This message is in lieu of an actual in-game meeting, since my schedule is all over the place and I know coordinating with dozens of officers means that someone at some point will not be able to attend. I'm going to post the changes for the Meeting Hall Organizations and then I'd like to field any questions/suggestions you have (either through a private e-mail or in this group).
I'm going to compile the questions/suggestions and get them answered as soon as I'm able and I'd like to re-post them in a quarterly Google Group e-mail so we all have access. I'll be posting this same information in the MHO folder on the officials for those who haven't joined this group, I just want to be sure that everyone gets this information in some way or form.
Here we go!
As always, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for being part of such a diverse player-driven part of our game. It's been an honor watching your groups develop from the ground up into the influential organizations that they are today.
I'd like to congratulate the following organizations for their promotions, and I encourage you to familiarize yourself with your new benefits, which can be found here.
Tier 3 Distinguished:
Independent Crafters of Elanthia
Tier 2 Prominent:
The Witching Hour
The Imperiled Few
Anglers of Elanthia
The Council of Dark Elves
I'd like to request that every organization send me an updated officer roster with contact information, as officers come and go throughout the year and I'd like to ensure that I have the most up-to-date information (and an opportunity to add to the Google Group).
Tier 2 and higher organizations also have access to an MHO insignia, so if you would like to submit (or update) your MHO's item, please send me an e-mail with the design.
Also, Tier 2 and higher organizations are able to add a sub-folder to the MHO folder on the officials. Please send me the name of your organization, as well as small blurb that helps introduce players to your organization.
Just a couple of updates to the prize list request and the event requirements.
Prize List Requests:
We will be reducing the two prize list requests per year down to one yearly request for up to 15 items, which may be submitted anytime between January 1st and December 16th of the current year. Organizations will still have the ability to request a one-time request for a script not currently offered through the MHO system, but approval is not guaranteed.
I created a form to help streamline the prize request process, please let me know if it needs any improvements.
Event Requirements:
(New additions in bold):
1. The event must have been advertised in advance on the calendar of events, use of the officials/other websites, advertisement via amulet or LNet, IC advertisements (criers or passing out of invitations, etc), or in-game NEWS.
2. General notices for spur of the moment events are allowed, but a group may only use this option twice a year to receive credit. All other events must be specific in their NEWS announcement.
3. The event must last at least 30 minutes.
4. The event must be IC/IG.
5. The event must have at least 5 participants. They may be members or non-members. Coordinators of the event may count toward the 5 participants if they are present and actively participating.
6. The event must be open to the public. It CAN be restricted to a certain subset of the public (i.e., only elves or only Gosaena worshippers), but it cannot be a "members only" event.
7. Events that are duplicated in a given calendar month count as a single event.
8. Group meetings will not be counted as events, even if they are open to public viewing.
9. “Spell ups” will be allowed as ONE event per an organization, per year. We, however, encourage all organizations to continue their outreach to towns and communities through such means.
10. Events may be co-hosted by 2 or more groups, but must have at least 10 participants to receive credit.
11. The total of eligible co-hosted events may not exceed 50% of your total events for the year. Groups with more than 50% of total events as co-hosted events, will only receive credit for up to 50% of total events. The exception to this is T1 groups, who will not receive credit for co-hosted events.
Ultimately, you must do 1/2 of your REQUIRED events as solo events. Beyond that, you can run as many joint events as you would like.
12. Post event reports must be submitted to the MHO Guru, GM Elysani, via the Post Event Report form located HERE. (See HALL NOTES 14 for a Post-Event Report.)
13. Event support (such as non-moveable, non-scripted props and containers) is available. Please submit a request at least a month in advance, but cannot be guaranteed due to QC workload.
I understand that number 9 may be a point of discussion for a lot of your organizations. My issue is that while they are a great contribution to the player population, I feel as though they are a dime a dozen on a daily basis and there is little to no effort involved in organizing and executing such an event. Event requirements should be something that fosters roleplay and interaction among players and as such, number 13 has been added to help add flavor and uniqueness to your future events (as long as they're requested in a timely manner).
I'm not discouraging you from continuing spell ups, but instead trying to encourage more creative outlets for your organizations as a whole.
That's it for now, I might have more updates as we go throughout the year, but I wanted to get this particular information out to you so we can open up discussions regarding requests, improvements, and suggestions for this year and beyond. THANK YOU again for sticking around and continuing playing in the crazy jungle gym that are Meeting Hall Organizations!
Guru of MHO Things.
*Please e-mail me if you have any MHO related questions or concerns!*
This message was originally posted in Meeting Hall Organizations (MHOs), General Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.