IMPORTANT NOTICE - For Mac OS X Users planning to update to High Sierra (10.13) 10/09/2017 09:08 PM CDT
Two parts to this message: Those planning to update (included below), and those who updated - and things are not working (next post).

For those planning to update: The new Ruby version distributed in High Sierra (10.13) will not work with existing versions of Lich. It is a known issue. If you want to update your existing OS X to OS X High Sierra there are some important steps you should take.

Before you update
In terminal window, run the following commands:
brew pin cairo
brew pin pango
brew pin gtk+
If you do not have RBENV installed
Do that now to save the hassle. If you believe you do have it installed
Skip down to 'already installed section below.
In terminal window:
brew update
brew install rbenv
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Then exit all open terminal windows (important)
Open a new terminal window and continue:
rbenv install 2.2.5
rbenv global 2.2.5
rbenv rehash
which ruby
ruby -v
Check the results
Should clearly say /Users/you/.rbenv/shims/ruby
Should clearly say ruby 2.2.5p319
If it does not, please stop and email
If it does, continue in terminal window:
gem install sqlite3
gem install gtk2
At this point, you're ready to update to 10.13
but you must also do this after you update
Also, If you already have RBENV installed
you will need to take this step after you update
In terminal window (after update):
rbenv global 2.2.5
Now you're ready to test!

Please help us as a community - let us know here, or email me, of the results so that we can track and build a bullet-proof scheme for those who follow.
