Can we create a device in forging workshops that allows us to take the scrap bars the we have i.e. 1, 2, 3 or whatever lbs of slab material we have and forge weld them back into a single workable slab? In essence the opposite function of the slab-cutter? It wouldn't be giving us material we didn't already have, it would just allow us to combine them back to a weight useable for a desired piece attempt. It would make 1lb pieces useful too in that we could weld those back together and at-least make a dagger attempt rather than just tossing it in the bin.
-Perigourd's Player.
Re: Forge Welding
01/04/2022 04:13 PM CST
That idea was to be part of smelting that has
a) never made it to the drawing board
b) never found a home (sits too far down on the list of things they care about devoting time to)
c) too much of a pain to implement and was scrubbed
Or maybe some other reason I can't think of. It's been asked for multiple times, ever since forging was introduced to the game.
Some folks even hung on to the 1 lb slab bars in hopes that they could smelt enough back together to make a useable slab, especially for the rare metals. I wonder if they still hold on to those 1 pounds pieces to this day.
a) never made it to the drawing board
b) never found a home (sits too far down on the list of things they care about devoting time to)
c) too much of a pain to implement and was scrubbed
Or maybe some other reason I can't think of. It's been asked for multiple times, ever since forging was introduced to the game.
Some folks even hung on to the 1 lb slab bars in hopes that they could smelt enough back together to make a useable slab, especially for the rare metals. I wonder if they still hold on to those 1 pounds pieces to this day.
Re: Forge Welding
01/04/2022 05:16 PM CST
Much as I would like this idea to be implemented.... I'd settle for spears and a few of the brawling weapons adjusted to only require 1lb of metal so we can have a use for the scraps.
Well, that and weapon weights in general just make absolutely no sense in GS. Either a pound in GS is way lighter than an RL pound or whoever assigned the base weights never had any actual melee combat experience.....
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Well, that and weapon weights in general just make absolutely no sense in GS. Either a pound in GS is way lighter than an RL pound or whoever assigned the base weights never had any actual melee combat experience.....
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.