Overall UI |
-o- Allow us to resize the side panels to be wider. I have a large screen with a lot of real estate and these side panels are dinky! I know that I can drag out the windows, and I do for a lot of them, but it would also be nice if I could have things in the side panels that I could hide/unhide and still be able to see it well.
-o- Create an overview panel that is similar to Uberbar that condenses the combat window, injuries window, and experience window.
-o- Anywhere there is an option to perform an action that requires health, spirit, or stamina, have the tooltip reflect how much that action will cost.
-o- Allow color selection or hex codes or something.
-o- Separate monsterbold into offensive creature and utility highlighting.
Loot Window Improvements |
-o- Create an option to "clear" the loot window by right clicking on it and selecting "Clear contents." This would be useful when grouping with others to know when a hunt began/ended.
Spells Window Improvements |
-o- Change the text (or have selectors) so that you can have the number with the spell name ( e.g. 1101 Heal, 1102 Limb Repair, 1103 Head Repair).
-o- Allow us to choose to have all of the spells output into one window and allow sorting by spell number or spell circle.
Log Output Improvements |
-o- Add a date and time that the log started at the top of each log.
Inventory Window Improvements |
-o- Have clickable options (similar to the Spells window) that mimics the INVENTORY HELP options to change what is output to that window.
Ambient Window |
-o- Create an ambient window that sends all monsterbolds and ambients to this window.
Friends and Enemies Window Improvement |
-o- Create a flag that allows you to only see online individuals listed in the window.
Active Spells Window |
-o- Allow to have both spell number and spell circle name.
>Darcena says, "But I cannot give my heart to someone else, when I no longer own it."
>Balley nods, "I hope you will find your heart and heal one day."
>Darcena admits, "I think he ate it."
>Balley's jaw drops, "Really. Men are jerks at times."