As previously announced during the MHO updates, there are changes to prize closets happening now. Starting on or near April 1, I will be removing access to your prize closets. This is a manual process, so it may take me a few days to get everyone's shut down.
Just as a reminder, this was done for numerous reasons, and we respect and appreciate that many of you have dedicated hundreds of hours if not more to your MHOs and the lands. The system as-is was difficult, incredibly manual to do, and caused an overgrowth of prize closets and scripted items that were never meant to be so available.
These changes will get the closets more in line with the intended purpose: to have some MHO-themed items suitable for giveaways or prizes at events and such.
System Recap
Prominent Tier: 1 insignia item only
Renowned Tier: 5 items (4 from the list + 1 insignia item)
If you are a Renowned Tier and had a pre-existing prize closet, you will be able to grandfather up to 25 additional items from your current closet. However, those items must be something that would be allowable under the new list (published below).
Process for Grandfathered Requests
Each MHO who wishes to take advantage of the grandfathering must send me 1 email with the subject: [MHO] <MHO Name>: Grandfathered Prize Closet Selections. Include your name and email so I can contact you with any questions. You will have up to 30 total items (the Renowned 5 + extra 25).
Please note: If your prize closet has less than 25 items in it, you do not get to create additional items.
I will begin to manually go through each group's closets and remove anything that is not on the allowed list. Once your prize closet is completed, I will open it back up for you if you have a private access prize closet (meaning one in your structure). If you do not have a structure and your prize closet is accessed via the MHO Hall, that may be a bit trickier. I may have to get all of those completed before access can be restored.
This will be a high priority item for me. Obviously I have other non-MHO duties that also have deadlines (such as for Rumor Woods), so I'll be managing those simultaneously. I just mention this so that if you see something from me non-prize closet related you understand it doesn't mean this isn't also at the top of my list, because it is.
2020 Prize Closet Submissions
There was a misunderstanding on my part for these, and I apologize. I thought they were being completed and it appears some were not. As such, I'm offering the following to help.
If you submitted your prize closet request for 2020 prior to October 1, 2020 and have not received it:
1. Any item on that list that is also on the allowable prize closet lists can be considered an existing item for purposes of your new prize closet + grandfathering. When you submit your list to me, mark these items so I know they weren't created but were submitted last year.
2. If you had an item on that list that is now not allowable, but you had a specific, intended purpose for it, I will review a request on a case-by-case basis for creating that item for you just for that event. I will only do this for 1 item and I will need to review with senior staff and script owners, but I will try to provide this limited service since it is not your fault the 2020 submission didn't get done.
No Prize Closet Yet?
If you are eligible for a prize closet but do not have one yet, you can submit to me at GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET with the email subject of [MHO]<MHO Name> New Prize Closet Submission. Prominent Tiers - submit the insignia you want. Renowned Tiers - submit the 5 items you want.
New Prize Closet Items
Item design should be MHO- or event-related where possible.
* Insignia items
* non-combat, unscripted fluff such as clothing, jewelry, or awards
* Candles or incense
* Container with special open/close messaging
* Dice
* Drink containers
* Flippable coin
* Giftbox
* Huggable toys
* Lifekeep Flask, MHO-customized
* Mirror
* Yoyo
World Team, MHO GM
>Emails for MHO business should go to GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET
"My real name is Mephistopheles, but you can call me baby"
This message was originally posted in Meeting Hall Organizations (MHOs), General Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.