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Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 12:19 AM CDT
When you make plans to takeover another character or account, understand, their history follows you. If they have warnings, vulgarity monitoring, or have been marked as high maintenance customer, this will impact your accounts. Please make sure you're discussing this with all parties before settling on anything. These decisions when placed on accounts are typically permanent.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 03:19 AM CDT
Thanks for the clarification!
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 03:47 PM CDT

That's the command you're looking for which will tell you your warnings, the last warning, whether you are flagged as an HMC, if you're being monitored for vulgarity, the last time you read the policy in full and if the current room you're in is subject to vulgarity monitoring.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 06:06 PM CDT
Just a note on vulgarity monitoring, because it still comes up from time to time.

This is an automated system that just handles everything on its own. Certain conditions need to be met, but it's not a perfect system. Certain acronyms do trigger the vulgarity system. Vulgarity will not be monitored when you are truly alone (meaning no one is hidden either), in private rooms (tables, major sanctuaries (spell 220), and bath houses are NOT private), or you're whispering (the receiving player can still report any vulgarity). Using POLICY REVIEW will tell you the conditions of the room you're in if you're ever unsure. The monitoring will eventually go away if you're don't use vulgarity, but it resets the moment you do. Unless a GM uses a [SEND], staff isn't following you around or intervening on a personal level.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 06:29 PM CDT
It's like inheriting the prior driver's DUI convictions when buying a used car.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 06:35 PM CDT
>>It's like inheriting the prior driver's DUI convictions when buying a used car.

GameMasters and offsite staff have no records of who you are. We have characters and accounts, that's it. We aren't going to be able to dig into who all was who or if someone is trying to escape from any sort of policy violations. This has been the case since this game has even allowed character transfers. It's nothing new, I'm just repeating the policy.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 06:55 PM CDT

This doesn't make any sense considering you're linking accounts together for purposes of lootcap.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 07:02 PM CDT
>>This doesn't make any sense considering you're linking accounts together for purposes of lootcap.

We are not linking anything to your identity. That is an entirely different thing and nothing to do with with policy violations.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 07:11 PM CDT
That still doesn't make sense. If you can track who is who for lootcap you should be able to do the same thing for who is HMC or not.

If someone transfers a HMC player to their account my understanding is the whole account, even other characters, become stamped as well. Is this true? Sounds like a disease if so.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 07:36 PM CDT
>> If you can track who is who for lootcap you should be able to do the same thing for who is HMC or not.

Unless I am mistaken... lootcap is per account - there is no need to know anything about other accounts or player identities.

>> Sounds like a disease if so.

Practice safe character management and you too can avoid the Combined Libelous Account Predicament.

-- Robert

>> A mongrel kobold points at you and yells, "Mine! Chasin!"
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 07:53 PM CDT

I am just at a loss at to what greater benefit is served by persecuting people for the violations others have committed.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 09:37 PM CDT
When you make plans to takeover another character or account, understand, their history follows you. If they have warnings, vulgarity monitoring, or have been marked as high maintenance customer, this will impact //your accounts//. Please make sure you're discussing this with all parties before settling on anything. These decisions when placed on accounts are typically permanent.

Wyrom, PM

GameMasters and offsite staff have no records of who you are. We have characters and accounts, that's it. We aren't going to be able to dig into who all was who or if someone is trying to escape from any sort of policy violations. This has been the case since this game has even allowed character transfers. It's nothing new, I'm just repeating the policy.


So....I am confused. The initial statement seems to be indicating it will somehow impact our "Accounts", plural, but then the next post says you have no record of who we are. So should the first statement be corrected to it will impact the account it is transferred to or did you mean to imply it would effect all of our accounts? If it will impact all of our obviously have some kind of record of who we are at least enough to link our various accounts under some umbrella.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 09:56 PM CDT
>>So....I am confused. The initial statement seems to be indicating it will somehow impact our "Accounts", plural, but then the next post says you have no record of who we are. So should the first statement be corrected to it will impact the account it is transferred to or did you mean to imply it would effect all of our accounts? If it will impact all of our obviously have some kind of record of who we are at least enough to link our various accounts under some umbrella.

Transferring characters does not wipe a slate clean. Any sort of violation of policy follows both the character and the account. If ACCOUNTX has one character with 5 warnings and another character with 2 warnings, the account has 7 warnings. Transferring the character with 2 warnings to ACCOUNT2 will be added to that account. ACCOUNTX still gets treated as having 7 warnings.

When policy violations happens, we send a request to onsite, which can be found in POLICY 18:

>>For the purpose of this policy, all offenses by any character on an account can be treated as having occurred to the same character. As with other policy violations that lead to lockouts, accounts that are "linked" by any method, including but not limited to name, address or other billing information, password sharing, or account access, can be treated as the same account in regards to disciplinary action.

We are either told "yes, they are linked" or "no, they are not."

This has been part of our POLICY for nearly 24 years.

In the last ten years, we have only had a tiny number of policy violations that have been considered severe. The purpose of my announcement was to give a heads up. This isn't a common occurrence.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 10:01 PM CDT

Ok....I think I was misunderstanding your post to assume transferring naughty character from account 1 to account 2 would also somehow impact account 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and so forth.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 10:02 PM CDT

I get around this by just not buying characters....keeps it simple.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/28/2021 10:05 PM CDT
>>Ok....I think I was misunderstanding your post to assume transferring naughty character from account 1 to account 2 would also somehow impact account 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and so forth.

If account transferring naughty character from account 1 to 2 happens, and you're also account 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, if account 8 gets busted for a POLICY 18 violation, it's the cumulative warnings across all your accounts. That means naughty character on account 2 now will impact account 8, and all your accounts.

If you don't violate policy, none of this means anything. This is only a concern if you plan to violate policy.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/29/2021 05:03 AM CDT

So if you bought and sold a dozen chars over the years, some of whom might've had a one or two warnings for who knows what, you now potentially have a dozen warnings permanently accumulated on your account? That's just ridiculous. People buy and sell chars all the time and knowledge of char history is often long gone. We're often the 9th owner and the 8th owner doesn't know what the warnings were for either.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/29/2021 07:40 AM CDT
Stop buying characters then? Most of the character sales occur on PC and we all know what that place is like.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!"

Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/29/2021 08:36 AM CDT
"knowledge of char history is often long gone" -- RoadHog

And yet, the two-word command "Policy Review" (mentioned back in #589, earlier this thread) would enable Seller#8 to tell Buyer#9 the precise status s/he is inheriting.

Not the triggering circumstances, no, but the state-of-being that the character will be in upon arrival.



And then, too, there's the whole "don't buy characters" standpoint, too.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/29/2021 10:07 AM CDT
> Stop buying characters then? Most of the character sales occur on PC and we all know what that place is like.

Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/29/2021 07:08 PM CDT
"I am just at a loss at to what greater benefit is served by persecuting people for the violations others have committed." -- Roadhog

Oops, I got tagged as a HMC account.

Let me just create a new account and transfer my character on over.. whew, dodged that bullet!
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/29/2021 10:43 PM CDT
Also what Winterdawn said. This is why Simutronics doesn't sell character name changes. It would be all to easy for a person that decided to be a not very nice person to change their name/features and pretend they weren't a jerk without having to start over from level 0.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!"

Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/29/2021 10:53 PM CDT
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/29/2021 10:54 PM CDT
Yeah.... because clearly verifying which accounts are linked through billing is a technological impossibility in the 21st century. Even though they can already do it just fine for loot cap purposes as well as for issuing linked account bans, but let's just disregard that inconvenient fact. So yeah, the solution is clearly to just punish a bunch of random people for the mistakes of prior owners. That seems entirely fair.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 12:55 AM CDT
I think there are several different things being misconstrued as the same thing.

Loot cap and accounting linking have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Linking an account is a protocol that gets submitted and can take anywhere between 24 to 72 hours that is manually done by billing. Loot cap mechanics are strictly in the game and have nothing to do with your personal or billing information.

Warnings stick to a character and to an account. Nothing here has changed since GemStone has been on I have no clue what went on before that. Warnings only impact your account over the last 365 days from the last official warning. If you have 3 year old warnings, we don't do anything about that. You can read all about this in POLICY 18.

HMC is a whole different can of Wyroms. It has nothing to do with warnings on your account and it's not going to impact your general gameplay. You can read up on it via POLICY 20. Less than 10 players have ever been marked HMC in 24 years. This isn't the area to really have an issue.

This part of the policy has been unchanged from way before I ever was staff. If anything, I am reminding everyone of its existence. There have been two recent cases where there was some destructive behavior happening in game.

I'm not trying to say POLICY is a little outdated in some areas. In fact, it's on the list to fix up since some stuff doesn't even happen anymore (character purges, for example). But warnings and HMC policy is one that will be staying.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 04:08 AM CDT
Wyrom, when you said "Warnings only impact your account over the last 365 days from the last official warning. If you have 3 year old warnings, we don't do anything about that."

Several clarifications:
1) Is there a difference between "warning" (what you said above), "violation" (which is what policy 18 talks about)?

2) Policy 18 section on violations don't say 365 days or any time frame...

So for example, I bought a character that had 2 warnings on them from like 5+ years ago. Does that mean my account now also has 2 warnings? Or is it zero because it hasn't been added since I owned them (maybe 2 years) or is it zero because its been older than 1 year?

Thanks for clarifying.

Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 07:50 AM CDT


That explanation seems to conflict with the earlier one that mentions warnings stacking forever. Can you clarify these two specific cases:

1. If I buy a character who got busted for scripting three times in a row, but let's say that was 2-3 years ago, would that history count against me in the future?

2. If I buy a character who has 18 warnings (yes such exist), but from like 20 years ago, do those warnings permanently go on my account and forever count against me?
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 11:13 AM CDT
>>HMC is a whole different can of Wyroms.

I feel like a whole can of Wyroms may be quite high-maintenance, even when individual ones aren't... ;)

- Andreas
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 02:40 PM CDT
>>1) Is there a difference between "warning" (what you said above), "violation" (which is what policy 18 talks about)?

They are the same.

>>2) Policy 18 section on violations don't say 365 days or any time frame...

The last bit in POLICY 18 says:

Players who exhibit an understanding of this policy and avoid further violations may have penalties reduced after a year (365 days) of their last offense.

>>So for example, I bought a character that had 2 warnings on them from like 5+ years ago. Does that mean my account now also has 2 warnings? Or is it zero because it hasn't been added since I owned them (maybe 2 years) or is it zero because its been older than 1 year?

Warnings never go away. But warnings only impact you over the course of 365 days from the last one. So in your example, the character will always have those 2 warnings, but they will not do anything if you violate policy.

>>1. If I buy a character who got busted for scripting three times in a row, but let's say that was 2-3 years ago, would that history count against me in the future?

No, but that character would also be locked out too, so depending on the severity and their linked accounts, that character could never be out there after that situation.

>>2. If I buy a character who has 18 warnings (yes such exist), but from like 20 years ago, do those warnings permanently go on my account and forever count against me?

No, but the warnings will always be on your character.

I think another issue here is there is a lot being either misunderstood or people choosing not to believe the source (me) over the rumor mill. There is also a clear misunderstanding of the POLICY verb and ToS. If you're taking over characters and accounts, it is in your best interest to read up on all of that. I added POLICY REVIEW to help people out years ago on this subject. I think another problem is going years without someone being transparent with everyone causes issues when someone is. I've never hid or been evasive on any subject that is beyond an NDA. I've been wrong or made mistakes along the way, but I've never hid that either.

We have plans to clean up the language in POLICY and drop some of the outdated stuff that doesn't apply anymore. Hopefully this won't be a big ordeal, as it's just another step in better communication so you know everything.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 06:29 PM CDT
Over a decade ago I got a warning for swearing on the Albatross. I quit playing shortly after and didn't return until a year or two ago. I rerolled the character because I had anxiety about the warning. After getting him near level 20 again I realized the warning didn't go away when I rerolled. I deleted the character forever and have disliked the current warning system since then.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 07:55 PM CDT
"Yeah.... because clearly verifying which accounts are linked through billing is a technological impossibility in the 21st century." -- Roadhog

As you say, we are in the 21st century to which I can easily create an account that has no links of any kind to the original account (which I closed in this HMC situation). I can even prevent IP address linking.

How are you going to prove that the owner of new account Y is the owner of account X (which is the HMC account)? It surely does look suspicious that the character was transferred to the new account right after the old account got hit with HMC, but innocent until proven guilty is how this system operates.

I'm sorry, but this is a world of buyer beware and just because nothing is done to actively stop character sales/transfers does not mean this activity is condoned or even given fair treatment. I would suggest a more reputable seller in the future.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 07:58 PM CDT
"Over a decade ago I got a warning for swearing on the Albatross. I quit playing shortly after and didn't return until a year or two ago. I rerolled the character because I had anxiety about the warning. After getting him near level 20 again I realized the warning didn't go away when I rerolled. I deleted the character forever and have disliked the current warning system since then." -- Aitken

Over the course of 25 years I've acquired 12 warnings on my character.

I too wish the system would phase out old warnings for good behavior over time.

That said, I understand the anxiety, but I want to say that if you truly are not trying to be intentionally disruptive, warnings of that type and age are meaningless except for the annoyance of us knowing they're there.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 10:18 PM CDT
It's good to hear at least that prior character/account history isn't permanently held against you, as accounts/characters move between people all the time. I looked at my logs and I've played about 50 different characters just over the past few years, with over half previously owned by other people. With that original explanation it felt like even sneezing on one of them now would have sent me to an automatic perma-ban, with all the history I likely inherited from the prior owners.

BTW, I didn't realize you're locked out forever after 3 warnings, I do hope you guys update that policy to be generally less draconian and more consistent in the future (like old warnings, even for scripting, go away after some period of time or something like that), because I think we needlessly lost some decent people to that policy over the years. The longer you play, the easier it is to accumulate stupid stuff on your account.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 06/30/2021 11:56 PM CDT
> "It's good to hear at least that prior character/account history isn't permanently held against you..." -- Roadhog

Definitely not. Staff only cares about RECENT activity, and to truly get in trouble it also has to be egregious. One of my warnings was for harassment of another player, and it almost had me end up with a 30 day ban but the GM investigating the situation decided it didn't call for it as long as I left the character/player alone (which I did).

> "BTW, I didn't realize you're locked out forever after 3 warnings..." -- Roadhog

I haven't been reading Wyrom's posts verbatim, but I don't think it should be considered "3 warnings" but instead "3 very serious warnings within a couple of months of each other." Please don't focus too much on the exact timing, but more of an explanation of what staff is looking for. Again, I base this all on my history as being a troublemaker at times. You're not going to get banned for vulgarity unless you're absolutely flagrant CONSTANTLY.

Extreme mechanics abuse, player harassment, getting warned all day every day, those are the things that get you banned. The things that make you not worth the money you bring in.

> "..because I think we needlessly lost some decent people to that policy over the years." -- Roadhog

I don't necessarily agree with this. That said, I also don't necessarily disagree either.

We've all heard the stories of GMs that abuse power, of the wild west days before current staff accountability. I'm sure there's been some players that got targeted by a GM unfairly.

However, just like when I get a red light ticket and go "What?! I didn't run a red light!" and then go look at the video and sure enough I turned the corner on a red without stopping.. players getting banned are getting banned for a reason. They aren't shining innocents. If you want an example of how players can be.. go look at the vitriol that can be found in areas that have no consequences (Lich net, Player's Corner, private Discord servers).

However, we've all done dumb things we regret. I believe accounts that have been banned for extensive periods of time CAN have the ban removed and given a second chance. I think I've heard of a couple of banned characters getting allowed back in these days.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 07/03/2021 12:34 AM CDT
So if warnings are ignored after 365 days, can we just remove them from the account and policy review record then?

Because its irritating to see the warnings from 20 years ago when as you said, there's no practical implications in any case.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 07/03/2021 01:42 PM CDT
"So if warnings are ignored after 365 days, can we just remove them from the account and policy review record then?

Because its irritating to see the warnings from 20 years ago when as you said, there's no practical implications in any case." -- Nenmoonia

As much as I take pride in my 12 warnings.. I too would like to see this happen.

My 12th warning was July of 2013 for vulgarity (and intentional at that to trigger it, heh).
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 07/03/2021 11:36 PM CDT
I don't mind seeing my warnings in POLICY. It's a good reminder of what not to do.
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 07/06/2021 02:25 PM CDT
I wanted to do a recap of this thread, with a little more information where I can after talking with both senior staff and onsite. This all got posted because there is a specific situation causing a lot of grief with staff and players. We have a number of false narratives and outright wrong information being spread, which we want to make sure you all are aware of. This situation involved a specific player creating multiple accounts to appear as multiple different players, all to support themselves and keep falsehoods going. This was happening on our official forums, Discord, and various other platforms. We feel it is important to explain that this is a very specific and contained situation, but we want to make sure it doesn't escalate further.

Just because this was spread across several posts with clarifications and such, I'd like to try to give a condensed summary here.

- Warnings stay forever. Your character and account history do not get wiped out. For the most part, only activity in the last 365 days since your last warning impacts you when it comes to POLICY violations. There are cases where your full history could come into play.
- HMC status is permanent. This is where your entire account history comes into play. There are currently 8 players who have been tagged with this, and not all of them are active. This is over a stretch of 18 years, I am unsure if there are others before that. We have never had an issue where someone purposefully tried to cause problems here until this year.
- Transferring characters in either case transfers their history to you. It also remains on the account they transferred from.

After talking it over with everyone, there are a lot of reasons why the POLICY is the way it is. We will review some of the POLICY on people who are indirectly getting tied up into this situation, but this has never been an issue in 18 years.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 07/06/2021 03:09 PM CDT
<I wanted to do a recap of this thread, with a little more information where I can after talking with both senior staff and onsite. This all got posted because there is a specific situation causing a lot of grief with staff and players. We have a number of false narratives and outright wrong information being spread, which we want to make sure you all are aware of. This situation involved a specific player creating multiple accounts to appear as multiple different players, all to support themselves and keep falsehoods going. This was happening on our official forums, Discord, and various other platforms. We feel it is important to explain that this is a very specific and contained situation, but we want to make sure it doesn't escalate further.

<Just because this was spread across several posts with clarifications and such, I'd like to try to give a condensed summary here.

<- Warnings stay forever. Your character and account history do not get wiped out. For the most part, only activity in the last 365 days since your last warning impacts you when it comes to POLICY violations. There are cases where your full history could come into play.
<- HMC status is permanent. This is where your entire account history comes into play. There are currently 8 players who have been tagged with this, and not all of them are active. This is over a stretch of 18 years, I am unsure if there are others before that. We have never had an issue where someone purposefully tried to cause problems here until this year.
<- Transferring characters in either case transfers their history to you. It also remains on the account they transferred from.

<After talking it over with everyone, there are a lot of reasons why the POLICY is the way it is. We will review some of the POLICY on people who are indirectly getting tied up into this situation, but this has never been an issue in 18 years.

I feel targeted.... :P
Re: Character Transfers and Account Takeovers 07/06/2021 03:12 PM CDT
>There are currently 8 players who have been tagged with this, and not all of them are active. This is over a stretch of 18 years, I am unsure if there are others before that

Considering how insanely rare HMC status is, you should just ban these accounts from doing character transfers.

~Land Pirate Maylan~
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