WEALTH/SILVER Update 04/22/2021 02:25 PM CDT
You have 42,834 coins with you.
You are carrying Mist Harbor promissory notes valued at a total of 12,828 silver.
You are carrying 1,000 coins stored within your coin pouch.
You are carrying 50,021,170 coins stored within your coin hand.
You are carrying 14,148 coins stored within your gambling kit.
You are carrying 150,000 coins stored within your bankpack.
You are carrying 50,241,980 silver between notes and coins.

Coin hands, gambling kits, and bankpacks have been added. Items need to be in hand or worn to show up.

Wyrom, PM
Re: WEALTH/SILVER Update 04/22/2021 02:52 PM CDT
Sweet thanks Wyrom. Love the coin hand, and wealth tracking updates. Since vast majority of the time, coin hands are in a container (not being held), is it feasible to make wealth/silvers work with that when stored? Otherwise we are missing some of the possible benefits here.
Re: WEALTH/SILVER Update 04/22/2021 03:04 PM CDT
>>Sweet thanks Wyrom. Love the coin hand, and wealth tracking updates. Since vast majority of the time, coin hands are in a container (not being held), is it feasible to make wealth/silvers work with that when stored? Otherwise we are missing some of the possible benefits here.

Working on another solution for coin hands as I type this. Having a full recursive loop can be expensive to do, and a lot of players like to tuck things into multiple containers deep (I learned this with scrip pouches), so I'd like to avoid that.

Wyrom, PM
Re: WEALTH/SILVER Update 04/22/2021 03:34 PM CDT
I see your other solution and love it!