For those that were unable to attend the Ta'Illistim event, here is the log of the story. Thanks to Riend for hosting this one!
[Seethe Naedal, Observatory]
The trail turns here, widening to show a magnificent structure. A tall round building looms above you, seemingly carved from the very rocks of the mountain peak itself. The building is smooth and there are no visible seams to mar the fine craftsmanship. On top of the large building is a curious slitted dome. You also see the Mistytwilight disk, the Briln disk, the fiery red Ragz disk, a blue-eyed tabby cat, the Kalivar disk, a buoyant solar spirit that is flying around, the Hazado disk, a fat black cat, the Nestrane disk, the Ordim disk, the Windye disk, the Luxelle disk, the Siierra disk, an irate glacier spirit that is flying around, a pudgy frosting-covered dormouse, a blissful sun spirit that is flying around, the translucent Sentral disk, a great white wolf, the Jemiquist disk, a billowing misty grey scorpion and a large iron door (13025019, open).
Also here: Roblar, Lady Mistytwilight, Seomanthe, Aranthius, Darklyght, Jaxamicus, Exkain, Briln, Mister Polveiss, Lady Divone, Ragz, Kalivar, Hazado, Rozy, Pub Proprietor Nyatherra, Ardnael, Gramelfein, Ordim, Lord Nestrane, Windye, Ineum, Lady Luxelle, Master Gasen, Siierra, Maags, Sentral who is sitting, Lord Taenarion, Ralhn, Sir Aydan, Aubriella, Fleurs, Blade Durakar, Jemiquist, Archales, Zarston, Lorekeeper Riend
Obvious paths: south
Riend warmly greets, "Good Evening and welcome."
Riend slowly says, "This evening I hope to share one of the Shining City's many mystical tales with you."
Riend notes, "One of many bits of lore to be recounted over the next several weeks, if you just so happen to be traveling from town to town."
Riend thoughtfully adds, "And of course, you must not forget to pick up a souvenir in each cottage as they open for a short period of time in each town."
Riend clears her throat.
Riend politely suggests, "If you would be so kind as to join me, we might journey upstairs to the observatory and meet the star of this evening's tale."
Riend casually glances around the area.
Riend asks, "Shall we then?"
Riend nods once.
Lorekeeper Riend's group just entered a large iron door.
[Observatory, Entry Hall]
The building's age becomes evident as you look around this expansive entry hall. Tapestries hang from the tall ceiling and cover most of the walls, and rugs, once rich and vibrant but now faded, cover nearly the entire floor. Strangely, there is no dust or clutter despite the absence of any housekeeping. The chamber is vaguely shaped like a huge piece of pie, the far walls sloping inward to meet at one point, and the wall opposite them curving inward on either side. You also see a pudgy frosting-covered dormouse, the Mistytwilight disk, the fiery red Ragz disk, the Jemiquist disk, the Siierra disk, the Nestrane disk, the Rivyrn disk, the translucent Sentral disk, the Luxelle disk, the Ordim disk, the Windye disk, the Kalivar disk, the Briln disk, a billowing misty grey scorpion, a great white wolf, a blissful sun spirit that is flying around, an irate glacier spirit that is flying around, a buoyant solar spirit that is flying around, a blue-eyed tabby cat, a green-eyed sorrel brown fox and a steep ladder.
Also here: Maiden Istoriel, Rivyrn, Roblar, Lady Mistytwilight, Aranthius, Darklyght, Jaxamicus, Exkain, Briln, Mister Polveiss, Lady Divone, Ragz, Kalivar, Rozy, Ardnael, Gramelfein, Ordim, Lord Nestrane, Windye, Ineum, Lady Luxelle, Master Gasen, Siierra, Maags, Sentral, Lord Taenarion, Ralhn, Sir Aydan, Aubriella, Fleurs, Jemiquist, Archales, Zarston, Lorekeeper Riend
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, out
Riend seems to be waiting for something.
Lorekeeper Riend's group just went out.
[Seethe Naedal, Observatory]
The trail turns here, widening to show a magnificent structure. A tall round building looms above you, seemingly carved from the very rocks of the mountain peak itself. The building is smooth and there are no visible seams to mar the fine craftsmanship. On top of the large building is a curious slitted dome. You also see the Hazado disk, a fat black cat and a large iron door.
Also here: Maiden Istoriel, Rivyrn, Roblar, Lady Mistytwilight, Aranthius, Darklyght, Jaxamicus, Exkain, Briln, Mister Polveiss, Lady Divone, Ragz, Kalivar, Rozy, Ardnael, Gramelfein, Ordim, Lord Nestrane, Windye, Ineum, Lady Luxelle, Master Gasen, Siierra, Maags, Sentral, Lord Taenarion, Ralhn, Sir Aydan, Aubriella, Fleurs, Jemiquist, Archales, Zarston, Seomanthe, Lorekeeper Riend, Hazado, Pub Proprietor Nyatherra, Blade Durakar
Obvious paths: south
Riend nods once.
Lorekeeper Riend's group just entered a large iron door.
[Observatory, Entry Hall]
The building's age becomes evident as you look around this expansive entry hall. Tapestries hang from the tall ceiling and cover most of the walls, and rugs, once rich and vibrant but now faded, cover nearly the entire floor. Strangely, there is no dust or clutter despite the absence of any housekeeping. The chamber is vaguely shaped like a huge piece of pie, the far walls sloping inward to meet at one point, and the wall opposite them curving inward on either side. You also see a steep ladder.
Also here: Maiden Istoriel, Rivyrn, Roblar, Lady Mistytwilight, Aranthius, Darklyght, Jaxamicus, Exkain, Briln, Mister Polveiss, Lady Divone, Ragz, Kalivar, Rozy, Ardnael, Gramelfein, Ordim, Lord Nestrane, Windye, Ineum, Lady Luxelle, Master Gasen, Siierra, Maags, Sentral, Lord Taenarion, Ralhn, Sir Aydan, Aubriella, Fleurs, Jemiquist, Archales, Zarston, Pub Proprietor Nyatherra, Blade Durakar, Seomanthe, Lorekeeper Riend
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, out
Lorekeeper Riend's group just went northeast.
[Observatory, Bedchamber]
A strange feeling of timelessness is evident here, moreso than in the rest of the observatory. The air feels almost stagnant, and very little dust rises as it is disturbed by movement in the room. Silent and still, a richly robed figure lies in a seemingly quiet slumber on the room's lone bed. The figure appears as ageless as the rest of the place, but her skin is dull and grey, and she does not appear to breathe.
Also here: Maiden Istoriel, Rivyrn, Roblar, Lady Mistytwilight, Aranthius, Darklyght, Jaxamicus, Exkain, Briln, Mister Polveiss, Lady Divone, Ragz, Kalivar, Rozy, Ardnael, Gramelfein, Ordim, Lord Nestrane, Windye, Ineum, Lady Luxelle, Master Gasen, Siierra, Maags, Sentral, Lord Taenarion, Ralhn, Sir Aydan, Aubriella, Fleurs, Jemiquist, Archales, Zarston, Pub Proprietor Nyatherra, Blade Durakar, Seomanthe, Lorekeeper Riend
Obvious exits: southwest
Riend glances appraisingly around the room.
Riend gazes with interest at a robed figure on a bed.
>look figure
So complete and convincing is her stasis that the woman appears to be not quite real. Examining more closely, you get the distinct impression that somehow this person is alive, but held in a suspended state.
Riend quietly begins, "Here lies Miss Beth, daughter of Shara and Boronin Kae'Tanan, once Sage of Ta'Illistim."
Riend indicates a robed figure as a possible option.
Riend softly observes, "She does not wake, nor do any know the cause or cure to that which ails her. She simply sleeps, suspended in time... never aging, never dying."
Riend lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Riend quietly says, "I wish to read to you this evening from the personal journal of Boronin Kae'Tanan, a few details regarding the mysterious ailment that claimed the lives of his wife and daughter."
Riend removes a weathered pavonated leather tome from in her blossom-framed case.
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend glances up.
Riend glances at a weathered pavonated leather tome in her hand.
Riend clears her throat.
Riend slowly begins, "First of Ivastaen, 4894. The Observatory is nearly complete! The great hand-tooled coraesine tube arrived only yesterday, and the entire group was most excited. My wife Shara, expecting our first-born, sat quietly whilst I bustled about making sure that nothing harmed the magnificent structure, or the great telescope itself. I could see her amused look out of the corner of my eye as I fussed over each detail Only she could see my obsession as amusing."
Riend evenly continues, "Thirteenth of Ivastaen, 4894. Success! The eyepiece is finally calibrated and attached to the rest of the instrument and we were able to make our first viewing today! The view was breathtaking. Since it was daylight I merely tilted the telescope downward and gazed upon the magnificent scenery below. Shara complained that I was spying, but it wasn't my fault that the spring festival just happened to be going on at the same time and direction I was looking!"
Riend shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
Riend chuckles to herself.
Riend softly says, "First of Lumnea, 4894. What a glorious heaven we live under. Stars twinkle just beyond my eyesight. The Great Moon shines as brightly as the sun, and I can make out distant features never before seen. There is so much to look upon I don't know where to start."
Riend flips back to the previous page of her tome.
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend furrows her brow.
Speaking to herself, Riend mumbles, "Honestly... half of this looks dwarven."
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend says, "Ah... yes."
Riend dubiously reads, "Fifteenth of Lumnea, 4894. Shara has been quiet lately. Perhaps she waits for my excitement to ebb. I must try to make more time for her, but there is so much left to do and see."
Riend worriedly laments, "Twenty-ninth of Lumnea, 4894. Oh I am a fool. Shara's quiet is not considerate respect, but instead marks some other problem. She appears listless and tired, yet her skin is flush and healthy, and the baby grows and moves within her yet. I will send word to the healers that there may be trouble. Perhaps they may help."
Riend blinks.
Riend flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.
Speaking sheepishly to Gasen, Riend says, "The handwriting is... somewhat difficult to decipher at times."
Riend shows Gasen her leather tome.
Speaking to Gasen, Riend notes, "See there? I cannot tell if that is an "H" or a crudely depicted rolton."
Riend shakes her head.
Riend taps a weathered pavonated leather tome, which is in her right hand.
Riend glances up.
Riend nods appreciatively at Luxelle.
Riend says, "Yes, yes... healers."
Riend fretfully continues, "Fifth of Koaratos, 4894. The healers are no help, and Shara's condition worsens. The baby is due soon, and we hope that its arrival will enable her to begin her recovery. I fear the worst, but try not to show Shara that I have doubts."
The pudgy dormouse finds a random scrap of trash on the floor and proceeds to chew it into an unidentifiable mess of shredded fragments.
Riend furrows her brow.
Riend sadly says, "Twentieth of Koaratos, 4894. Today marks the beginning of the life of my daughter Beth, and the end of the life of my love, Shara. I will cherish and treasure thee all my days, and treasure your gift to me all of my life."
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend slowly reads, "Twentieth of Koaratos, 4898. It is four years my love. Four years ago today you bestowed your gift to me. Our Beth grows strong and fine, looking more and more like you each day. Her bright smile brings me through each day we're no longer together."
Riend sighs softly.
Riend proudly continues, "Seventh of Imaerasta, 4900. I named a constellation after you today. It is deep within the northern sky in winter, and low on the horizon. Shara'Naesta, the breath of Shara. Beth continues to grow fine and strong. She helps around the observatory, and is showing an uncanny aptitude at pointing the telescope in just the right spot. I am very proud of her."
Riend smiles quietly to herself.
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend thoughtfully says, "Eighteenth of Eorgaen, 4904. Beth grows so quickly, it is hard to imagine so many years have passed. I must try to find a way for her to meet other people however. She is beginning to ask questions that I have no answer for, and needs to know the world a bit."
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend observes, "Twenty-Sixth of Koaratos, 4914. Beth returned home today from her studies abroad. My heart was swollen with pride as I gazed upon her walking up the path. But as she grew near I saw it then. That same tired, listless look I saw in her mother. That terrible, life eating disease had come for her, as I feared it would."
Riend raises her hand.
Riend firmly adds, "But this time I was ready. I have not yet found a cure for the disease, however I can slow its advance. I know that there is no way to keep the symptoms at bay, so my only course is to attempt to arrest the disease in its course."
Riend squints at a weathered pavonated leather tome.
Riend slowly reads, "Thirtieth of Koaratos, 4914. Beth has reviewed my notes and has reluctantly agreed in the undertaking. We will work together in determining the correct mixtures and incantations required to make the potion of stasis. Already my early works are showing promise. I have successfully safeguarded many of my more delicate papers, including this manuscript, from the passage of time. It is my hope that whomever finds my research material after I am gone will be able to continue."
Riend pushes her rectangular fel glasses up on the bridge of her nose with one finger.
Riend takes a deep breath.
Riend softly says, "First of Ivastaen, 4916. Beth and I could no longer delay. The disease has begun to spread and is now affecting her motor nerves and ability to balance. With great sorrow, we administered what we believe to be the correct dosage of potion to place her in a suspended state. I then spoke the Words of Sealing and it was done. My daughter now is between time, and I renew my search for the cure."
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
(Riend scans the page of her leather tome, deep in thought.)
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend nods faintly.
Riend marvels, "Eleventh of Eorgaen, 4921. She lies yet still, and seemingly unaware of the passage of time. I hope that her dreams are pleasant, and she wants for nothing. My search has led me to many distant lands, but I have found very little information from the cultures I have visited. The disease attacks the nervous system somehow but the key bit of knowledge I need still eludes me. Perhaps it is right in front of me, waiting for me to see what is in front of my face. But so far, nothing."
Riend slowly empties her lungs.
Riend tiredly reads, "Sixth of Olaesta, 4923. I fear that the number of mornings I have seen far outnumber the mornings I have left to see, and I still have not made the progress I had hoped for. Beth still lingers in her stasis, so I at least am comforted in knowing that she will live on past my own mortal failing. Perhaps someone may come behind me and finish my work. But until the last morning, I will continue to search."
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend shakes her head.
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend turns to the next page of her tome.
Riend blinks.
Riend nods.
Riend slowly empties her lungs.
Riend regretfully says, "Twenty-second of Jastatos, 4955. I have failed. The twilight of my last day is upon me, and I am no closer to Beth's cure than I was over thirty years ago. I am deeply sorry my child. My only hope in your restoration is to leave what notes I can and hope that someone continues in my work. I will scatter my writings as far and wide as I may, so that if this great observatory should perish, the work will not be totally lost."
Riend bites her lip.
Riend stipulates, "I will seal the observatory so that only the most learned will reach this place, for it is the scholarly that I will beseech from beyond the grave."
Riend quietly prays, "I beseech thee..."
Riend softly whispers aloud, "Save my child."
Riend closes her eyes for a moment.
Riend adds, "The late Lord Caylio was the most recent of scholars to study this journal and the findings of Boronin."
Riend inclines her head.
Riend says, "It is my pleasure to tell the tale."
Riend remarks, "Perhaps someday, someone will take up the study and perhaps prove one of the prevailing theories true."
Riend carefully placed a weathered pavonated leather tome in her blossom-framed case.
~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, World Development