Sorry for the delay on the notes, but here they are!
* Congratulations to the following MHOs for their promotions!
Prominent (T2):
Fenog's Regulars
Inner Sanctum
The Alliance of High Elven Society
The Order of the Azure Sun
The Looking Glass
Distinguished (T3):
Clan Snar
* Unfortunately, there were a number of demotions and structure closures as well. If you have questions regarding your tier status for your organization or how to re-open your structures, please shoot me an e-mail at GS4Elysani@gmail.com and hopefully we can get you up and running again! For future reference, officers can always ASK CLERK ABOUT STATUS at your friendly local MHO Hall!
* With every new year, I'd like to request that each active MHO send me an updated officer e-mail list, just so I know who to keep in contact with/who I should remove from the previous year.
* Reminder: Post event reports must be submitted within 2-3 weeks of the event for said event to count toward MHO requirements. Failure to do so will result in said event being marked as invalid!
* In the same vein, events that are held more than once within the same calendar month (ex: weekly spellups) will not count as separate events. Please continue to run them if you'd like (and I encourage it!), but I just wanted to reiterate that they don't increase your event tally for the year.
* The Long Term Benefits (LTBs) have started up again and I've updated the website here: https://sites.google.com/site/gs4mho/ultimate-mho-guide/long-term-benefits. I will be in contact with MHO officers when your turn is up!
* Upcoming MHO Projects:
Tier 2 and 3 MHO insignias/tattoos: If your organization has not submitted a design for an insignia, please read this page and submit the design to me - https://sites.google.com/site/gs4mho/ultimate-mho-guide/mho-halls/membership-insignias.
In the future, I'd like to also have submissions for MHO specific tattoos so I can bring someone around every few months or so to ink your members. No rush on this, but when you have a design you'd like me to save, e-mail me as well!
The MHO food carts could probably use a bit of updating, so start brainstorming one food item and one drink item that you feel best represents your organization! I'll also send out e-mails regarding this project in the future.
* Small Event Props:
I've had a few requests for small, non-scripted props for MHO events and I'd like to open this up for all organizations that would like to take advantage of this in the future. If you'd like something small, like a mirror or food bin, to help promote roleplay through your event, please send me a request AT LEAST a month in advance so I can see if it's possible to bring it to life!
And as always, if you have any questions, please please send me an e-mail (I sound like a broken record) or pop on over to the handy dandy MHO site for information!
Guru of MHO Things.
MHO ALL THE THINGS: https://sites.google.com/site/gs4mho/home
Speaking to Japhrimel, Melivn says, "Your mustache is made of lies."
This message was originally posted in Meeting Hall Organizations (MHOs), General Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.