuff ... the TownCrier team does is incredible.
It sounds as if you may be saying that prize closets will never get larger than the 4/5 items (new groups) or 29/30 items for grandfathered groups.
So, in 2022 if a group were to submit 5 new items, they will be replacements to 5 of the existing prize closet, or they will be added to it? In the case of grandfathered items, will they have to be kept track of separately and the replacing done only from the new 5 items?
Or are there even going to be 5 new items per year for existing groups?
;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
Lawronius: The stuff ... the TownCrier team does is incredible.
Re: MHO Changes: Prize Closet Final Decision
09/23/2020 12:20 PM CDT
>>Grandfathering of prize closet items ~ Xynwen
Thank you for reconsidering existing prize closets: I can work with 25 items (+5 new)!
Thank you for reconsidering existing prize closets: I can work with 25 items (+5 new)!