Today when I went to redeem my premium prize win for an EZ script, the GM who assisted with my referral told me my idea (see below) was not allowed. The reason given was that EZ scripts could not be made to create magical or magic like effects, even if they are completely fluff and resolve within the action itself.
This was my request:
The item is 'a twice wrapped indigo elesine sash with a subdued golden weft'
Third Person: [Player's] eyes narrow as an intense storm brews behind them. A fierce gale swirls to life around him, causing his indigo elesine sash to billow in the raging zephyr, aquamarine sparks flickering dangerously along its golden-sheened weft until the squall fades as suddenly as it came.
The effect doesn't impose any thoughts or feelings on anyone else. The effect doesn't persist beyond the action itself. In my particular interaction the GM gave no advice on how the idea could be altered or trimmed down. Nor was it sent on to QC to see if someone in QC would help me design it. Instead, it was simply rejected.
I can point to several existing items, some made for players via EZ script and some that were distributed from staff in one form or another that have magical effects that they conjure.
My first question, is this policy accurate? I cannot create fluff magical effects with an EZ script?
I assume the issue might be more specifically there is nothing 'magical' about a sash. But why would it be necessary to assume the sash cannot be made magical? This is an expensive premium points option. It costs a year's worth of points for just ONE verb trap on an item. If the effects are stifled to only extraordinarily mundane effects then I think it fails to provide value. Compared to things sold regularly in each and every festival, if a player is going to spend that level of investment into something, it should give some significant return, not be a lesser version of what GMs make regularly.
Secondly, can this policy be looked at if it is accurate? I can...right now...walk into a shop in DR and buy a hat with a monkey's ghost in it that can do all sort of magical effects. Last year I could get Whisper Cloaks that had clear magical effects in otherwise mundane things. There was/is a monocole that lets me see people's convert status. These are just a few items in the game that exist that clearly have no outward reason to be magical, but are.
Gemstone exists in a magical world and this particular policy, if accurate, stifles the one area of the game where a player can have some level of customization over what a prop can do. The restriction feels like a very old policy from an era of the game that is no longer around.
Thank you for reading.
Re: EZ Script guidelines
02/20/2022 03:04 PM CST
>My first question is, is this policy accurate? I cannot create fluff magical effects with an EZ script?
Yes, this policy is accurate as this is not the intent of ezscripts.
>Secondly, can this policy be looked at if it is accurate?
I can't speak for what the Premium team intended or doesn't intend. Yes, I know that you can buy a shroud that has the spirit of a dead person it, but you are negating the intent of the item you a purchasing by dismissing it as "well, this shroud has magic" or "this monocle does x, y, z". In your examples, you are mentioning items that are already magical.
The intent of ezscripts is not to "create" magical items, but to give you the ability to have them do something you would like the item to do. Examples are:
Finding a loose thread on your elesine sash, you pluck it free and then inspect the length for any pulls in the weave.
You adjust the knot on your elesine sash, ensuring as you do that it is neither too tight or too loose.
Hooking your thumbs in your elesine sash, you gaze about with a look of determination.
Those times of things.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
SGM of Events
>My first question is, is this policy accurate? I cannot create fluff magical effects with an EZ script?
Yes, this policy is accurate as this is not the intent of ezscripts.
>Secondly, can this policy be looked at if it is accurate?
I can't speak for what the Premium team intended or doesn't intend. Yes, I know that you can buy a shroud that has the spirit of a dead person it, but you are negating the intent of the item you a purchasing by dismissing it as "well, this shroud has magic" or "this monocle does x, y, z". In your examples, you are mentioning items that are already magical.
The intent of ezscripts is not to "create" magical items, but to give you the ability to have them do something you would like the item to do. Examples are:
Finding a loose thread on your elesine sash, you pluck it free and then inspect the length for any pulls in the weave.
You adjust the knot on your elesine sash, ensuring as you do that it is neither too tight or too loose.
Hooking your thumbs in your elesine sash, you gaze about with a look of determination.
Those times of things.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
SGM of Events
Re: EZ Script guidelines
04/09/2022 03:55 AM CDT
Piggy backing on Ptolemy's post but I was wondering if it was possible to EZscript an item that is neither worn nor held. I am thinking in particular about an interaction with something placed on the floor (not in the AT FEET slot).
Hoping this might be allowed!
>> (prime)
Hoping this might be allowed!
>> (prime)