Isn't it long past time to completely do away with innate foraging bonuses?
Foraging requires a skill check based on skills with varying training point costs that have been intentionally assigned to varying professions to make them better or worse at foraging. To then stack an additional bonus or penalty upon these existing training point costs is redundant.
These profession based modifiers are a relic of 20 years ago, did I say 20? I meant 25. A quarter century. Back then empaths, because of their healing needs, and rangers because of their professional definition, were given the strongest bonuses. Then squares because they got injured a lot in battle so were seen to have a higher need for field foraging. Then semis, then elemental pures. But in the 25 years since foraging needs have completely changed with alchemy requiring additional foraging by pures, and the adventurer's guild requiring more foraging for everyone.
But these professional based bonuses were redundant even then and poor game design even then.
You recently as I recall redid skinning bonuses based on using something with the noun "knife" which was another old relic of a mechanic. This is sort of in the same vein.
Maybe at some point you have gotten rid of these biases in the foraging system and it simply wasn't really announced. But I think they're still there, and they serve no purpose. Just get rid of them and let the training choices of individual characters account for the difference in foraging abilities.