MHO Things - End of 2016 Edition 12/12/2016 08:28 PM CST

We're now mid-way through December and I have a few groups that are at risk of demotion or removal from the MHO system. I'll be sending out an e-mail to the officers I have listed for said groups just to get a status update.

If you're unsure if your MHO has completed the event requirements, officers can pop into your local MHO hall and ask the clerk about STATUS, which will give you a rundown of total events.

You can always e-mail me as well if you'd like to discuss your organization, I like e-mails!

I'll get the OOC Meeting scheduled for sometime in January, but I'll give everyone a heads up for planning purposes.

Guru of MHO Things.

*Please e-mail me if you have any MHO related questions or concerns!*

This message was originally posted in Meeting Hall Organizations (MHOs), General Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.