Hello everybody!
First off, I want to thank you all again for your contributions to the role play and overall enrichment of our Elanthia. 2020 has been a wild ride, but you as a community help bring us all together for adventures that continue to both impress and entertainment both myself and the players that we call friends and family. I'm proud to have been a part of your world and will continue to do so, albeit in a smaller role. Ainfore forever! However, as with all things, the Meeting Hall Organization system is due for its own overhaul, so we'd like to outline how we'll be approaching this in the upcoming months.
The original intent of Meeting Hall Organizations was to provide a way to formally recognize non-CHE Player Run Organizations with some in-game mechanical abilities while minimizing the impact on GM time. Over the years, the benefits to MHOs have expanded and the GM time has expanded exponentially because of it.
Give that, we have taken a long hard, and quite frankly, much overdue look at the MHO system, its requirements, and its benefits. Here are the changes that will be implemented effective January 1, 2021:
All MHOs will be divided into 2 Tiers: Prominent – the entry level tier, and Renowned – obtainable after 2 years at Prominent status.
Prominent Tier Benefits
General Access to the MHO Halls in-game
HALL verb functionality (criers and news items and other officer tools)
Prize closet access with 1 insignia-only item (insignia will have a variety of allowable nouns)
Ability to become Renowned after two (2) years of activity: Activity Requirement is 1 activity per year hosted solely by the MHO, open to all, and advertised via NEWS 4
Renowned Tier Benefits
All benefits under Prominent Tier
One calendar item per year, submitted 30 days in advance
Prize closets expanded to five (5) items (additional parameters will apply)
TIERS can be requested once per year at the regular cost
To maintain Renowned status, the MHO must solely host 2 events per year, open to all, and advertised via NEWS 4 or the calendar.
Converting Existing MHOs to the New System
Tier 1: Will convert to Prominent, unless they meet the requirements for Renowned advancement already (2 years at Tier 1 with at least 1 event each year)
Tier 2: Will convert to Renowned, unless they end the year with 0 events, in which case they will convert to Prominent. Prize closets for 2021 will be brought inline with 2021 standards.
Tier 3: Will convert to Renowned. Prize closets for 2021 will be brought inline with 2021 standards.
MHO Structures
Structures will no longer be a part of the MHO system. Tier 3 MHOs with a structure already will be grandfathered in and retain their structures.
Tier 3 MHOs who are eligible for a structure by the end of 2020 will be grandfathered in and receive their structures as well.
Failure to Meet Requirements
Effective for calendar year 2021 (2020 will be processed under current rules)
Prominent Tier: Removal from the MHO system at the end of the calendar year.
Renowned Tier: Dropped to Prominent Tier and will lose all Renowned benefits, including grandfathered structures.
Extenuating Circumstances: Communication is key. If you have extenuating circumstances, please reach out to the MHO GM immediately.
As I mentioned in my intro, I'll be stepping away from my omnipotent position as Meeting Hall Organization GM, but leaving you in the very capable gentle hands of GM Xynwen. I'll still be around to assist with the transition, answer any questions that may pop up, and /bolt you with the same enthusiasm as always, don't you worry. Perhaps all three if you'd like.
MHO Email:
Don’t forget that general MHO discussion should occur here on the official forums. If you need to email the MHO GM, please use GS4-MHO@PLAY.NET, NOT the MHO GM’s play.net email.
** I just e-mailed the Google Group the above information as well!
THANK YOU again for the many wonderful years of MHO shenanigans and I'll see you around soon!
GM Elysani
This message was originally posted in Meeting Hall Organizations (MHOs), General Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.