Vulgarity Cell 10/11/2017 12:09 AM CDT
Someone I was sitting with tonight at a private table was snatched to the vulgarity cell, probably for saying dick i think now that i read this post? ( We were having an OOC discussion about something) But in reading the policy, it says something to the effect of if you have consent go somewhere private... Are tables not private? Seems if they're private enough to have OOC discussions, why is the language being policed there as well? I certainly didn't report them about the language, as it was just a conversation, I certainly wasn't offended... What counts as private now?

Wait...I thought I disarmed this...

Re: Vulgarity Cell 10/11/2017 12:37 AM CDT

>Someone I was sitting with tonight at a private table was snatched to the vulgarity cell, probably for saying dick i think now that i read this post? ( We were having an OOC discussion about something) But in reading the policy, it says something to the effect of if you have consent go somewhere private... Are tables not private? Seems if they're private enough to have OOC discussions, why is the language being policed there as well? I certainly didn't report them about the language, as it was just a conversation, I certainly wasn't offended... What counts as private now?

>Using a private room (one with a locked or latched door) or talking in whispers is recommended. Note that tables are considered in public.
Re: Vulgarity Cell 10/11/2017 12:43 AM CDT
thanks, got it. so it would probably be what, a warning?

Wait...I thought I disarmed this...

Re: Vulgarity Cell 10/24/2017 11:06 PM CDT
I'm pretty late to responding, but ending up in the Vulgarity Cell is from repeat use of vulgar language over and over. It's actually quite a severe area to get yourself in, as it lands you into a lockout until your case is reviewed. Depending on the language used, it could mean that you're left there for good.

Wyrom, PM