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Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/19/2020 09:45 PM CDT

Miss Katara, Mister Faulkil, thank you ever so much, you are very generous.

;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
Lawronius: The stuff ... the TownCrier team does is incredible.
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/20/2020 11:32 AM CDT
Hey, all! I've noted some great suggestions, and I wanted to make sure you knew I was adding them to my list of things to take back to the team to consider.

1. Renting of auction blocks/raffles (via automated system)
2. Renting of spinners (via automated system)
3. Consider capping prize closets, and allowing an MHO to submit 1-2 items per year until the cap is met. Consider system to swap an item out, etc.

There was also a question about re-opening of applications for new MHOs. Once this new system is in place, and we have a handle on any grandfathered items and the like, I believe it will be reasonable to review this. Bear in mind, I am the new (old) kid on the block here, so a lot of the decisions around these changes predate me, so I will have to check with my boss and can't make any promises. However, I believe that under the new system, it will be much easier to support adding in new MHOs.

Also, I think there was an "unknown" in Luxelle's chart that I forgot to address -- the Prominent Tier gets a forum topic (which means that all MHOs would get a forum topic under the new system).

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/20/2020 12:55 PM CDT
Now I need to edit the chart post. Oh, WAIT ...

I'll repost it later today after i check it for other holes.

;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
Lawronius: The stuff ... the TownCrier team does is incredible.
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/20/2020 01:38 PM CDT
Raffles in the past have been one of the best ways to pad the endowment so we could give out bigger/ better prizes at events. I also have an unlocked auction block/raffle table. Would we still be allowed to auction a prize closet item now and then to add silvers to the endowment?

Jastalyn Dragorth
Chairman, Fenog's Regulars
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/20/2020 01:44 PM CDT
>> Would we still be allowed to auction a prize closet item now and then to add silvers to the endowment? -- GSFLIRT

I'm not familiar with how the auction block items work. If this is something you do completely without GM intervention, then it should be fine. If it is an item that requires GM setup, then it's not currently on the list (for 2021...obviously the 2020 standards still apply right now).

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/20/2020 02:42 PM CDT

>>I'm not familiar with how the auction block items work. If this is something you do completely without GM intervention, then it should be fine. If it is an item that requires GM setup, then it's not currently on the list (for 2021...obviously the 2020 standards still apply right now).

Clunk has an auction block you can look at. It is not unlocked to do raffles, but gets used for auctions every now and then.

An alternative is, hire Clunk to help with Auctions. Another idea - I'm fairly sure there are several characters in game who might want to take that on as their full-time role. IF they had an auction block ...


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/20/2020 09:08 PM CDT


I want to thank you for your work and effort these past few years under your guidance. I wish you well on your future ventures.


Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/20/2020 09:12 PM CDT

I had question regarding our current endowments, which were used in the past for raffles and such, and adding stuff to our structures. If there is not going to be any future structure building...or additions, what will we be able to use the endowment for?


Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/20/2020 09:48 PM CDT
Weren't auction blocks part of a GoFundMe goodie-bag for SimuCon backers a few years ago? Pretty sure that's where the one in Krakii's locker came from.
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/21/2020 11:00 AM CDT
>>I had question regarding our current endowments, which were used in the past for raffles and such, and adding stuff to our structures. If there is not going to be any future structure building...or additions, what will we be able to use the endowment for? --CRYHEART

Currently, no review of endowments is in place. My understanding is that a lot of MHOs used raffles to raise money for their endowments, and used those funds for adding items to structures, prize closets, etc.

(Note -- I received the below questions via email and will respond directly to the person emailing, but wanted to also respond here. I figure if one person has the question, multiple people may!)

>>So does expanded to 5 items mean we will get 5 more so we can turn in 20 items instead of 15 items? -- from an email

No. Under the announced changes, the Renowned tier will have 5 items total in their prize closet, expanded from 1 item allowed in the Prominent tier. As previous posts have mentioned, we are listening to the concerns brought forward re: the prize closet item and will review.

>> is a Tier 3 now, so going into 2021 we will be renowned, correct? -- from an email

Yes, if you are a Tier 3, you will become Renowned in 2021.

>> TIERS can be requested once per year at the regular cost. I don't understand what this means -- from an email

TIERS is a GS Bingo-like system and MHOs have access to it. Because it requires manual GM intervention, it is being limited to Renowned tier once a year at the same cost it is currently being offered at.

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/22/2020 06:50 PM CDT

Seems like a whole lot of dumb changes. I don't run a mho, am a part of a number of them. Why does everything good have to be tinkered with or screwed with. Lots of new/old gm's this last year or two and so many things added and taking away.

Some things just NEED to be LEFT ALONE!!!

SIGH why screw with our fun?

It's like oh you pay 15 dollars a month or 40 dollars a month for a text base game and we will just do with it whatever we want and you all be danged so to speak.

Inconceivable really!
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/22/2020 09:07 PM CDT
<3. Consider capping prize closets, and allowing an MHO to submit 1-2 items per year until the cap is met. Consider system to swap an item out, etc.

Much better idea than slashing closets of those with structures to 5 items, 3 of which are insignia of some sort.

Jadzara's player
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/23/2020 12:59 PM CDT
>>>>>I had question regarding our current endowments, which were used in the past for raffles and such, and adding stuff to our structures. If there is not going to be any future structure building...or additions, what will we be able to use the endowment for? --CRYHEART

>>Currently, no review of endowments is in place. My understanding is that a lot of MHOs used raffles to raise money for their endowments, and used those funds for adding items to structures, prize closets, etc.-- XYNWEN

I would like to request a review of endowments. MHO structures cost north of 50-100m and any groups that may have been banking silver against that future investment will now have a significant sum locked up forever, with no realistic path forward to put it to better use other than chipping away with onsie-twosie prize closet purchases. Now that items are going to be restricted to unscripted/non-gear, we're talking prices in the like, what, 10-50k each range?

Another thought I had for groups that are extremely old and well-established, is maybe to offer them the option of being rolled up to become a CHE. This would enable them to keep their PCs intact and offer them some of the bene's they are used to, in recognition of their longgggg dedication :) Obviously the minimum standard for this option would have to be quite high to avoid just shifting workload from Xynwen to Elidi, but I think worth considering.

/seo, wheels and skulls department/
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/23/2020 07:28 PM CDT

Great idea, Seo on the CHE.. I'd be happy if you all would let me keep my structure intact and let it become an annex! Why waste all that is already built? It wouldn't take but a short time to rename things in the structure and it would let us offer a beautiful annex in another town.

I know, I dream big.
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/23/2020 08:49 PM CDT
>>Could the grandfathered max be a bit higher?

We've already reviewed and upped the number to 25 grandfathered items.

>>Could you review endowments given that funds were perhaps higher in anticipation of structures?

Not at the moment. As I'm sure you can imagine, there are a lot of moving pieces to getting this in place behind the scenes, but I've made a note of it so we can revisit once this gets all caught up.

>>What about looking at adding some T3s to the CHE?

The CHE by design very rarely adds new entities. That is not part of this review. If, however, CHE applications were ever opened up again, I'm sure, like in the past, active MHOs would be prime candidates.

>>For non-grandfathered closets, will it only be 5 total items (with 1 being the insignia)

For right now, yes. However, as mentioned, once we get everything in place and get a chance to really review how it is all working, we will be assessing what else can be done that strikes a good balance of encouraging continued MHO activity and minimizing feature creep and excessive GM time, etc.

Thank you for your questions, comments, and ideas! I very much appreciate it.

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/24/2020 11:25 AM CDT

You answered the CHE questions. Accepted and as I thought. But, what about adding the structures as annexes to existing CHE's? It would be a way to preserve some beautiful buildings that have been QC'd and, in theory, should require a small amount of GM time to convert to whatever CHE as an annex; changing a few named things in the building and adding the locker functionality. Perhaps a one time grace period to accomplish this with a host CHE? Yes, it would be a 'gift' to whatever CHE but it would also prevent the waste of something that has already had a good amount of GM hours put into it.

I am in a unique position as chair of Silvergate but I know several other MHOs are also run by CHE officers and I hope more would benefit from this type of idea. I truly hope you consider this options. Thanks.
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/24/2020 03:15 PM CDT
>>You answered the CHE questions. Accepted and as I thought. But, what about adding the structures as annexes to existing CHE's? It would be a way to preserve some beautiful buildings that have been QC'd and, in theory, should require a small amount of GM time to convert to whatever CHE as an annex; changing a few named things in the building and adding the locker functionality. Perhaps a one time grace period to accomplish this with a host CHE? Yes, it would be a 'gift' to whatever CHE but it would also prevent the waste of something that has already had a good amount of GM hours put into it. -- KATARA

I apologize, I misunderstood what you were saying; thanks for the clarification. As an FYI though, even things that seem like small changes often have more complex underpinnings behind them.

Since the structures aren't going away unless an MHO decides to not make the minimal event requirements, it wasn't something we had considered. It's beyond the scope of the changes right now, but certainly an interesting idea to file away for abandoned structures.

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/24/2020 04:22 PM CDT

Thank you for considering it and no worries on the misunderstanding.. I do that about 8 times a day for the silliest things.

If it ever does become a viable option tho; it is definitely something I would be interested in for Silvergate. Would truly make my GS life easier!


PS: I couldn't help but snicker at underpinnings and envision corsets and whatnot. :D
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/24/2020 04:59 PM CDT
>>PS: I couldn't help but snicker at underpinnings and envision corsets and whatnot. :D -- KATARA

Hey, it's why I used it!

I am trying not to be the second coming of Ophion but with more words, btw -- so I will keep lists of things to consider even if the answers are 'no' right now!

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/24/2020 06:29 PM CDT


Ok, that's all I ask! Ms. Not-Ophion! Heh!

Silvergate's Head Nut
Wrestler of No Right Nows!
Speaker of one crazy mind

And NO you will not Faust me, baby!! Well... maybe a little if I get an advantage on a No Right Now! LOL.
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/28/2020 03:41 PM CDT
Firstly -- a most sincere thank you for all of your hard work and years of dedication, Elysani!! It has been a real pleasure working with you.

Secondly -- a warm welcome (back?) and all that to you, Xynwen!! I love the enthusiasm that you're bringing to this, and I'm looking forward to what's to come.

Thirdly, on the subject of actual feedback -- I'd really like to see the idea of a hard-cap on Prize Closet items reviewed, as even the ability to add 1 or 2 items per year over the long term (down from 15 per year) would provide a much-needed incentive for MHOs to stay active... especially if the LTB system is going away. Personally, I believe it's important to give MHOs something fun to strive for in order to encourage longevity, and the ability to add creative RP props that are "branded" to a group's themes would certainly be one such carrot.

Perhaps instead of calling it a Prize Closet, the system could be revamped slightly during this overhaul to reflect the inclusion of a means to acquire uniquely-themed items for members? Call it a "Gear Closet" or something, for item like tabards, uniforms, gift-boxes, sashes, masks, or other fun decorative items that may not necessarily be considered "prizes", but could be expressive RP tools for the MHO to use and implement... and provide said MHOs with something to spend their endowments on. Make the items a bit exorbitant in cost (compared to other off-the-shelf items) if needed, and limit them to non-mechanical items (or other such prohibitive restrictions, such as minor fluff scripts or unscripted items only) if necessary, but it would be really nice to have or maintain something along those lines.

-- Wheels & Skulls Department

You see Blood Mayor Cruxophim the Blood Reaver.
“Blood for the Blood Mayor! Skulls for the Skull Office!”

[ Storyline: ]
[ Order of the Shadow: ]
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/28/2020 04:41 PM CDT
>> Thirdly, on the subject of actual feedback -- I'd really like to see the idea of a hard-cap on Prize Closet items reviewed, as even the ability to add 1 or 2 items per year over the long term (down from 15 per year) would provide a much-needed incentive for MHOs to stay active... -- FLAYED-ANGEL

Thanks for the welcome! Happy to be here!

We're definitely not ruling future expansions out, and these are good suggestions I'll add to my file, for sure. While I'm guessing we won't remove a hard cap, we may find after we get everything in line we can look at increasing it to help with those incentives, as you say. I just can't begin to know until I get everything in line and can really see how much work we've reduced on the behind-the-scenes stuff -- that will take awhile as I get everyone's grandfathered MHO structures built and script updates for the new system, etc.

But yes, we definitely care about longevity and morale of our MHOs and will continue to put that on the important hot list of go-forward plans!

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 09/28/2020 04:53 PM CDT
>>We're definitely not ruling future expansions out, and these are good suggestions I'll add to my file, for sure. While I'm guessing we won't remove a hard cap, we may find after we get everything in line we can look at increasing it to help with those incentives, as you say. I just can't begin to know until I get everything in line and can really see how much work we've reduced on the behind-the-scenes stuff -- that will take awhile as I get everyone's grandfathered MHO structures built and script updates for the new system, etc.

Excellent, appreciate the consideration!

-- Wheels & Skulls Department

You see Blood Mayor Cruxophim the Blood Reaver.
“Blood for the Blood Mayor! Skulls for the Skull Office!”

[ Storyline: ]
[ Order of the Shadow: ]
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 10/26/2020 01:57 PM CDT
Sorry if this was discussed and I missed it, but at which tier will food carts and tents will be available to rent? I would hope that they would be available to Prominent Groups as they are an automated system and they were previously available under tier 2 groups which seem to have been combined into the Prominent status. The availability of these tools will likely impact our group's decision to disband or continue on.

Player of Kyaloria
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 10/26/2020 03:57 PM CDT

I have them on the MHO Chart Of Changes I made, but I do NOT remember the source of the info.

If there are other additions or corrections to this sheet, someone please let me know and I will get it edited. Pretty sure we will need it again in a few months for reference.

;tune towncrier
Rohese: "... the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)"
Xanith: "It's flat out amazing"
Doug: "100.times ^"
Lawronius: The stuff ... the TownCrier team does is incredible.
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 10/26/2020 05:16 PM CDT
Awesome! Thanks for putting that together, Luxelle

Player of Kyaloria
Re: Meeting Hall Organizations, Updates, and You! 10/26/2020 08:42 PM CDT
Anything currently at Tier 2 that isn't being revamped (s/a prize closets) will remain at the new entry tier. Hope this helps!

World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
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